Corpse collector in Conan

1630【Fanatic Fans】

"Let me go back! Who are you?!"

The murderer had a black hood covering his head. He couldn't see anything, but he was still very powerful. This proud man who had never suffered any setbacks since childhood sat on a stool with his legs crossed, chest raised and head raised, facing the two kidnappers he had never met before.

Ireland stared at the tool man who indirectly caused his injury, his fists itching - if he had caught this guy before he entered the police station, things would have been much easier to handle. That way he can take whatever means he wants, and he will definitely be able to find something more effective.

Ireland: "..." Unfortunately, he was trying to avoid the faller who was kicked towards him, and his wounds burst. He could only leave the scene in a hurry to avoid being blocked by the police, and he had no energy to take care of this.

...Uzo the bastard. Kill him sooner or later.

Ireland didn't know how many times she made a solemn oath in her heart.

Then he glanced at his confidant and raised his chin at the murderer.

Maya Hashimoto immediately understood what his boss meant. He cleared his throat and honestly acted as a questioning tool: "Don't worry, we are not bad people. We just have a question for you - from whom did you learn the killing technique of hitting people with people?"

The murderer was stunned. After a moment, he sneered twice angrily: "What technique do I want to use? Do I need to learn from others? Of course I came up with it myself!"

When he thought that the kidnapper opposite him dared to question him, the murderer felt unhappy: "Oh, I understand, you think this method is too subtle, so you can't believe it was done by me? Hum, it's really pitiful, like you Such a brainless person must have never had such a wonderful experience where inspiration bursts out."


This direction is different from what Ireland imagined.

...This murderer really doesn’t know who Uzo is?

If he pretended to be like this on purpose, then his acting skills must be too good.

Ireland tapped the edge of the table silently with her fingertips, feeling a bad premonition in her heart, but she was unwilling to let go of the handle she finally got.

He thought for a moment, opened the notepad on his phone, typed a few words, and turned the screen to show it to his assistant.

Maya Hashimoto took a closer look respectfully.

Soon, his voice sounded again in the room: "It's too late to deny it now. Do you still remember what you said when you were arrested?"

The murderer frowned. Perhaps it was his proud character that made him feel that there was no question in the world that he could not answer. When he heard the other person ask this question, he actually recalled it seriously:

"What I said at the time was, 'Since I did make a mistake in this supposedly perfect case, I will admit it and treat it as a reward for your busy work for a long time.'"

After saying that, he seemed to have misunderstood the identities of the two people opposite him, and sneered: "You want to test whether I will retract my confession before the trial? Huh, it is really a villain's heart to judge a gentleman's belly. Since I said it before I will be responsible for my own methods, and I will not engage in such embarrassing behavior as 'quibbling'."

Maya Hashimoto felt that this guy was a little difficult to communicate: "It's not this sentence, it's the previous sentence."

Murderer: "The previous sentence?"

Maya Hashimoto repeated what he said at that time: "What you said at that time was, 'The prisoner this time is not an ordinary person, he is a very outstanding person. He will not leave any trace behind like other stupid guys. Evidence against yourself'...Tell me, who is this person you are talking about?"


The interrogation room suddenly fell silent.

The murderer's movements also stopped.

Ireland looked at his reaction and narrowed his eyes silently, feeling that he had grasped the key.

I was about to take advantage of the victory and ask for clues.

However, the next second, the murderer opposite suddenly spoke. There was actually a trace of compassion in his originally arrogant voice: "You are really stupid when you say you are stupid... Tsk, everyone will understand that I am just praising myself.

"The police were right across from me at the time. If they told me that the murderer was me, they would lead them to investigate. That's why I didn't point out that the 'excellent person' was actually myself - such a simple thing. You can’t understand? The kids in kindergarten are smarter than you.”

"Wait. So you brought me out in the middle of the night just for this stupid question?"

When the murderer thought that this powerful kidnapper who could arrest people at the police station had no brains, he couldn't help but laugh out loud because of the contrast: "You really think that there is someone behind me to help me, hahahaha. Come on, come on!" Take away this annoying hood and let me see how funny you are fighting with the air!"

Maya Hashimoto looked at him silently, not feeling offended, but her eyes slowly turned pitiful: "Heh." Do you really think that committing this case was out of your own volition?

Ireland also discovered some problems from the murderer's attitude.

Judging from the information, this winner in life has not studied acting or other majors. Now he doesn't look like an actor - he really doesn't seem to think that there is anyone else behind him, let alone the existence of Uzo, just like the stupid murderers who were provoked by Uzo in the past.

Ireland: "..." Could it be that I am really thinking too much. Or was this just another nasty joke played on him by Uzo?

Seeing Uzo's handle float to his hand and then slip away quietly, Ireland couldn't help but clenched his fists, not wanting to give up so easily.

——What if?

What if the person opposite is self-taught and has outstanding acting skills, and now he insists on committing crimes independently, just because he doesn’t want to involve the people behind the scenes...

Ireland decided to give it a try, otherwise it would be impossible to settle.

He thought for a while, resisted the urge to ask in person, and typed another sentence on his phone.

This murderer dared to praise Uzuo in public. Even if he didn't name him, it showed that he was definitely not Uzuo's subordinate, and he didn't know the organization's principle of confidentiality.

But he refused to reveal any information about Uzo. After all this calculation, there is only one truth - the murderer may be a fan of Uzzo. He discovered the criminal genius of Uzzo under certain accidental circumstances and was impressed by him, so he had these abnormal behaviors.

Maya Hashimoto glanced at the instructions on her phone and nodded clearly.

He turned to the murderer and coaxed according to his superior's instructions:

“It can be seen that you not only used the methods he provided to commit crimes, but also defended him to this extent, you must admire him very much.

"That guy is not someone that ordinary people can easily come into contact with. But now, I am willing to give you a chance. As long as you tell me how you discovered his true identity, I can take you to meet your idol, and even let you How about you have a cordial exchange with him? Think about it?"

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