Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1604 1604 [The murderer who killed Kudo Shinichi]

Okiya Subaru: "..." And Usa is not the kind of boss who is easy to fool. The most you can do to fool your mentor is that you won't be able to graduate, the most you can do to fool your boss is get you fired... But if you fool Uzo, it's like dancing a provocative hula in front of the God of Death, and you won't die easily.

In short, if Uzo really asks about something in the future, he must have something to say.

Originally it was just a perfunctory effort to collect information.

But who would have thought that after looking at it like this, I actually saw incredible news.

Okiya Subaru: "..." The person who came in... isn't this Kudo Shinichi! Jiang Xia's classmate, the famous detective who was speculated to be dead by many media outlets because he had been missing for so long.

Is he really not dead?

No, not necessarily. There are disguise techniques in this world - for example, Mr. Akai will sometimes appear with his face in front of him... The "Kudo Shinichi" in front of him may be someone else disguised.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Compared with Kudo Shinichi's authenticity, Edogawa Conan's reaction is even more intriguing.

Because he had always paid close attention to this young colleague who had a somewhat competitive relationship, Subaru Okiya could see clearly just now. The moment "Kudo Shinichi" appeared at the door, Conan's expression immediately changed.

Such a short time was not enough to judge whether the person who came in was Kudo Shinmoto or someone pretending to be him. But Conan seems to be a "Kudo Shinichi" who is very determined to enter. He is a fake.

Conan's expression was also very shocked, as if he saw someone who should never be here suddenly appearing.

Okiya Subaru: "..." What kind of person is "a person who will never appear"?

There seems to be only one answer.


...Kudo Shinichi is really dead, and Conan is very sure about it?

Why are you so sure? Could it be that he saw the death process of Kudo Shinichi, or even... participated in it personally?

Speaking of which, Kudo Shinichi was once an outstanding high school detective, and he was in a very similar situation to Jiang Xia now. Why are you targeting high school detectives so much?

A series of eerie images unfolded in my mind, along with various possible conspiracy theories.

A few seconds later, Okiya Subaru shivered silently and silently wrapped his thin coat tightly, feeling that the water around Jiang Xia was getting deeper and deeper.

In the lounge, other people didn't think as much as Okiya Subaru.

The Zhongsen Police Department glanced at this unreasonable child: "Oh, he is so awesome. You can tell Kidd apart at a glance? Then let me test you, why do you think he is Kidd?"

Conan never expected that he would also be scolded by the police one day: "Because of me, him, him..."

Because I am Kudo Shinichi, so this "Kudo Shinichi" must be an impostor! !

Conan cried out in grief and anger.

But from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Mao Lilan beside him, and her delicate fists clenched due to nervousness. Some ancient biological instinct kept warning him: Don't say it, never say it.

Conan: "..." Be calm. Don't let Xiaolan know the existence of APTX4869 just because of impulse. This will involve her in the muddy waters of the black organization.

Thinking of this, Conan had no choice but to take a deep breath and look at the few people next to him who knew his true identity, hoping to get some support from them.

Dr. Agasa looked at Conan, then at "Kudo Shinichi", and scratched his head worriedly.

Haibara Ai thought of the strange "Kudo Yusaku" yesterday, and understood the situation immediately, but she had no intention of lending a helping hand and stood next to Jiang Xia to watch the fun. Seeing Conan looking at her, she spread her hands, looking like she was asking him to ask for his blessings.

And Jiang Xia...

Conan cast an expectant look.

Under his burning gaze, Jiang Xia turned her head and looked at the falling leaves outside the window, as if she was suddenly interested in the scenery on the street.

Conan: "..." Forget about those two tech nerds, after all, they are not in the same majors... Jiang Xia, what's the matter with you? ! He is a Phantom Thief, the natural enemy of our detective!

However, Jiang Xia was right next to Mao Lilan, and what she said to him at this time might be heard by Xiaolan.

Conan had no choice but to withdraw his gaze in isolation, fend for himself, and dryly answer the questions from the Zhongmori Police Department: "Because... because brother Shinichi called me just now, and he is not in the UK at all now!"

"Oh?" Nakamori Police Department looked at Kudo Shinichi behind him.

"Kudo Shinichi" smiled at him good-naturedly, looked at Conan, and showed a kind look:

"Children who love to play detective games, you are still too young compared to real detectives and monster thieves - I heard that Kidd can imitate various sounds, and there are also some software on the market that can modify caller ID. You must be attracted by him. Cheated.

"If you focus all your attention on me, you will definitely miss the real Kidd - if you don't believe it, call your fake 'Shinichi brother' now and see if he dares to answer the phone and talk to you Shall I confront you and see if it’s true?”

Conan's eyelids twitched: "..." How could he possibly talk to Kudou Shinichi... this hateful phantom thief.

"Kudo Shinichi" looked at his deflated expression and showed a pleasant smile.

While he was smiling happily, beside him, Jiang Xia suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Zhongsen Police Department, have you verified his face? I heard that Kidd's disguise can be torn off with just a little force."

Kidd's smile froze slightly, and he turned to look at him in confusion: Where are you from?

Kidd: "..." Wait, think about it carefully. Although Jiangxia hangs out with monsters every day, he seems to be a detective and a classmate of Kudo Shinichi. Looking at it this way, it does seem like he should stay in the detective camp.

However, Jiang Xia clearly knows that there is no disguise on his face now...

Kidd touched his chin and came up with another guess: Maybe this detective was trying to help him completely get rid of the suspicion of the police department, so as to facilitate his subsequent actions?

Next to him, Conan was relieved and a little touched when he heard this embarrassing suggestion: ...Jiang Xia is indeed a good partner of justice.

Just now, Conan was so surprised to see his adult "self" after seeing it for a long time that he forgot that there was such a simple and clear verification method.

He immediately helped, raised his hand and pointed at Kidd: "That's right, police department, grab his face!" Then he caught this little thief who was pretending to be "Detective Kudo Shinichi" on the spot.

Having said that, after saying this, Conan hesitated: "..." When he disguises himself as someone else and sneaks into the Zhongmori Police Department, he may be slapped in the face by the experienced police department.

Kidd should not have thought of the direction of such a simple thing, but why did he dare to come here so arrogantly?

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