Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1517 1517 [Catch the younger brother by his feet]

"Oh?" Inspector Asa's eyes lit up slightly when he heard the good news, and he felt certain in his heart.

Hiding in the building sneakily and running away when he sees the police, this man is a big problem, even bigger than the "brutal Asian man" whose name is not mentioned in the afternoon. He must be the murderer who shot the deceased.

——As expected, the murderer is still hiding in this building!

As long as the first step is to arrest the person, there is no use for detectives.

From the time he got on the plane to now, Inspector Asa finally felt refreshed: "Bring in some equipment and make sure to catch this person! We cannot allow such dangerous elements to escape and threaten the safety of citizens."

As he spoke, he pressed his police hat and hurried downstairs, his eager steps strangely laced with a sense of ease.

Conan looked at the police officer who was leaving like a gust of wind, and was stunned for a moment: "..." Wait, before all the clues were collected, and before he started reasoning, the police actually found the murderer... Could this all be over? Already?

Just as he was thinking about it, another gust of wind passed by beside him - Jiang Xia had already passed him and walked out of the door, following Inspector Asa. Apparently, he seemed to be very interested in the criminal who didn't even run away.

Conan came back to his senses and hurriedly followed: Thinking of the best... is not right, thinking of the worst... is also wrong. Be cautious and think about what to do if Inspector Asa gets the wrong person. Don't give up reasoning and think about it carefully.

The elevator was quickly called up, and Inspector Asa walked in with high spirits.

And the moment he walked into the elevator, a figure swooped in and stood next to him naturally.

Turning around, I saw that it was the young detective.


The middle-aged police officer glanced at Jiang Xia with a slight twitch in his eye, remembering the phone call he made to Ms. Lotta at noon in an unsuccessful attempt to complain, but he didn't kick the person out after all.

He just looked at the subordinates who entered the elevator later than Jiang Xia, and said unhappily: "Hurry up! What if one of them runs away?"

After hearing this, Jiang Xia briefly communicated with the foggy dog ​​placed on the "suspicious person" and felt that the problem was not big.

In the corner room on the third floor.

Okiya Subaru's eyelids were twitching wildly. Hearing the footsteps coming and going in the corridor outside, he was so anxious that he wanted to pull his hair out.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Why did things suddenly become like this!

Just now, Okiya Subaru observed secretly and found that Jiang Xia and the others had no intention of leaving for a while, and sooner or later they would check everyone on the crew.

So while the model detective finally went to eat and rest, Subaru Okiya planned to take the opportunity to pack his luggage and make some preparations for his midnight escape.

Unexpectedly, on the way to clean up, something happened here.

By the time Subaru Okiya carefully understood the situation and wanted to run away, it was already too late - the building was surrounded by the crew from all directions, and every window was watched by countless pairs of eyes. Where to go All will be seen.

Everyone in the crew has been with him for a while. If he breaks through forcefully, he will definitely be recognized, regardless of whether he can escape or not - and Subaru Okiya really doesn't want to go through the wanted period in the afternoon again.

So he simply gritted his teeth and hid in the building: as long as he was found later than the real murderer, he would be safe!

Originally, Okiya Subaru was very confident in his hiding skills.

Who would have thought that now, he would be the first to be exposed. Facts have proved that no matter how good your stealth skills are, it seems that they are no match for extremely bad luck - who would have thought that just when he would be able to slip away from the police search, the lampshade decorated above his head would actually fall off. The crisp clang sound ruthlessly exposed his figure, so he was finally blocked here.

"The police haven't come in yet, maybe because they think I'm a gunman and are making some protective arrangements."

Okiya Subaru tried his best to calm down and sorted out the current situation in his mind:

"I actually don't have a gun at all. It's only a matter of time before they complete the arrangement and come in to catch me. If the police are caught as a murderer, they will definitely undergo a rigorous review... I heard that the organization has power all over the world, and the Metropolitan Police Department has It is a relatively central location. If I am unlucky and encounter a colleague who is good at identifying organization members and his identity is exposed, wouldn’t it be the end of me? And it will also implicate Mr. Akai in Tokyo..."

...No, we can’t sit still and wait for death! You have to find a way to escape quickly.

Okiya Subaru glanced around, and suddenly, he looked at the vent in the corner of the room.

A few minutes later.

The police burst through the door with heavy shields and carefully searched.

Then he was stunned for a moment, then returned to the corridor and reported to his superiors: "Inspector, there is no one in the room."

"...No one?" Inspector Asa's strategizing expression froze on his face, "Didn't you say you blocked the people here! Wait, did they run away from the window?"

He rushed into the warehouse, quickly ran to the window, looked out, and happened to meet the eyes of his subordinates who were staying below.

After staring blankly at each other for a moment, Chief Anna reacted belatedly: "Inspector, I have been guarding here with people, and no one has escaped through the window."

Inspector Asaph: "..."

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that Jiang Xia had also entered the warehouse.

The young detective walked to the corner of the room, looked at a pile of debris, and then raised his hand to point to the top of the debris. There was an old newspaper taped to the wall.

"Half of this newspaper is dusty, but the other half is very clean. It looks like it was temporarily unfolded to cover something." Jiang Xia suggested, "Take it off and take a look."

The young police officer nearby nodded and instinctively started running errands towards the wall. Halfway through, he suddenly noticed a very existential gaze.

"..." the young police officer said slowly, "Uh, Inspector, can't you expose it?"

Inspector Asa snorted: "If there's anything you can't do, expose it quickly."

The young police officer climbed up the pile of debris and suddenly made a discovery: "Police Inspector, there are traces of scratches on the dust here - someone may have passed by here just now."

He looked at the newspaper again. The four corners of the newspaper were taped to the wall. Only the top tape was pressed firmly, and the bottom part was just a thin covering on the wall. If you don't look closely, you may not be able to tell.

He opened the two corners of the newspaper and tore it carefully, revealing a hole in the wall.

"This seems to be an old vent?" Jiang Xia looked up and asked, "Where does this lead to?"

"Let me see……"

The director was also among the people eating melons just now, and he sneaked to the door at some point.

Hearing Jiang Xia's question at this time, he quickly asked people to go to his temporary office next door and get the design drawings of the building - there was a scene he wanted to shoot in this building, so he specifically asked the fans who lent the building to them. got the drawings.

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