Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 16 Matchmaker has no future

On the way home, Guiying kept trying to struggle, but was suppressed.

Although its obsession has begun to waver, it seems that it has not given up on setting a red line for its parents.

Jiang Xia was not in a hurry.

In the past few days, while waiting for the stalkers to show up, he prepared PlanABCD.

After returning home, Jiang Xia carried the ghost baby into the basement and fixed it in front of the TV.

Guiying kicked his legs and looked at the dark screen, gradually getting a bad feeling.

It got up warily, and saw the human in front of the TV slowly turning its head and showing it a vicious and cunning smile.

Then Jiang Xia stretched out his sinful hand and clicked.

Turned on the TV switch.

The TV started playing the video.

Jiang Xia specially found the news, and he cut an album by himself.

Here, there are all love-murder cases related to the entertainment industry.

——Some celebrities were assassinated by idiot fans after they announced their relationships.

There are also some ordinary otakus who held the goddess's hand at the meeting, and then were jealous and brutally killed by other fans who did not hold it...

There are many cases in this world, and similar cases are easy to find.

Jiang Xia pressed the play button, left the ghost fetus behind, and walked away humming a song.

The next day, Jiang Xia peeled an orange and walked to the basement door.

The ghost baby was lying in front of the TV, looking completely shattered.

Well, PlanA seems to work.

Jiang Xia walked closer and said, "Do you want them all to die?"

The ghost baby shook his head vigorously, with tears in his eyes.

Jiang Xia was satisfied.

But he still didn't let it go, and replaced it with a video tape.

This time, it’s a bunch of pure love dramas.

The two protagonists are sweet from beginning to end, and because it is a female-oriented film, the male protagonists are all capable of all decathlons and are devoted to the female protagonist.

For the ghost baby, among its father and mother, it is obviously more fond of Kinoshita Yoko.

Therefore, when thinking about problems, it is more inclined to stand in Kinoshita Yoko's position.

Guiying was forced to watch the drama for several days.

If you are used to the god-like male protagonist in the drama, then think about Tanaka Akiyoshi...

A few days later.

Guiying watched the finale with relish. When the protagonists kissed each other, he clapped his hands excitedly and completely lost the idea of ​​marrying his biological parents.

Jiang Xia turned off the TV, picked it up and put it on the table, sending out an invitation at the right time.

He whispered in a ceremonial manner: "Young ghost, do you want to sign a contract with me?"

Of course, this question is just a polite process.

Now that things have come to a point, you have to sign it even if you don’t sign it.

The little ghost baby woke up from the sweet world of TV series, shuddered very sensitively, and felt threatened.

But when it raised its head and looked at the sincere face of Jiang Xia in front of it, it felt that it was not Jiang Xia's problem.

The ghost looked around alertly for a while, but found nothing.

As a result, I felt that the environment was more and more dangerous, and I wanted to find a protective umbrella to rely on.

And its instinct tells it that if no one supports it, it won't be able to escape for long.

Most conscious things want to continue to exist.

Of course the same goes for ghost fetuses.

The little ghost baby finally nodded in agreement.

Jiang Xia touched its head with a kind expression.

Many of the skills of a psychic can only be completely unlocked with a ghost fetus.

Jiang Xia thought about her bright future, and her waist and hands no longer hurt.

In addition, in addition to strengthening the psychic master himself, the ghost fetus also has a chance to awaken unique skills when signing a contract.

Such as teleportation, hardening, mental control...

Of course, there are also some weird abilities among them.

According to the research of spiritual mediums and scientists in previous lives, these awakened abilities are often related to the ghost's own experience and thoughts.

Jiang Xia lowered his head and looked at the ghost fetus in front of him, recalling its obsession...

I always feel like it can't awaken any serious skills.

But now is not the time to be picky.

That would be nice.

Jiang Xia locked the basement door, returned to the ghost tire, and unbuttoned his shirt.

A black pattern gradually appeared on his heart. It was a floral "Z" with very complicated patterns. There were many hollow decorative patterns, which looked strange and mysterious.

Each psychic can choose his own unique mark when he awakens. Like Taoist talismans, once determined, it cannot be changed.

When Jiang Xia was a child, when he was choosing a pattern, he was influenced by a movie he watched and drew three handsome knife marks, two horizontal and one diagonal.

But he didn't expect that when it was finally generated, the pattern was not the silver scar he thought it was, but a gaudy letter.

At that time, Jiang Xia wanted to cut out the lines and redo them.

However, he was persuaded to give up.

——Forget about the skin, even if you cut off the flesh of your heart, you can't redraw it.

In the end, the young Jiang Xia could only live in peace with this fancy pattern in tears.

Fortunately, when he grew up, he felt that black was much more handsome than silver.

People will indeed change...

In the basement.

Jiang Xia found a needle and pricked the mark that he had already noticed.

A drop of blood slowly came out.

It didn't slide down along the texture, but hung strangely on the tip of the needle.

Jiang Xia glanced down, brought the ghost fetus close, and let the blood drip on it.

When the two come into contact, they make a sweet sound like "sizzling". The bright red blood dripped on the ghost body and swam around as if it were alive.

After more than ten seconds, it gradually stopped on the side of the ghost baby's neck and settled into its body.

The color of the blood quickly turned black, and eventually turned into a Z-shaped mark that was exactly the same as the mark on Jiang Xia's heart, but a few circles smaller.

After everything was over, Guiying raised his short hand in confusion and touched his neck.

It didn't feel uncomfortable, but instinctively realized that it seemed to have a long-term meal ticket.

Jiang Xia threw away the needle, buttoned her clothes, and stared at it with eyes expecting a miracle.

After a while, he had a little more information in his mind, which was about the ghost fetus skills.

Jiang Xia read it carefully and sighed with complicated emotions.

...The good news is that Guiying successfully lit up his skills.

Another piece of news that I don’t know whether it’s good or bad is that this skill…

Sure enough, his meow was very strange.

——The ghost baby can force one person to confess to another person.


Updated on time at 8:30 am~

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