Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1584 1584 [Uzo is actually myself]

The questions in Conan's mind grew like crazy. He kept recalling the walking speed of his group, the reason why he fell behind, the route of the suspicious passerby who was almost hit, the time when he noticed the buffer stacked at the door of the store, and The murderer’s movements are currently unknown…

The variables are stacked one on top of the other, and the number is dizzying. And this is just a single incident. If the previous incident of hitting someone is added to it...

Countless clues were tangled up in Conan's mind. He felt the wind blowing on the roof of the building, and a layer of cold sweat slowly broke out on his forehead: Taking into account various circumstances, this kind of manipulation does not seem to be impossible, but there are huge unexpected factors in every link. It is unimaginably difficult to achieve the current goal accurately.

In fact, compared to "someone controlling", in Conan's reasoning, these events are more like a simple superposition of accidents.

But these "accidents" are so unexpectedly coincidental that it's as if there is really a hand behind them that is randomly moving things around.

And if this series of eucalyptus is really man-made...

Conan took a deep breath slowly and clenched his fists: He had been in contact with the organization for so long and had "accidentally encountered" so many dangerous people who bombed cars, buildings and bridges, and he was fearless. But now, a hint of fear emerged from the bottom of his heart - this mysterious new cadre actually felt elusive, impossible to start, and invincible.

But fear does not mean fear. Soon, Conan gradually felt excited again: "..." We can't give up so early!

——Even if there really is such a cadre who can manipulate the information at will... Mystery and fear all come from the unknown. As long as he has more contact with the people and collects as much information as possible, sooner or later, he will be able to catch that cadre's flaws!

As he was thinking about it, Conan suddenly shuddered, feeling as if he was being stared at by something.

Conan raised his head and scanned the surroundings alertly, but did not find any prying eyes.

He thought for a moment and felt that he understood: he was in the light, and "the adult" behind the woman in black was in the dark. All my thoughts and speculations at this time may be under the control of "that adult".

"That must be a very confident guy who treats human thoughts as toys. He deliberately exposed his existence in front of me, maybe because he felt that things were too boring and wanted to find an opponent who could compete with him in terms of brainpower. "

Conan murmured, secretly cheering himself up: "I'm obviously at a disadvantage now, but that doesn't mean I have no chance. The most terrifying thing is an opponent who can't sense it, and now, at least I know there is such a person. People exist - even if there is only a clue, I will definitely catch it, and then find out the bastard hiding behind the scenes and hand it over to the law!"

When a first-grade primary school student makes fists and competes with himself.

Next to them, the high school detective and the police were still communicating harmoniously about the situation in front of them.

Sheriff Anna received some new information about the person who fell from the building: "There is news from the hospital. Bao Xiao... Xiao... er, I mean the person who fell from the building whose name is difficult to pronounce. After the doctor's diagnosis and treatment, he has recovered from the disease." Even after waking up from a slumber, I could answer some simple questions.

"But when we asked about the fall, he said that he drank too much and had no memory of how he fell. As for his enemies, he said that he was a loser in all aspects of life. He didn't even dare to quarrel with anyone, at most one He just sits in the corner and drinks some wine, so he has never made enemies with anyone. Unless someone just dislikes him, but in that case, he has no clue. "

After Sheriff Anna read the message, he sighed: "Maybe he was just unlucky and encountered some random murderer. Alas, this kind of random murderer is the hardest to break... Fortunately, he at least told He told us where he drank. The time has just passed, so I’ll ask someone to go to the store and ask, maybe they can get something out of it.”

"Let's go down first. It seems there are no more clues here." Before Jiang Xia left, he stood by the railing and glanced down casually.

Although the incident this time was dangerous, no one died after all. After the police collected evidence, the police car downstairs quickly drove away, and the onlookers dispersed one after another. The pedestrians on the street became sporadic again and returned to their previous appearance.

Jiang Xia glanced at various pedestrians, and finally stopped at the two people who were talking. Soon, he withdrew his gaze, turned around and went downstairs.

"Haha, look! It's right here, I remember it very clearly."

Downstairs, Xiao Songjun, who was almost killed just now, looked down at the street and quickly found the place where he was almost hit. He pointed to that area of ​​the street and showed it to his friend: "Although I didn't see what was happening above me at the time, I heard from other passers-by and the police that I was almost crushed into a meat pie!"

When my friend heard him talking about such life-related matters in a cheerful tone, he didn't know whether to laugh or not, so he could only shrug his shoulders with a half-smile: "Okay, okay, I know you are unlucky."

"Mr. Xiaosong is very optimistic." Jiang Xia turned the corner and joined their conversation smoothly.

Xiao Songjun raised his head at the sound, saw Jiang Xia, and laughed enthusiastically: "Oh, it's you! I heard that the ball you kicked saved my life, haha, thank you so much."

Conan heard their conversation and came back to his senses. His eyes passed over Xiao Songjun, who did not look like a member of the organization, and fell on the friend next to him: "Brother Xiao Song, who is this?"

Xiao Songjun didn't actually see who kicked the ball before, and he didn't know that Conan was his savior.

But he didn't ignore Conan's question just because he was a child. He quickly patted his friend and introduced him enthusiastically:

"His name is Snow Valley Dajie. He is my friend and a winner in life who is completely opposite to me."

Xuegu Dajie smiled and shook his head: "Okay, don't just talk about me, let's talk about how to calculate the life-saving grace between you first - I have something else to do, so I will leave first."

He might really have something to do, or he might not want to get involved with strangers, so he left quickly without talking much.

Jiang Xia looked at his friend's back. When they walked away, he turned his head and asked Xiao Songjun: "Have you made an appointment with your friend to meet here?"

Xiao Songjun waved his hand: "He happened to be nearby to have something to do. He heard there was a commotion here just now, so he came over to take a look. Haha, he must not have thought that one of the protagonists causing the commotion was me."

Speaking of this friend, Komatsu seemed to be very proud and gushed: "Xue Gu's father is the chairman of a company, but he is not a second-generation man who just lies down and gnaws on his old age. He is refined in his work and has excellent motor skills. He can do everything well and is very confident - I heard that he has never encountered any setbacks in his life... It's really enviable."

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