Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1520 1520 [Where is the poisoned detective? 】

Okiya Subaru was caught back in despair.

It wasn't until he walked out of the warehouse and followed the detectives and police back to the crime scene on the seventh floor that he finally recovered from the horrific experience just now.

Okiya Subaru secretly looked at the other high school students and elementary school students in the crowd who had met him several times.

Then it was discovered that the good news was that Mao Lilan did not seem to recognize that the intern props master of the crew who was suspected of being the murderer in front of him was the Tokyo graduate student, Subaru Okiya.

The bad news is that, whether it was an illusion or not, Okiya Subaru always felt that the two first-year elementary school students next to Jiang Xia looked at him in a very strange way, and it was getting more and more strange, and they actually seemed to vaguely recognize him.

Okiya Subaru: "..." It's clear that Uzuo hasn't appeared yet, but he always feels that freedom is getting further and further away from him... Why is he still involved in the case even without Uzuo?

...hateful event constitution. If he could live his life over again, he would be an ordinary person in his next life.

"..." No, no, no, this is too unlucky to say in the next life. Speaking of which, there really isn’t anything wrong with this…


Okiya Subaru slapped himself on the head, interrupting this never-ending random thinking - if you continue to guess like this, you will definitely be ruined.

Now he can only strengthen his belief: there is no Uzo, as long as Uzo does not really appear in front of him, then there is no... there must be no!

Next to him, Conan silently looked at Okiya Subaru.

After just recognizing this Tokyo native, Conan did suspect that he might be the murderer.

But now, after careful study, he found that this graduate student was in a trance and often distracted - such a lack of concentration did not really resemble the behavior a murderer should have after being caught on the spot.

Conan: "..." Is there another hidden meaning to the whole thing?

And when it comes to "hidden secrets"...

He touched his chin and suddenly thought of the woman in black and "that adult" behind her - he had vaguely felt before that Subaru Okiya was not a simple graduate student. Could it be that the two men in black were the so-called "stages"? ", is it actually related to Okiya Subaru?

Thinking of this, Conan turned his head and glanced at Jiang Xia, muttering in his heart: "I have already recognized Mr. Okiya. It makes no sense that Jiang Xia and Mr. Okiya have been alone in the warehouse for so long and still can't recognize him.

"I just heard that the crew called him 'Tanaka'. It seems that Mr. Okiya not only had a disguise on his face, but his identity at this time was also fake. But Jiang Xia did not expose him in front of the police - maybe Did he have a simple communication with Jiang Xia just now?"

Conan: "..." Alas, Jiang Xia is too talkative.

But now Mr. Okiya does look a little miserable. In this case, I won't expose him for now. Then find an opportunity to use his words tactfully to see if the stage is related to him.

Jiang Xia looked at Okiya Subaru and then at Conan. He picked up the tea next to him and wanted to take a sip. He felt that he was only missing a few slices of watermelon.

However, as soon as he touched the cup, Hui Yuan Ai held his hand down.

This little red riding hood wearing a hood quietly hid next to him at some point, using Jiang Xia and the sofa to cover herself - ever since he met Miss Spider in that clothing store, Haihara Ai always likes to Hiding in this crack seemed to give her some strange sense of security.

But at this time, the mushroom briefly activated from its low-key state, alertly stopping his movements.

Haibara Ai took out the tea cup in Jiang Xia's hand, put it back on the table, and whispered to him: "Don't eat the food at the crime scene. I always feel that Mr. Nanjo offended more than just the murderer. If there are other thoughts The person who killed him put poison in his tea cup, what if you drank it by accident? It’s not like there is no such precedent before.”

Jiang Xia was startled and a little curious: "Has any detective really been poisoned to death like this? Was it in the past year? Where did he die?" With such a funny way of death, maybe the detective would reluctantly leave something behind, such as A ghost fetus?

Haiyuan Ai glanced at him silently: "I mean, there has been a precedent of 'countless people want to kill the same person, so there are many deadly mechanisms at the crime scene.'" Is it an illusion? I always feel that Jiang Xia's focus and understanding The way is a little strange.

"..." Jiang Xia poked the teacup nonchalantly, "So that's it."

By the window on the seventh floor.

Inspector Asaph paced back and forth in the room, unaware of the twists and turns in the hearts of the people next to him.

In his eyes, this was just a simple shooting and murder.

——The only thing that made him a little unhappy was that he originally thought that this raid would allow the detective to see the importance of the police. Unexpectedly, the detective caught him in the end.

Watching Subaru Okiya who dared to be distracted after being caught red-handed, Inspector Asa felt not so good.

He snorted coldly, pointed at the crime scene, and asked with a sense of oppression: "Does it look familiar?"

Okiya Subaru looked at the dead body: "..."

...Although many people died around him in the past, he was usually not present when those friends killed or were killed. Even if he is, he is not the main suspect.

Therefore, the current perspective of being questioned as a murderer is quite unfamiliar to Subaru Okiya - he has only experienced this experience in nightmares.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Speaking of "nightmare", is there really no Uzo in the UK?

But if not, why did all the nightmares he had about Uzo come to reality one by one?

Like "when passing by the murder scene, I was involved in the murderer's murderous tactics, and became the unlucky cannon fodder, and died tragically" - when he first set off at the airport, if Miss Misa who was passing by hadn't kindly pulled him up, he would have been in a state of confusion now. The fallen person smashed his body.

There is also "for some inexplicable reasons, he was targeted by a psychotic murderer and suffered a sudden murder" - on the plane, he drank "poisonous" water by mistake, and was unprepared for being plotted, and even Uzo The most terrifying demon personally handed over the cup... Well, okay, this is purely something I think about every day and dream about every night, and it is normal for it to overlap with the previous nightmare.

However, "Being considered a murderer by the police and wanted as a murderer" is an absolute reality. This time, he was caught on the spot and became one of the most important suspects among the three.

Could it be, could it really be just a coincidence?

After Inspector Asa finished asking the question, he looked closely at Subaru Okiya, trying to use his eyes to give him pressure and make the murderer kneel down and confess his crime. Although the gun was not found on him, it was already dark after all. It was very late. If Subaru had just taken advantage of the chaos and thrown the gun far out of the window, it would have been difficult to find him.

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