Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1612 1612 [Harming Gin]

Haibara Ai: "The current scene of the coronation memory should be the last scene of the play. That's why the Nakamori Police Department ambushed the stage. He felt that it was the closest place to Kidd and wanted to catch Kidd off guard. This method is really... …”

"It's really an insult to Kidd's IQ." Conan continued, a little speechless at the scene in front of him, "I saw how confident the Zhongsen Police Department was before, and I really expected him to have some clever tricks... Even Sonoko can get rid of him so quickly. The lurking policeman was recognized in the crowd, and Kidd probably already knew his plan the moment he came to power at the Zhongshan Police Department."

After a pause, he suddenly remembered the pigeon with a bug that Jiang Xia had caught before, and Conan silently changed his words: "No, maybe it was earlier."

Before he finished speaking, Suzuki Sonoko next to him punched him: "What do you mean 'even Sonoko can do it'? Speak up to me, little brat!"

Conan covered his head after a troubled day: "..."

On the other side, in a corridor in the venue.

Ireland was walking thoughtfully.

When he thought of "Uzo", his mood that had just risen because he had caught Gin's horse's leg was cast into a heavy haze again.

Ireland frowned and sorted out his thoughts in his mind: "I found this place by following the letter of challenge sent by Uzo. In other words, with Uzo's methods, all the information I found here may be lost. It was Uzo who secretly guided me to discover it.

"If Kudo Shinichi is really alive, and Usa doesn't want others to know this, then he just needs to find someone to knock the detective unconscious with a stick, drag him away, fill him with cement and sink him into the sea, and the matter will be solved. .

"But I discovered Kudo Shinichi without any hindrance. In other words, Uzo wanted me to know that 'Kudou Shinichi is still alive'?"

This conclusion made Ireland frown: ...Uzo actually sent him such a clue. Doesn't this guy seem to be an ally of Gin? Why did you suddenly rebel?

Could it be that Uzo was indeed the rumored murderer who caught and killed whomever he caught? Now that he saw an opportunity to trick Gin, he couldn't help but take advantage of it and then sit back and watch the two cadres fight to the death?

"No, there are no real lunatics among the cadres, and those who are can't live long." Ireland pressed his eyebrows, "The more likely situation is that Uzo is indeed on Gin's side now, and the "major clues" I discovered, Just another trap set by Uzo.”

This hypothesis calmed Ireland's turbulent mood just now: there will definitely be trouble for falsely accusing cadres. In the process of bringing down Gin, he must be careful of traps - only enough evidence to prove that "Kudo Shinichi is still alive" Hold it in your hand before you start taking action.

Before that, his plan for Gin must be kept completely secret to avoid leaks.

In the stage theater not far away.

Conan suddenly covered his nose and sneezed.

"I always feel like someone is talking about me..." Conan muttered, "Could it be Jiang Xia and that phantom thief talking about me?"

As he spoke, Conan looked back at the stage and adjusted his glasses that were a little off.

When he saw it clearly again, he was suddenly startled: that cunning monster thief had indeed made some strange move.

On the side of the stage, Jiang Xia was staring at the Zhongsen Police Department on the stage and was distracted. Beside him, Kidd was holding his pocket and quietly took two steps back as if nothing had happened, leaving Jiang Xia's peripheral vision.

Then Kidd suddenly turned his head, his eyes passed through the dim auditorium, and landed on Conan accurately, as if he already knew that there was a child here peeping with high-tech glasses.

He smiled provocatively towards the audience and walked leisurely out of the side door.

Conan: "..." Jiang Xia, please look back and don't be too obvious about your actions!

The neighbor went too far in catching Kidd, and the Zhongshan Police Department was completely unreliable. The first-year detective felt that the burden fell on his young shoulders and had no choice but to go into battle himself.

He turned his head and glanced at Mao Lilan quietly. While Mao Lilan was looking at the Zhongsen Police Department, Conan quietly jumped out of his seat and sneaked away skillfully with his waist crotched.

Haiyuan Ai looked at his back speechlessly. Thinking of Jiang Xia's not-so-hostile attitude toward Kidd, she took out her phone and sent a message to Jiang Xia: [Kidd left through the side door, and Conan was about to go out from the back door to block him. ]

After sending the message, she raised her head. Although Jiang Xia's expression standing at the side door could not be clearly seen without the aid of glasses, he could still see the general outline.

As expected, Jiang Xia felt the vibration of her phone.

He took it out and took a look, then nodded towards Haihara Ai who was sitting in the audience from a distance.

Afterwards, Jiang Xia also walked towards the side door. However, it could be seen that the detective's steps were not in a hurry. He seemed to want to stay and watch the excitement of the Zhongsen Police Department. He walked back three times and left much later than the two people.

Haibara Ai: "..." Jiang Xia indeed knew that Kidd had run away, and he might even know that Conan had chased him away... Did his email interrupt Jiang Xia's leisure activities and be mistaken for urging him? Work?

Haiyuan Ai touched her mobile phone, lost in thought, and began to think about whether to send an explanation email-in fact, she didn't mind Jiang Xia touching fish when he was catching monster thieves. This was the job of the police anyway.

Separated by a wall, Conan didn't know that he was being sold. The diligent first-year detective was still running down the hallway.

After leaving the door, Conan ran towards the side door, wanting to block Kidd and ask him about his motive for committing the crime tonight, and then follow the clues to see if there was the mysterious black-clothed cadre behind him.

However, as soon as he reached the corner, a person came out from the other side of the corner. Conan was caught off guard and bumped into him. The opponent's chassis was strong and stable as a mountain, but Conan was knocked backwards twice before he got up again.

The primary school student raised his head dizzily, saw the person in front of him clearly, and was stunned for a moment.

——The person who met him at the corner seemed to be a security guard. This man was wearing a security uniform, with a ferocious face, and some short brown hair standing out from the temples on both sides of the security hat.

Conan always felt that this person looked familiar, but because the other person's obvious features were all covered, and he had never seen the face of the "unfortunate passerby" clearly before, Conan couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

Ireland, who was disguised as a security guard, saw that the person he collided with was a naughty kid. He originally wanted to ignore it and planned to continue going his own way.

However, when he glanced casually and saw Conan's face, he suddenly stopped and stared at the child in front of him carefully.

Conan subconsciously took a step back, feeling a strong sense of crisis rising in his heart for no apparent reason, feeling that he was being targeted by something dangerous.

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