Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1498 1498 [The stage of the man in black? 】

——The same toilet, the same corpse sitting on the toilet, and even the sad expression of the person who rushed towards it was exactly the same, it was almost as if it had been rehearsed in advance.

Conan: "..." Wait, rehearsal? !

This word that flashed across him unintentionally made him tense up instinctively - when it comes to "rehearsal", it is inevitable to think of drama and the stage.

And if I remember correctly, when the mysterious woman in black handed him her passport, she once said that "an actor who escapes from the stage has no value." Could it be that these two cases... will be related to "that gentleman" she said "Relevant?" !

The joy of visiting Sherlock Holmes's former residence gradually faded. Conan pressed his forehead and began to try to recall every detail on the plane, trying to find clues.

However nothing was found.

Conan: "..." No matter how you look at it, this is a very normal case, no different from the cases we usually encounter. Even the clues to the crime occurred four years ago, making it difficult to manipulate.

In addition, going back further, it is actually not only these two cases, but also many similar scenes in other cases.

If we have to talk about something in common, the only thing these two cases have in common is that the deceased died on the toilet seat.

Conan: "..." The key word can't be "toilet seat". The big shot behind the lady in black doesn't look like such an unscrupulous person.

...Is it just that I think too much?

Next to it, in the public toilet at the crime scene.

The abnormality of a child did not attract much attention from the police.

Inspector Asa received a new clue and was intently asking the deceased's companion: "Did you make an appointment with her to go out together today?"

Zhuangtang Weijia nodded and wiped a few tears from the corners of his eyes: "We made an appointment to meet at that coffee shop at one o'clock at noon."

Inspector Asa stared at her: "After meeting, you came to this public toilet with her?"

Zhuangtang Weijia raised her head in surprise: "Of course not! I haven't even seen her today."

Inspector Asa was suspicious: "Never seen it before? But you just said you had an appointment!"

Mao Lilan felt a little soft-hearted when she saw Zhuangtang Weijia's tears. She realized that Inspector Asa had misunderstood, and she helped explain:

"In fact, not long after the deceased entered the store, he went out to the restroom outside the store. After more than ten minutes, the lady came into the store and waited for her. She did not leave until we finished eating. Of course, the deceased never went back. ."

Zhuangtang Weijia nodded repeatedly:

"I waited in the store for a long time, but couldn't wait for her. I heard that she had gone to the bathroom, and I asked the store clerk to take a look, but there was no one there at all.

"Because Weihong has an out-of-the-box temperament and always thinks of things like a child. I thought she had gone shopping nearby on an impromptu trip, and I was a little angry. I kept calling her to urge her, but no one answered. Unexpectedly... …”

As she spoke, she looked at the pale corpse in the compartment, and tears fell again.

"You haven't seen her today?" This made Inspector Asa feel a little discouraged. He confirmed again and again, "You really never left the coffee shop?"

"No." Zhuangtang Weijia cried, "If I leave too, she will be angry when she comes back. And actually I am also at fault - the road is too busy, I am ten minutes late. If I could have arrived earlier, maybe I wouldn't have This is going to happen. So I kept waiting for her in the store until I received your call, and then I hurried over."

Jiang Xia listened to the news that came along the pattern seal, and secretly pushed forward: "Anyway, let's go to that cafe first."

Inspector Asa nodded, checked the location of the coffee shop on the map, and agreed: "If what this lady said is true, then she has no suspicion at all - ten minutes is not enough time to get from the coffee shop." He went to this park to kill someone, and then went back after killing him."

It takes nearly thirty minutes to go back and forth from the cafe to the public restroom in the park, and fifteen minutes one way.

In other words, when Zhuangtang Weijia appeared in the cafe, the deceased had just walked to the park toilet. If Zhuangtang Weijia was the real murderer, she would not have had time to return to the coffee shop after the murder to "keep an appointment."

Inspector Asa selected a few young police officers and planned to go to the coffee shop to check together, while other police officers continued to stay at the crime scene to collect clues.

As a group of people passed by an open compartment.

Hui Yuan Ai turned around and glanced at the body, suddenly noticed something, and frowned in confusion.

Jiang Xia glanced sharply: "What's wrong?"

Hui Yuan Ai thought for a while, then raised her hand to show off her young fingers: "Wearing this kind of clothes, you usually need black or white nails, but her nails were not treated in any way - put on a girl wearing a goth It’s so unprofessional for a lolita to pretend to be a ‘professional’ while shopping.”

Mao Lilan couldn't help but look over: "Xiao Ai's observation skills are really strong." Moreover, such a young child actually knows more about gothic lolita costumes than she does. Today’s children have really amazing hobbies…

Conan was thoughtful and asked Sheriff Anna who stayed at the scene: "Are there any fake nails near the scene? They are the kind of black or white plastic pieces that can be attached to the nail caps."

Anna was startled and laughed loudly: "Little brother, you know so much, you actually know about fake nails - has an older sister put them on for you?"

Conan was too lazy to explain and planned to blame him directly: "I am Ting Jiang..."


Jiang Xia knocked on Conan's head and manually muted the primary school student who was smearing other people's reputations.

Then he blamed him: "It is true that some people like to dress him up as a doll."

Speaking of which, if Conan is packaged and given to Belmode, she will definitely have a great time... I think about it, let it go. After all, when she is happy, her murderous intention will be reduced.

Next to her, Anna smiled even more happily: "No wonder! He actually knows more about these dressing things than me."

Conan rubbed his head: "..." Damn it, this is slander, you are slandering me!

...However, I remembered the flash of thought before. He always felt that this case might be very important.

Thinking like this, Conan silently recited "Conan and Kudo Shinichi have nothing to do" several times in his mind.

Then he skipped the topic with humiliation and returned to business: "So did you find the fake nails?"

Sheriff Anna shook his head and shook his notepad: "Of course not. If there were, I would have written it down long ago."

"But the sewers haven't been searched yet. If the fake nails really exist, they might have been washed away by the murderer." As she said that, she looked at Jiang Xia and blinked, "Don't worry, if I find it, I will contact you as soon as possible. "

"Thank you very much." Jiang Xia touched the newly obtained business card in his pocket, "But speaking of which, I remember that when I first entered the store, the goth lolita's hands were the original ones without painted nails."

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