Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1486 1486 [Okiya Subaru: I poison myself] Please vote for me

Chapter 1486 1486 [Okiya Subaru: I poison myself] Please vote for me monthly ヽ(〃〃)~


There was dead silence.

After a few seconds, Tachikawa Chizuru came back to her senses. She looked at her friend in shock: "Impossible! Ikaruga is Otaka's girlfriend, how could she kill him! There must be some misunderstanding..."

Her voice trailed off.

Because Amano Ikaruga showed a helpless smile, with that expression, he seemed to have accepted the detective's reasoning.

Usually when the atmosphere reaches this point, it seems that the next step is for the murderer to give up his defense, throw out the key evidence, and then kneel down to reveal the secret behind the case.

But this time, the situation is obviously special.

Amano Ikaruga pressed his armpit, and finally just sighed: "It was indeed me who killed him."

"Why?!" Tachikawa Chizuru couldn't understand. In her impression, the two people had always been in harmony. Although Ohtaka and Hiroshi sometimes spoke very badly, they didn't seem to be to the point of being killed.

However, Amano Ikaruga was clearly determined to kill, and she said with hatred: "Why? Of course it's because of the photo he won the award four years ago!"

Tachikawa Chizuru was stunned: "Weren't you impressed by that photo, so you dated him? Could it be..." She suddenly had an idea, "Could it be the film he stole from you?"

Jiang Xia couldn't help but glance at her: "..." This photographer looks very experienced. Does he live in Mihua Town?

Amano Ikaruga didn't expect her to think so wildly. He was startled for a moment before shaking his head: "Because of that photo, Otaka Kazuhiro fell in love with that kind of disaster shooting, and he said that only he could capture that kind of despair. beautiful.

"I thought he was an artist, but after we started dating, I accidentally discovered that he is simply a demon who brings despair! I found many photos in his house, all of which were about the burned apartment. Among those photos , the fire started from scratch... He was the one who set the fire! My brother also died in that fire, this bastard, he must die!"

Another sad reason for killing.

Hui Yuan Ai sighed with complicated emotions. Suddenly he remembered something and turned to look at Jiang Xia suspiciously: "How do you know the murder weapon is hidden in a place like that? Who told you?"

Jiang Xia: "..."

He turned to look at Conan.

Conan: "???" It's none of my business! Obviously you have thought of it too!

Remembering that Ashfield's Waihammer still hurt, Conan touched his head and stopped being the Riddler:

"Just now, when Ms. Amano reached for the luggage on the luggage rack above her head, she suddenly shrank her hand. When she raised it again, she switched to using her left hand to pick up the luggage - the end of the wire was very sharp, so she should have raised her hand. When I was walking, I suddenly remembered that the murder weapon was hidden in the clothes on the right side, and I was worried that the skin would be pierced, so I instinctively withdrew my hand."

"...Tanaka, Tanaka! Hey, wake up!"

A voice sounded from the side.

In a daze, Okiya Subaru felt familiar when he heard this last name.

It took a while before his slow brain remembered that this seemed to be the false name he had adopted when running away this time.

...Wait, run away?

The next moment, all kinds of memories before falling into drowsiness flooded into his mind, and Subaru Okiya opened his eyes suddenly.

Then he was extremely shocked to find that he was still alive.

Okiya Subaru looked down at himself, his eyes full of disbelief: "..." How is this possible? !

"Are you okay? Why are you so tired? Is this your first long-distance flight?"

The crew member in the front row held the back of his chair and turned to talk to him: "Xingxing, get ready to work. The plane has arrived. We can leave after the police finish handling the matters on the plane."

Okiya Subaru couldn't recover at all. He stayed for a long time before asking: "Am I not dead?"

"Ah?" The colleague was startled and laughed, "You must have had a nightmare! This is true if you don't sleep well on the plane. Let me guess, did you dream about the plane crash?"

Okiya Subaru: "..." What do you know! Much scarier than a plane crash! ! It's Uzo here! !

There is still a slight chance of survival after the crash, but if Uzo is targeting...

Okiya Subaru's mind was buzzing.

After buzzing for a while, his mind finally recovered, and he gradually felt that something was wrong.

——There is no trace of Uzo’s existence around. He looked down at himself and found that his arms were still arms, legs were still legs, nothing was missing. It really seemed like he had just slept.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Could it be that his colleagues were right and that it was actually just a nightmare within a nightmare?

But the feeling of being poisoned by Uzo is so real... What on earth is going on? !

Just when he doubted his life.

The plane stopped and the door opened.

However, the flight attendant did not organize the passengers to disembark. Instead, a group of British police rushed up.

Okiya Subaru: "...?"

He lost the ability to think and his mind went blank. He watched silently as the police approached, then silently watched as they passed him and walked toward the back... and then he took out a body from the bathroom.

The wrapped body passed by Okiya Subaru. He turned his head blankly and saw a vague glimpse of a knitted hat.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Knitted hat? ?

red--! !


Mr. Akai was still in Tokyo at this time and there was no way he would die on this plane.

This body should be the male passenger who blew smoke at Jiang Xia when the plane took off and offended everyone around him.

...Is he really dead?

The police took away the suspect, took photos and collected evidence, and then let him off the plane.

The passengers gradually put this unexpected murder behind them and began to plan to go home.

But Subaru Okiya is still wondering: What does this matter have to do with Usa.

My head almost exploded thinking about it. After enduring for a long time, Okiya Subaru finally couldn't help but politely asked the people nearby, "Have you seen a curly-haired man in black wearing sunglasses?"

"No, I happened to be awake at that time. If someone like that appeared nearby, I would definitely notice it - it wasn't just me. The cabin was so dark at the time. Who wouldn't take a second look at someone wearing sunglasses?

"Now that no one has seen it, it means that there is no such person. Oh, you, take something to help you sleep. Nightmares can seriously affect the quality of sleep. We have a lot of work to do next."

A colleague said so.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

He frowned slightly and pondered for a moment. Suddenly he remembered something and took out the code cup that had been hidden in his clothes.

When he opened it, he saw that a small amount of water had gone down - he had actually drank the water in the glass on the plane.

Various contradictory facts made Subaru Okiya feel like he was trapped in a fog full of death.

This feeling of panic is unbearable. Suddenly he gritted his teeth, raised the cup, and drank all the remaining water with a death-like expression.

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