Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 145: Deportation there such a good thing?

...just one step away from being seen.

Hattori Heiji clenched his fist unwillingly.

Having said that, he clearly didn't make any movement just now, and Jiang Xia had been looking at the innkeeper in front of him, with his back turned to him, but just as he was about to leave, Jiang Xia discovered this terrifying intuition and insight...

If Jiangxia didn't see him, Hattori Heiji could of course leave without any pressure.

But now, since Jiang Xia has discovered his presence, leaving again is as if he is deliberately avoiding Jiang Xia, which always feels like a loss of face.

The Osaka high school student detective who could not be killed had a fierce ideological struggle and finally decided to stay at the scene. And comforted himself in his heart - at worst, when Jiang Xia invited him to Tokyo, he would firmly refuse with the reason of "preferring Osaka".

In addition, Hattori Heiji thought that Kazuha was a very principled girl. Even if Jiang Xia was eyeing him like Kudo, Kazuha would not be like Kudo's girlfriend and easily accompany Jiang Xia to go out for fun.

Mao Lilan was listening carefully just now, but when she turned around, she found that Jiang Xia had walked to the door and was standing with Hattori Heiji.

So she also walked over, wanting to say hello to someone she knew.

However, as soon as he got closer, he inexplicably received an extremely complicated sight from Hattori Heiji.

Mao Lilan stopped in confusion and casually touched Rua Conan's head.

She observed Jiangxia, who was obviously in a good mood, and Hattori Heiji, who was obviously wary, and wondered why this Osaka detective looked so unfriendly... She hoped Jiangxia would not be affected.

After boss Jin Gu explained the rules, he handed out a thick stack of Sherlock Holmes' 1,000 Questions to the visitors.

Only those who answer more than 990 questions correctly and hand in the paper before dinner tomorrow can participate in the reasoning question and answer session on the second night.

"And if you can't reach 990 points -" Boss Jingu put away his smile, Sen Leng changed his face, "get out of my hotel immediately. Such unscrupulous people have no right to stay here."

The guests looked stunned. Although they are very confident in themselves, they can't help but complain about such cruel words.

Only Hattori Heiji's eyes lit up slightly. To be honest, he wanted to...

However, just after he finished showing off, he found Jiang Xia Youyou next to him looking over.

Hattori Heiji:"……"

He suppressed his expectant expression and complained: "It's really strict."

Hattori Heiji's words were just making excuses.

But it’s true that Boss Jin Gu is very strict.

Jin Gu continued: "Cheating will be treated as 0 points. In addition, surveillance and bugs are installed in each room. I hope everyone can be more conscious when answering questions."

After explaining the rules, the helper came forward with a small basket and took away all the reference books and mobile phones. And each person was given a room key.

Jiang Xia only handed over the mobile phone he used daily, and kept the organization's mobile phone on him.

It was getting late. After Jiang Xia had dinner, she entered her room. He originally wanted to open his phone and play a mini-game for a while, but he hesitated for a moment and opened the 1,000 test questions.

It's not that I'm worried about bugs and surveillance - Boss Jin Gu lied. After all, this is a hotel and is open during normal times. In order to avoid complaints from tenants, the "camera" in the corner of the room is actually just an empty shell.

This fake surveillance camera will be attached during the Sherlock Holmes tour and taken down when picking up guests... it is simply used to scare the participants.

Therefore, Jiang Xia will spend time answering the questions, but she just feels that if she doesn't write a word, it will look very strange if she is discovered the next day.

The night passed quickly.

The next day is the time for answering questions given by the organizer.

At the same time, this day is also the day when the young detective team goes to the doctor's villa to hunt for treasure.

Jiang Xia had lunch, counted the time, and found that Dr. A Li and the others were almost arriving at the villa.

So his body hung up in the room, and the puppet condensed its entity in the nearby woods and rushed to the direction of the villa.

Yesterday, Jiang Xia only overheard the approximate location. He didn't ask directly. It seemed too coincidental.

Jiang Xia originally thought that a villa rising from the ground in a deserted mountain should be very conspicuous. He could find it by flying around in the sky with a foggy dog.

But after following the impression and climbing to the top of the mountain, Jiang Xia glanced down and fell into deep thought.

At the foot of the mountain, there are villas every few hundred meters. From Jiang Xia's perspective, they are densely packed.

...Why do everyone like to build villas in places like this?

Jumping on the bandwagon?

No wonder there are Blizzard Villa-style cases everywhere... Maybe this is the customs and customs of Ke Xue's world.

A minute ago, Jiang Xia thought that as long as he determined the approximate location, finding the doctor's villa in the mountains would be as simple as looking over the snow and finding a black penguin.

A minute later, Jiang Xia discovered that the conditions had to be changed - it should be like finding a specific bear among a group of polar bears while overlooking the snow.

...Is this a job done by humans?

Jiang Xia stood on the top of a towering mountain, looking at the stretching mountains below her feet. She wrapped her wings tightly in the vicissitudes of life to block the mountain wind.

In a cold world, cold routines, only these furry wings still have some warmth.

Xiaobai was left by Jiang Xia next to the main body, so that he could be reminded to change his number when something happened. Wutian Dog is fully supporting the puppet.

Jiang Xia then looked at Miyano Akemi, who was lying on his shoulder: "Can you feel the murderous aura? Or can you sense your sister?"

Miyano Akemi closed her eyes and looked at him with a serious look on her face for a while, then opened her eyes again and looked at him with a QAQ expression.

...Okay, he gets it.

The distance is too far to be detected.

You can only find it yourself.

Jiang Xia sighed, jumped off the edge of the cliff, and flew towards a villa with a pointed roof that seemed to have an attic.

He remembered that Dr. A Li's uncle's villa was of this style.

Jiang Xia found Tianhei from noon, and switched back to his body to eat a meal, and had to take a stick of ghost mint to replenish his energy. Finally, he saw Dr. A Li's conspicuously colored car at the door of a villa. Beetle sedan.

There are lush trees in the forest, and flying around is not easy to see, but there are obviously fewer trees around the villa.

After Jiang Xia observed the situation, he landed a little further away.

Considering that there were many people in the villa, he switched to Miyano Akemi's puppet, walked lightly, and approached secretly.

Soon, Jiang Xia's eyes stopped at the window of the villa, where there was a sneaky figure.

The uninvited guest was a middle-aged man. He was wearing casual clothes, his hair style was like a bald kappa, his chin was long and pointed, and he looked like an authentic villain.

At this time, the villain brother held a gun in his hand and was looking into the villa through the window with a ferocious look on his face.


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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