Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1509 1509 [Okiya Subaru: The final stage of running away! 】

Jiang Xia silently liked the report and contributed a little bit of popularity.

At the same time, I secretly prayed: I hope that a foreign lawless fanatic will have an idea and want to get a detective to provide an alibi, and then invite him to participate in the murder case-he is very skilled in this aspect.

On the other side, in a gothic lolita clothing store.

Okiya Subaru huddled at the door of his bedroom, comforting himself while recalling the thrilling pursuit just now, trying to maintain a good escape mentality.

Just as he was thinking about it, the door behind him was suddenly knocked twice with "dong" and "dong".


The familiar sound brought Subaru Okiya back to the time when he heard "Usa" knocking on the door and confronted the mysterious knocker through the door. He was so startled that he almost jumped up.

After a second, he finally came to his senses and remembered that the person who knocked on the door just now was just an ordinary naughty kid.

At the same time, the calm voice came from outside the door: "Mr. Tanaka? They have left - I heard the police officer withdrew the people who were searching for you. You are safe now."

The sweet and gentle voice is like the sound of nature, bringing an even sweeter message.

After realizing that he had really escaped a police raid, Subaru Okiya breathed a sigh of relief. He opened the door: "Thank you very much."

The enthusiastic Miss Misa shook her head, the black gauze on her hair ornaments gently swept across her forehead, looking low-key like she had done good deeds without leaving her name.

After escaping a disaster and saying goodbye to the woman in black, Okiya Subaru originally wanted to leave.

But as soon as he took two steps towards the store door, he suddenly remembered something, turned around and ran towards the window, and finally climbed out through the dilapidated window.

——After all, he is a shady person in every sense of the word. It is best not to get involved with others in public, so as not to bring disaster to this store.

Climb back through the window and stand in the dirty and dilapidated alley again.

Okiya Subaru closed the window, looked back, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "The fallen moss is quite obvious, it's a shame that the police didn't notice it..."

He didn't stay any longer and quickly left with the things he bought earlier.

When he came to the street and looked at the flow of people coming and going around him, Okiya Subaru hesitated for a moment and walked among the crowd with a broken jar, instead of trying to avoid people as before.

While walking this section of the road, he always felt that the god of death named "Uzo" was standing behind him, and the sickle symbolizing death was always on his neck, ready to fall off at any time.

However, in fact, until he walked out of this street, there was no murder case around Okiya Subaru, let alone a confused murderer who deviated from his aim and accidentally hit him with a killing move.

So we walked all the way to where the crew was.

Okiya Subaru: "...?"

Although I have long had the idea that "Uzo is not in the UK".

But now, after the actual test, he still couldn't help but raise his head in disbelief, looking at the blue sky and the sun on the horizon, and couldn't help but have the urge to cry at a 45-degree angle to the wind.

"As expected, there is no Uzo. In that case, don't think about him anymore during this time in the UK."

In these few steps, Okiya Subaru suddenly felt a little bit new.

Then he suddenly remembered something: "..." By the way, he was buying costumes for the big-name actors in the crew.

Although his first impression of Mr. Nanjo was not good, Subaru Okiya decided to try his best to do what he asked him to do.

——People in Tokyo have very bad tempers. It would be ridiculous if he managed to escape Uzo but was killed by an ordinary passerby because he offended someone.

Carrying large and small bags, he returned to the set and handed the things to Nanjo Hayato. Subaru Okiya was scolded by him as expected.

But Subaru Okiya didn't care. He had a good temper before, but now he was in a good mood and didn't care at all about being scolded.

While being scolded, he skillfully put on a thoughtful and reflective expression while secretly observing Nanjo Hayato.

——These clothes that Okiya Subaru picked met the requirements very well, even better than Nanjo himself expected.

And although he came back late, the director obviously often encounters unexpected accidents, is very experienced, and mediates properly. He has already rescheduled Nanjo Hayato's scene for tomorrow, and nothing was delayed.

At this time, Subaru Okiya analyzed Nanjo Hayato's expression using his usual experience of trying to figure out his mentor and Usa.

He was completely relieved when he found that the famous actor just cursed a few times and didn't hold any grudge against him, the person who went shopping for clothes.

"The matter with the crew has almost been resolved, and there is no hidden danger of being resented. Next, as long as I wait until early this morning, after the circus that Mr. Akai contacted arrives in London, and go to 'help part-time' with them, I can Follow them to America.”

Okiya Subaru mentally sorted out the next steps of action, feeling that he was getting closer and closer to the light.

He returned to the lounge he was assigned to, stretched out comfortably, habitually opened the software he made, and looked at the filtered news.

Then I was surprised to find that Tokyo was much calmer - the homicide rate in the past two days was even lower than Osaka.

This made him feel relieved and he couldn't help but mention it again:

"Is Uzo really not in Tokyo? Otherwise, how could such a low-frequency peaceful killing rate satisfy him... Unless some unlucky cadre was killed and quality was used to fill the vacancy in quantity?

"No, no, I promised not to scare myself. Thinking about it carefully, Tokyo seemed to be quite peaceful a few days ago.

"Uzo must be busy with something else, maybe it's an earth-shattering event. It's precisely because of this that my escape went so smoothly."

Because his thoughts were too flexible, in just a few seconds, Okiya Subaru just relied on his imagination to make his mentality go on a roller coaster.

After regaining his composure, he tried to do something else to distract himself.

I originally planned to take a look at the papers in the new supervisor's research field, so as not to be confused about everything in the future.

But he couldn't stand it at all when studying academics at this time.

After two minutes, Okiya Subaru silently gave up.

"Let's read some entertainment news and relax for a while."

After staring blankly at the screen of his mobile phone for a long time, Okiya Subaru switched to the British website and searched for information about Jiang Xia and the case.

Then it was discovered that both the plane and the Goth Loli cases were in the news. However, without the previous fame bonus, these two pieces of news were not as popular as when Jiang Xia solved the case in Tokyo.

But maybe because there aren't that many murders in London, and the person who solved the case looks pleasing to the eye, which is in sharp contrast to the bald British police officer next to him who has a resentful look on his face, these two pieces of news still caused a small splash.

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