Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1539 1539 [Who was knocking on the door before? 】

Yoko Kinoshita obviously had some opinions on the way the magician handled it: "It's best for your internal people to do these stage effects. It's a bit too much to involve outsiders."

"Private investigators can do anything for money."

The magician originally wanted to say this.

But after looking at Kinoshita Yoko's face, he changed his words: "Sorry, sorry, I'm really just because I'm very uneasy, so I want to try the effect - you see, there are so many viewers here, what if Mr. Jiang Xia is a reserved, timid, People who are afraid of the stage dare not step forward at critical moments. Wouldn’t I be dead? Isn’t my life worth more than him being laughed at by the audience once? What’s more, those laughter are not ridicule, they are a testament to his courage. approval."

Jiang Xia nodded: "That's true. Inspector Asa and I's face doesn't matter. It's fine as long as everything is fine."

Inspector Asaph: "..." Who says it's not important? It's very important! !

The magician laughed: "I wasn't lying just now. The performance in the second half was indeed more thrilling than the first half. If I make a help gesture then, you must remember to..."

Before he finished speaking, the door of the lounge was suddenly pushed open forcefully, and a middle-aged man with long hair reaching his shoulders broke in.

He said angrily: "Dongcheng, what did you do just now! The blood bag on the steel knife bed was added by you yourself! This is completely different from the performance script I wrote!"

"Of course it's different from your script, because it's my own script." The magician looked at him with a smile and grace:

"Those things of yours are too bland and cannot be remembered at all among the many magic performances. But I am different - I dare say that my performance today will definitely become the talk of the streets. Even the detective And... well, they were all deceived. It’s not like you couldn’t hear how fierce the laughter and cheers were at that time. The first priority is to please the audience, don’t you understand? This is the correct path of magic.”

Hui Yuan Ai snorted dissatisfiedly: "Jiang Xia seems to have been deceived not by magic, but by the 'signal' you abused."

"Signal?" The scriptwriter who came to ask for explanation was startled and confused, "What signal?"

"It's nothing." The magician didn't intend to let anyone else in the group know about this. Except for his apprentice, he really felt that the other four main group members were not very friendly to him - and the man in front of him was obviously not the same as the other four group members. All the same, they are not within the scope of his trust.

The magician looked at the script writer and changed the subject calmly: "So, what do you want to say when you broke into my lounge?"

The long-haired man came back to his senses and waved his hands excitedly: "The effect we are pursuing should be to maintain magnificence and elegance in a tense atmosphere - but look at you! What screams, what blood, what pretend magic Failure...what kind of rubbish are these!"

The two men came from the same school, but now it is the magician who controls the entire group, not the scriptwriter.

As the original winner, the magician turned a deaf ear to his nagging, sneered, and reached out to his apprentice.

The apprentice immediately understood, took out a transparent medicine bottle, poured a capsule from it and handed it to him.

The magician took the pill and raised his voice to interrupt the script writer: "Brother Shoji, from now on, we don't want to pursue any gorgeousness or elegance. What we want is a more exciting and exciting performance - by me Plan it yourself.”

The long-haired man jumped angrily, but there was nothing he could do: "Hmph, do whatever you want! But you'd better remember clearly that your performance can't be called exciting at all, it's called perversion! Sooner or later, this magic troupe will be destroyed in your hands!" "

He cursed and walked out, closing the door.

As he left, the room quickly became quiet.

The magician smiled at everyone: "Let everyone laugh. The second half of the show will start soon. It's time to return to the audience - I will definitely bring you a magic that is shocking enough."

Subaru Okiya wasn't sure whether the magic was shocking enough.

But as the second half of the performance began, he received a shocking question.

After asking countless questions, but all of them were blocked by Okiya Subaru, Conan realized that if he continued to ask such simple questions, there would be no results.

He thought for a while, half guessed, half lied: "Speaking of which, why were you hiding behind the store in that Gothic Lolita clothing store?

"Are you the boss there?

"Also, I heard Inspector Asa say that they were looking for a suspicious Asian man - that man's description sounds a lot like you. What did you do to get the police on your radar?"

Okiya Subaru was slightly shocked: It was normal for Conan to know about being wanted, but theoretically speaking, no third person should know about him hiding behind the store.

At that time, Jiang Xia and the police were confronting the murderer in the store, while Subaru Okiya was nervously hiding in the bedroom behind the Gothic Loli clothing store. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and he thought the person standing outside was Usa. I almost even wrote a suicide note on the spot... Fortunately, I later discovered that the person who was peeping outside and knocking on the door was just Conan, a curious boy.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Could it be that there was a gap in the door and Conan saw him when he peeked in?

Next to him, Conan looked at Okiya Subaru's expression and realized that it seemed that the person in the bedroom behind the store was really the graduate student, not "the adult" behind the woman in black as he thought at the time.

Realizing this, Conan immediately sighed and felt a little disappointed - not because he had any objections to Subaru Okiya, but because the graduate student's recent actions didn't really look like the mastermind behind the scenes, but rather like he was being targeted by the mastermind. people.

However, if the person in the door is not the mastermind behind the scenes, then Xiaolan and Jiang Xia have not yet come into contact with that dangerous person.

Thinking of this, Conan breathed a sigh of relief again, and he chatted: "Why did you suddenly knock on the door from the inside? It scared me. Did you think I was someone else?"

After saying that, he was about to observe Okiya Subaru's expression to see if he could find more useful information.

However, looking at it like this, Conan was stunned for a moment.

——I don’t know why, Okiya Subaru’s face suddenly became uglier than a dead person, as if he said something extraordinary.

Conan was confused, and after two seconds he hesitated and said: "What's wrong? Did I guess it? - Who do you think was the person who knocked on the door at that time? Can you tell me?"

Okiya Subaru stared at him, cold sweat gradually dripping from his forehead.

He has been observing words and expressions for many years, so he knows very well that Conan did not lie about the context when he asked that sentence just now.

——In other words, when he was hiding in the back bedroom of the store yesterday, the child did not knock on the door from outside.

...So who was knocking on the door outside? !

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