Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1552 1552 [Are you also a subordinate of Uzo? ! 】

Okiya Subaru lowered his head and did not dare to answer. He just felt that the "capable subordinate" in Usa's sentence just now could be replaced by "the fun I want to watch."

While he was waiting anxiously, the man in black across from him gently pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and finally said:

"Don't take work too hard, learn to enjoy life and work - in general, there are only two things you have to do in the next two years. The first is to return to Tokyo, just like you did a while ago Just do that, take shifts with Akai, and continue to be an 'ordinary' peripheral member."

When Subaru Okiya heard the name "Akai", his heart skipped a beat: He didn't reply to the email sent by Shuichi Akai just now. Combined with the mysterious appearance of "Ms. Misa", Mr. Akai must have discovered something was wrong by now and is working on it. Get out of the control of the organization and try to observe the situation secretly.

It stands to reason that such an alert FBI ace cannot easily fall into the hands of the organization again.

But now, Uzo used the word "shift", as if he was very sure that Akai Shuichi would also become his subordinate.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Although he had already deeply understood the terrifying nature of Uzo when he was at the magic venue just now.

But thinking about his past dealings with Shuichi Akai, the FBI ace... When he thought that Mr. Akai would eventually become Uzo's puppet, he couldn't help but feel a creepy sense of dislocation in his heart.

In Okiya Subaru's previous concept, these two people should actually be considered evenly matched. But now...

"As for the second thing you have to do."

Without leaving him much time to think, Wu Zuo's voice suddenly sounded again: "You should have paid attention to the cases that Jiang Xia has solved."

Okiya Subaru came back to his senses and nodded.

Jiang Xia looked at him while driving the puppet, and quietly added a little secret to the second task: "One of your tasks from now on is to take the initiative to approach the high school detective when you meet him, and lead him to everything. A place where a murder could occur.”

Okiya Subaru: "..."

He had always had a vague feeling before that the cases that happened around Jiang Xia had traces of Wu Zuo's secret manipulation.

Now it seems that this is indeed not a random coincidence - Akai Shuichi's incident is understandable. After all, Mr. Akai and the organization have always been sworn enemies. But this second task...Why on earth has Wu Zuo been staring at Jiang Xia? Just because the high school detective was able to crack his script?

Thinking of Jiang Xia saving him several times by accident, Okiya Subaru's conscience felt a little painful.

He hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but test in a low voice: "Is that detective our enemy?"

Uzuo just looked at him with a mysterious smile: "It's a long story. There's something hidden behind this matter. It's so important that I don't want to say it clearly. I can only say that everyone who knows knows it, and those who don't know it. I don’t know even after hearing this - you are a peripheral member, it’s useless even if you know this, so don’t ask random questions.”


It sounds like this is just a bunch of nutritious nonsense, but when it falls in Okiya Subaru's ears, it is nothing more than a thunder, and his fingers tremble in shock - this paragraph is clearly what he just said in the noisy and chaotic venue. , those words he said when he fooled Conan!

Based on how noisy the surroundings were at that time, only he and Conan should know these words.

But now, not long after, all these words have reached Uzuo's ears... Could it be that the seemingly smart first-year primary school student is actually Uzuo's puppet? !

...even the 7-year-old child was not spared!

And Conan, at a young age, has already started to help others. No wonder he always had a secret creepy feeling when Conan paid attention to him before. Now it seems that that feeling may not be an illusion, but the child triggering a danger alarm in his body?

Okiya Subaru: "..." Thinking back on it, the timing of Conan mentioning "stage" seems to be too coincidental. And after that chat, I immediately saw "Miss Misa" in the corridor. It was as if Miss Misa heard their conversation and rushed over in advance...

Subaru Okiya looked down at the land in London beneath his feet, and suddenly thought of the "Baker Street" located here, and then inevitably thought of the famous virtual detective, Sherlock Holmes.

——I heard that Holmes had a "Baker Street Guerrilla" whose members were made up of street children who were responsible for helping him find out information. To some extent, they were his very capable assistants.

So... could it be that turning a child like Conan into a manipulated puppet is just a bit of Uzo's bad taste to use against the detective?

Okiya Subaru: "..." I was so naive before. Uzo's minions were already all around, but I was completely unaware of it.

But the way Conan looked just now didn't really look like he was pretending.

And if you think about it carefully, a cautious person like Uzo would never expose his true identity to a child who was very accidental. So thinking on the bright side, Conan may really not know about the organization and was just inadvertently manipulated by Uzo.

For a moment, Okiya Subaru's heart was in a state of ups and downs, and he felt that every word Uzo said was enough for his heart rate to soar. He regretted his lack of preparation - before coming here, maybe he should have gotten some first-aid medicine or something and carried it with him.

Da da.

Uzo tapped his fingers on the armrest twice, as if to remind him that he had been thinking for too long.

Seeing Okiya Subaru come to his senses, like a good boss who cares about his subordinates, he asked warmly: "It's very simple, can you do it?"

Okiya Subaru was silent for a long time, and finally nodded slowly.

Although I still feel very sorry for Jiang Xia, when I think about Jiang Xia, there may have been more than one person like him around Jiang Xia. Now that there is one more person and one less person, there is no way to stop Usa's unknown and terrible conspiracy. After all, Subaru Okiya is still Pressing on his conscience, he reluctantly agreed.

Okiya Subaru: "..." And compared to the vague future, people always pay more attention to the present time.

At the moment, he always felt that he and Mr. Akai were packed and wandering around the gates of hell.

In comparison, although I don't know what earth-shattering conspiracy Wu Zuo will have in the future, at least for now, it seems that Jiang Xia's life has not been affected at all, and on the contrary, his career and mood are prospering.

Looking at himself who was threatened with murder every now and then, who thought he was about to run away, but actually died miserably before dawn... Subaru Okiya even felt a strange sense of envy.

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