Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1597 1597 [The perspective of choosing a lover]

Kinoshita Yoko originally thought that Jiang Xia's pursuit of stars would fail miserably. She was thinking about giving up the commission and shamelessly using her own face to ask Jiang Xia for a photo or an autograph... But now, when Mu Shuli saw Jiang Xia, she actually changed her mind.

She looked at Jiang Xia, then back at Mushuli, and tilted her head in confusion.

Mu Shuli gracefully held up her skirt and stepped forward, shaking hands with Jiang Xia. She pinched Jiang Xia's fingertips and looked at the young detective up and down, feeling extremely satisfied.

——Recently, Maki Shuli feels that her little lover is a little old and wan and boring. So privately, she was also asking people to help find new targets, but she never found one she was satisfied with.

Unexpectedly, it was the detective who came to her door unintentionally, and she liked it as soon as she saw it.

"Are you Jiang Xia?" Mu Shuli showed a gentle smile and said in a sweet voice, "I've heard about it for a long time."

This is not a lie. Mu Shuli is very senior and holds a high position in the entertainment industry. He is usually a busy person with a full schedule.

In her only free time, of course she would not make coffee and read newspapers like those uncles, and she rarely read the news. Only when she was bored on the road would she turn on the radio and listen to something.

In those news, she seemed to have heard about a detective named "Jiang Xia". Although Mu Shuli was not interested in these murder cases, he would at best listen to them as stories. Rounding it off, this can be considered something heard.

Next to her, Suzuki Sonoko touched her chin and stared at Maki Shuli's hand holding Jiang Xia's. She always felt that something was wrong: "..." Is the handshake taking a little too long? And the look of holding his fingertips and looking carefully is a bit weird... Could it be that this star has not yet appeared in the script and is waiting for something like a kiss on the hand from the knight? ……no! It’s already a new century, why do we still need to practice those ancient etiquette? She disagrees!

Maybe the high school girl's gaze was too sharp. Mu Shuli smiled and let go of his hand.

In fact, the time between the two people was not very long, and in addition to Mu Shuli's dignified appearance, in the eyes of others, it was more like a generous elder admiring some young people with great potential - after all, Mu Shuli Although she still looks like a young and beautiful woman, she is actually almost forty years old. Rounding it off, she is about the same generation as Kudo Yusaku and the others.

After a few simple polite words, Maki Shuli turned sideways in a gentle manner and motioned to the room behind him: "There are many people in the corridor. If you don't mind, come and sit in my lounge. Let's chat by the way. Let’s talk about the commission.”

Although the process was a bit tortuous, at any rate, after visiting the magic venue, a group of people at least had something to do.

There are sofa chairs for guests in the lounge, separated by a small coffee table. Jiang Xia and Mu Shuli sat face to face, and Conan also consciously jumped on the stool and sat next to Jiang Xia, listening seriously and intently, trying to find some traces of darkness.

Then he saw Maki Shuli lift his chin towards his assistant. The somewhat dull assistant was startled for a moment, then came to his senses. Under Mushuli's dissatisfied gaze, he trotted to the drawer and took out an envelope.

Mu Shuli took it and pushed the envelope to Jiang Xia: "I received this yesterday morning."

"Is it a threatening letter?" Conan couldn't help but say.

Jiang Xia opened the envelope, took out the letter paper, unfolded it, and saw a Q-version avatar of a grinning Kaitou.

——This is a notice letter from Kidd.

Conan: "..."

...At the critical moment of digging up information about the black organization, this strange thief came to join in the fun!

Jiang Xia didn't seem surprised: "Kidd is eyeing something around you?"

Mushuli sighed as if he was troubled: "Yes, yesterday morning I wanted to go to the balcony to see the river view advertised by the hotel. Unexpectedly, when I opened the door, I saw a large handful of fresh food on the small coffee table on the balcony. of roses, next to this letter."

"The notification letter for illegal crimes is made like a love letter, and that guy still likes to pretend..."

Conan was silent for a moment midway through his trough. He suddenly remembered the strange "dad" he met last night.

After encountering so many cases in consecutive days and having to battle wits and courage with that mysterious and terrifying organization cadre from a distance, Conan was actually very tired yesterday. In addition, he was concentrating on other things, and he temporarily forgot to talk to the weird "Kudo Yusaku".

At this time, he understood immediately, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly: No wonder he met Kidd in London. In this way, Kidd is indeed an international thief, and it is normal for him to have business in the UK.

Conan: "..." Speaking of which, Jiang Xia must have recognized Kidd last night. Why didn't he tell him?

Conan's eyelids jumped wildly when he thought of the "Dad" he blurted out last night.

The first-grade elementary school student who recognized a thief as his father was about to condemn Jiang Xia, but before he could speak, he suddenly remembered the embarrassing scene where he wanted to follow Jiang Xia to the bar last night, but ended up accidentally bringing a bunch of people there with him.

After a moment, Conan silently closed his mouth, decided that the matter was even, and leaned over to read the notice letter intently.

Kidd's notice letter is as incomprehensible as ever.

This letter has a few bold English words printed on it, and below it are the same confusing sentences:

[When 26 words fly and intersect, I will

Go and claim the gem of destiny. ]

In the lower left corner is a playing card split in half, and in the lower right corner is a familiar Q version of a simple drawing. Kidd always draws a portrait of himself on the notice letter, which can be regarded as a certain degree of anti-counterfeiting signature.

"The gem of destiny?" Jiang Xia scanned the information and put the notice letter back on the table. "Is this Kidd's goal this time?"

Mushuli nodded, took out a dark blue velvet ring box from his body, opened it, and turned it over to show Jiang Xia.

As the lid of the box opened, a bright blue light flashed through. A very beautiful ring emerged from the box. The surface of the ring is a huge oval dark blue gemstone, as blue as the sea. The gemstone is surrounded by dazzling diamonds. There are three interlaced lines in the middle of the gemstone, forming several mysterious golden threads, making this ring look like Extraordinarily different.

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but her eyes lit up and she blurted out: "It's so beautiful."

After saying that, I suddenly felt that as a fellow detective, this kind of emotion seemed too unprofessional. Suzuki Sonoko cleared her throat, picked out a notebook and held it in her hand, pretending that she didn't say anything just now and was just taking notes.

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