Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1600 1600 [Jiang Xia’s Love Letter]

The mermaid always felt like someone was whispering to her behind her back.

She looked left and right, floated next to Jiang Xia, followed the sight of the psychic master and looked out the window, and saw that Jiang Xia had caught a fat, white pigeon at some point.

Her attention immediately drifted to the pigeon: [Do you want an extra meal? ]


Jiang Xia glanced at this good and dedicated pigeon and let go of his hand sympathetically: "Compared to it, its owner's energy core is more delicious." ]

The pigeon escaped, got up in panic, and flew away.

Conan also noticed the movement here. He was about to get closer to see what Jiang Xia was concentrating on. As soon as he reached the window, he saw a pigeon crawling and flying away.

"White Pigeon?" Conan was startled for a moment and suddenly became alert, "Could it be Kidd's spy?"

Jiang Xia nodded: "It should be, it has a bug tied to its leg."

Conan: "...?" Then why did you just let it run away!

This sentence was not asked in the end, Conan silently covered his face: Oh, forget it. Jiang Xia has never been very active in catching monster thieves, probably because in his eyes, monster thieves like Kidd who have to return things after stealing are not considered criminals.

Thinking of this, Conan glanced back guiltily: "..." Fortunately, the Zhongsen Police Department was still concentrating on chatting with Miss Mu Shuli and did not realize that Jiang Xia had just let go of the clues.

But looking at the white pigeon flying far away, Conan still felt it was a pity. He jumped up and lay on the window sill next to Jiang Xia: "Kid is very precious to his group of pigeons. If you catch one as a pigeon hostage, maybe you can He tricked me into chatting."

Jiang Xia: "..." Good idea, I remembered it.

But then I thought about it, if I wanted to talk to Kidd about something, instead of catching pigeons, I might as well catch Kidd with the vest of the foggy dog.

After all, pigeons have their own wings and can move flexibly in the air. They are small and difficult to catch. But Kidd was different. His glider was not that flexible in turning, and he could knock people out of the air with just a flick of his wings. This skill seemed useless.

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia silently crossed out the useless tips she learned from Conan.

In the distance, there is a building that is on its day off.

There was supposed to be no one in the office, but at this moment, a window was pushed open from the inside. Someone was sitting in front of the desk, elegantly sipping freshly ground coffee, while casually raising his hand to catch the white pigeons that fluttered in from the window.

"Good job." Kidd smiled, as usual he wanted to feed his hard-working subordinates some pigeon food. But when his eyes fell on his pigeon, he was startled and his smile disappeared, "What's wrong? The hair is so messy."

The pigeon landed on his lap and collapsed, looking like he had endured too much.


In the foyer of the theater.

The Zhongsen Police Department was in a state of excitement, concentrating on discussing something with the crew.

But for others, the wait is a bit boring.

While Jiang Xia was sitting on the sofa and eavesdropping on their conversation, she suddenly remembered something and turned to look at the ghost next to her.

Matsuda Jinpei was sitting on the other side of the sofa, combing away the fluffy smoke-smelling murderous aura. Suddenly noticing a line of sight, it turned its head and looked at Jiang Xia with some confusion: "?"

Jiang Xia reached out and took the murderous aura in front of it.

Then before Matsuda Jinpei came to his senses, he picked up the ghost and threw it out of the window.

Downstairs, in a nearby alley, a puddle of shikigami has been piled up. The shikigami quickly gathered into puppet clay, and then together with Matsuda Jinpei who had just fallen, they piled up into a curly-haired man wearing sunglasses and a black suit.

Matsuda Jinpei pushed up his sunglasses and immediately hid in a corner where no one was paying attention, feeling a little dazed.

After a while, the voice of an unscrupulous psychic came to my mind: "Idle time is idle, you 'Uzo', take the time to write a love letter. The recipient is Ireland, remember to choose a beautiful letter paper ——It must make him feel that the sender is a lovely girl, his crush, who is deeply in love with him and cannot extricate himself from it, so that after reading it, he will feel some heartfelt feelings and longing for love."

Matsuda Jinpei struggled to understand this series of orders, and a trace of confusion slowly appeared in his eyes.

Write a love letter?

To Ireland?

And as a fangirl? ?

Not to mention whether it can be written... Does that cigarette-smelling hunk really have a crush? Does he believe it himself?

Matsuda Jinpei fell into deep thought, feeling that this was not something a serious ghost should do.

However, although there is a lack of research on love letters. But think about it from another perspective, based on its understanding of Jiang Xia...

Soon, Matsuda Jinpei felt that he gradually understood everything.

Matsuda Jinpei: "..." Although this order is a little strange, in a sense, its purpose is very easy to guess - probably just a bored psychic who wants to read a little bit about Ireland, and learn from Ireland by the way. Squeeze out more murderous energy.

From this perspective, love letters are easy to write.

And luckily, Jiangxia actually sent it a foreign aid...

Thinking of this, Matsuda Jinpei turned his head and looked at the Q version of Miss Spider sitting on his shoulder.

Miss Spider also turned her head and looked at him silently. A slight tangle flashed across her usually expressionless face - it seemed that this order was indeed a bit embarrassing. Not only herself, but also her colleague was also confused about how to fulfill the requirements of the psychic master. Quite troubled.

But no matter how bad I am, I still have to write.

The two ghosts obtained paper and pen very efficiently, then found a hidden corner and stared at the paper in front of them.

Miss Spider thought for a while, raised her spider legs behind her back and knocked on Matsuda Jinpei's head, and came up with an idea uncertainly: "If the words are not enough, just use drawings - draw a few more hearts and give them to the recipient." for a visual impact. ]

Matsuda Jinpei nodded thoughtfully: [Just like the fake love letter that Xiao Songjun received before? Indeed, as long as the letter is filled up, it will look sincere. ]

Speaking of this, Matsuda Jinpei suddenly had an inspiration: Yes, there was a ready-made example just now.

And after Xiao Songjun received the love letter, he seemed very happy indeed - if it didn't work, he would just follow the template and borrow flowers to offer to Buddha.

It shook off the pen in its hand and began to write rapidly.

Theater building, in the lounge.

Jiang Xia listened for a while, but didn't hear anything useful. Moreover, although people here came and went with murderous intentions, there were no cases for the time being.

After thinking for a moment, he simply threw the main body into the sofa in the corner, and then asked the puppets to gather outside, forming a pile of cats.

Soon, Jiang Xia's consciousness was possessed by the cat walking on the dark clouds and snow, and he wandered towards his "Uzuo" and "Uzuo's secretary", intending to see how their love letters were going.

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