Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 134 The winery’s new shark player and his code name

Jiang Xia returned the topic without changing her expression: "I didn't expect it to actually succeed, so I didn't have time to report it."

Vodka always felt that there were loopholes, but after tasting Jiangxia's words, he felt that they made sense. The two ideas were in conflict, and his mind was stuck for a while, so he simply gave up thinking and entered the nodding mode: "Indeed..."

Jiang Xia praised: "Speaking of which, you gave me this task specifically as an assessment, probably because Mr. Chimura has been here before. I didn't expect that our assassination ideas were so consistent."

Gin: "..." Actually no, the missions are randomly assigned.

And for them, assassination is assassination, and they have never considered such a roundabout method.

However, for the sake of the organization's face, Gin would certainly not tell such a thing.

He nodded: "You go back, don't leave Tokyo these days."

Jiang Xia responded, got up and went out.

The door clicked shut.

Vodka stared at the door for a while, and then gradually came back to his senses. He still felt that something was wrong: "Boss, do you think this is just an ordinary coincidence? Maybe Chicun Gongjiang wanted to kill her husband, but Jiang Xia happened to arrive. On..."

Gin sneered: "Do you really believe this is a coincidence?"

Vodka nodded: "It's not impossible." I heard that where the detective appears, there will be more murders than elsewhere...

Gin Jiu snorted at his naivety: "Haven't you ever thought about why Jiang Xia suddenly became a detective and could accurately solve the case in a very short time every time? In the words of those media - it's like 'Seeing through the criminal's script'."

Vodka really didn't come to mind. In his opinion, does this need to be considered? It must be because Jiang Xia has been having bad luck recently, so cases are hitting him one after another.

But Vodka did not speak, because his elder brother seemed to have other opinions——

"Even if there are clues that look exactly the same, there are countless possibilities for their causes." Gin picked up the teacup, poured out some water, and asked Vodka, "Where did the water on the ground come from?"

"...?" Vodka wanted to see if his elder brother had a fever, but he didn't dare, so he could only answer honestly, "You just poured it."

Gin nodded: "The water stains that suddenly appeared on the ground may be the water flowing from the umbrella, or the waiter did not hold the teapot firmly when he passed by, or of course it may be caused by someone pouring the water - the person pouring the water may be you or me, Or anyone passing by, but when I asked you, you immediately said it was me."

Vodka always felt that Gin's words were like questioning, and he reflexively took the blame: "Then... was I the one who poured it?"

Gin: "..."

He paused, pretending not to hear anything, and continued: "Because you 'saw' my movements."

Vodka was startled.

Reconnecting with what Ginjiu said before, he thought hard for a while and finally realized: "You want to say that Jiang Xia can find the 'truth' from countless behaviors corresponding to certain clues in just a few seconds. That's not true. Because his intuition was accurate, but he 'saw' the causes of those clues beforehand?"

"That's right." Gin leaned back in his chair and lit a cigarette. "Not only did he see it, but maybe even the 'script' was created and provided by him - just like he did with Kimura Ikemura."

Vodka recalled the number of cases Jiang Xia solved, and suddenly felt a chill in his back: "He is actually using murder to improve his detective qualifications. No wonder the methods of the cases he solved are always very fancy and dramatic, but... there are many This case happened to him accidentally."

Gin sneered and blew out a puff of smoke: "Without his statement just now and just reading this report, can you tell that he had contacted Ikemura Koe beforehand?"

Vodka thought about the contents of the newspaper carefully and broke into a cold sweat: "...can't."

Jiang Xia is too scary. Fortunately, he has a face that looks like a good student, but secretly he is such a ruthless person who kills people without blinking an eye... Is this the next generation of the organization?

At this time, Gin's phone vibrated.

He picked it up and saw a message from Chianti: [Following].

Vodka also caught a glimpse of the situation, and he was startled: "Is there any other mission?" Chianti is a sniper in the organization, and Gin often looks for her when performing assassination missions. But now, isn't Ikemura Isao dead...

"I asked her and Cohen to take turns to keep an eye on Jiang Xia." Gin saw the doubts of his number one younger brother, "Jiang Xia has done many similar killing exercises before, and there should be some ways to distinguish herself, but Ikemura Isao and those miscellaneous people before Soldiers are different. Once the police work hard to investigate, or something goes wrong with Chicun Gongjiang, Jiang Xia is at risk of being exposed."

"If exposed, then he is just a smart one-time killer." Gin looked out the window. He secretly took stock of his few available men. Thinking about Jiang Xia again, he couldn't help but have a slight expectation, "If No, then the next time we meet... he will be an official colleague."

When Jiang Xia returned home, she first sent a message to Hui Yuan Ai, telling her not to deliver food these days and not to show off.

Haihara Ai replied briefly [Okay].

After a few minutes, the phone vibrated. Jiang Xia picked it up and found that it was still Haiyuan Ai. This time, there were a few more words: [Pay attention to safety]

Jiang Xia goes back to the past [ok].

Ginjiu has adopted man-to-person measures in the past few days and will definitely investigate carefully, but Jiang Xia is not too worried.

——Ikemura Kimiji will not report him to the police, and it will be useless to report him, because he is really innocent.

In addition, it is not easy to find out the lies Jiang Xia told - he does tinker with the office's newspaper clippings collection every now and then, and friends of Mr. Chimura's friends come here very frequently. After all, her friends add up to ten children. There are many cats, and each one likes to run away from home.

So Jiang Xia continued his daily routine calmly. Only at night, he would put his vision on the foggy dog ​​and drive the ghost out for a circle to see if Chianti and Cohen who were squatting in the distance were gone.

The two snipers were quite dedicated and kept squatting on the roof of the building rain or shine.

After a period of time, one afternoon, Jiang Xia finally received an email with a familiar yet unfamiliar address.

Familiar because he had seen it in spoilers. Strange because the owner of this address sent him an email for the first time.

Jiang Xia opened the email and found that it was indeed from the boss. He passed the organization's assessment.

The boss spent about two lines pouring some soul wine soup into him.

Then his code name was given at the end - OUZO

Jiang Xia: "..." This name sounds so dark...

He silently opened the incognito plug-in, checked online, and found out that this is a Greek spirit. Not only is the liquor not black, but it is also quite white after being mixed with water. The color looks like coconut milk... emmm, it is very unimpressive, it seems not as good as Have a bottle of black wine.

However, at least the wine name is short and easy to pronounce, and not too weird.

Jiang Xia took a moment to figure out what kind of wine she was drinking, and put down her phone with satisfaction.

After that, he drove the foggy dog ​​out for a walk again in ghost form and found that the snipers were no longer there.

It seems that he successfully secured a position as a regular employee of the winery. Although I don’t know what the use of this thing is...

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