Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1484 1484 [Everyone agrees to the gin after knocking it]

Jiang Xia: "?"

After Conan finished speaking, he turned around and ran to get information.

But when he turned around, he unexpectedly saw another person behind him - Hui Yuan Ai was standing quietly behind him, his eyes were dark, and he didn't know how long he had been here.

Judging from the distance from where she was standing, she probably heard part of the conversation.

"!" When I think about the body of Haiyuan Ai, a primary school student, she is actually a woman close to adulthood, and then think about the topic I just pulled Jiang Xia to talk about...

Conan suddenly became embarrassed and pretended to be calm: "Well, you misunderstood, we were just having a scientific discussion..."

Haiyuan Ai Lian's eyes looked as if he wanted to eat someone: "Pervert!"

Even if she was a pervert, she actually wanted to bring Jiang Xia to a strange realm. It was really crazy... The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She couldn't help but punch Conan on the head.

Jiang Xia was stunned: "..." Uncle Maoli knocked on Conan's head, and he couldn't stop him in time. How come a weak girl like Haiyuan Ai hit Conan on the head, and he couldn't see the speed at the same time?

After thinking about it, Jiang Xia suddenly reached out and punched Conan on the head.

Conan: "???"

Jiang Xia looked at his hand thoughtfully: it felt really good, and the tapping process was extremely smooth. No wonder everyone liked to tap his head.

Speaking of which, Gin once knocked Kudo Shinichi on the head - could it be that Gin felt refreshed when the stick was struck, so he didn't shoot Kudo Shinichi to death or strangle him to death? Did he choose a more elegant poison?

Conan silently rubbed his battered head.

Next to her, Hui Yuan Ai noticed something was wrong with Jiang Xia's expression. She looked over keenly: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xia came to his senses, put the strange conjecture out of his mind, and got down to business: "Nothing. In fact, Conan was right just now. We were discussing the location where the prisoner hid the murder weapon."

"Discussing the location of the murder weapon, why..." Haiyuan Ai was halfway through, and suddenly understood, "The murder weapon is a needle-shaped object similar to an ice pick, or a piece of sharpened steel wire... In other words, do you think the murder weapon is actually It’s the wire that holds up the shape of the underwear, and now it’s been stuffed back into the underwear by the murderer, so it’s hard to find?!”

Jiang Xia nodded.

"That's it." Hui Yuan Ai marveled at the prisoner's imagination for a while.

After a moment, she came back to her senses, lowered her voice, her face turned slightly red, but her voice was still cold and cold, as if she was discussing serious academic issues: "If that's the case, you don't have to ask anyone else - there is indeed such a tightrope. Inside. This technique can be done."

When three people were discussing serious topics like thieves.


Inspector Asaph was so busy trying to start a fight that his head was pounding.

After finally separating the two male suspects temporarily, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, he looked aside and suddenly found that the detective was playing with the child during such a busy time.

"?" Inspector Asa felt that this was not possible. He wanted to drag Jiang Xia into the center of the whirlpool of the case. "Detective! What do you think?"

"Huh?" Jiang Xia turned to look at him - before, he had thought that this British policeman was not very friendly and looked aloof as he did not want him to participate in the case. Unexpectedly, less than half an hour later, Inspector Asa also turned into the shape of the Memu Police Department.

Jiang Xia carefully observed the two male suspects and found that after such a period of time, they seemed to have calmed down and no longer continued to show murderous aura.

So he got up and walked closer, planning to get off work and pick up the ghost and murderous spirit that should be taken: "As for the murderer, we have already discussed the result."

Inspector Asaph: "Discuss?"... Discuss with whom, those two first-grade brats? This little detective couldn't be entertaining him.

Lu Nuosheng is full of expectations for Jiang Xia.

After all, there was an exchange of business cards, and Jiang Xia had a long history of success in solving crimes, so he immediately came over and said, "Tell them quickly, the murderer is not me!"

"It's indeed not you." Jiang Xia nodded and looked at the British passenger. "During that time, Mr. Saginuma was indeed sleeping in his seat."

The British passenger's expression changed slightly.

Inspector Asa also felt something in his heart: "So the liar is actually Mr. Edward?"

He said it very tactfully. Because in this case, the person who deliberately lied was probably the murderer - in other words, Jiang Xia seemed to think the murderer was Edward.

Jiang Xia touched his chin, gathered up his detective power, and tried to be a Riddler who was easily hated: "Mr. Edward did tell some lies."

All eyes immediately fell on the British passengers.


A bead of sweat slowly formed on Edward's forehead.

He was silent for a long time, and seemed to realize that if he continued to conceal it, he might be regarded as the murderer, so he had no choice but to speak in a deep voice:

“My trip to Tokyo this time was actually not to attend the auction, but to buy the film of the deceased as ordered.

"But I didn't kill anyone. When I entered the bathroom, he was already dead!

"Although we made an appointment to conduct a transaction, I actually don't trust the deceased's character very much - if he filmed the scene of the transaction and then treated it as news and sold it together with the handle he had photographed before, then that would be The matter became even more certain.

“And it’s harder to hide cameras in airplane restrooms than elsewhere.

“So when I accidentally discovered that the deceased had gone to the bathroom, I thought it was a good opportunity to trade, so I took the time to follow him and check out the situation.

“Unexpectedly, after I got to the bathroom, no matter how hard I knocked on the door, no one answered.

"I tried to open the door, pushed it open and looked inside. I saw the photographer sitting on the closed toilet seat, dead."

Conan thought of the strangely wet pocket of the deceased: "So you went into the bathroom and searched for the film on him. And when you put your hand into his left pocket, you suddenly realized that the perfume you sprayed on your wrist was stained with it. to the deceased.

"To avoid suspicion, you hastily wiped the deceased's inner pocket with a wet handkerchief... No wonder the deceased's hands and sleeves were dry, but the pocket was wet."

Edward glanced at him and nodded shamelessly, muttering to himself that the detective would teach such a thing to a child indiscriminately.

At the same time, he sped up his speech, wanting to end the topic gracefully as soon as possible: "While checking the situation in the toilet, I suddenly heard someone knocking on the door outside. The person knocked while calling the name of the deceased, who seemed to be his companion.

"I was afraid that she would come in, so I had to pretend to be calm and knock back. Fortunately, the person was easy to fool and really thought it was the deceased who was responding inside, so he left quickly. After that, I immediately returned to my seat. .”

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