Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1643 1643 [My little brother wants to harm me]

"You can call me George."

Maya Hashimoto casually picked up a pseudonym that sounded more like a foreigner: "When I came here to ask for an autograph just now, I always felt that you looked very familiar. After I went back, I suddenly remembered - I saw it on a Japanese detective show You. I heard you’re a very famous detective. That’s so cool. Can you sign it for me too?”

Jiang Xia: "..." The new little brother is good at everything, but he has a weird accent when he talks. It's obviously not like this when he talks to Ireland... Forget it, it's not a big problem. Thinking about it on the other hand, he speaks weirdly. Okay, so if you meet an impatient and grumpy old man, you might be able to squeeze out some murderous energy.

...Thinking about it this way, the new boy is working very hard.

Jiang Xia suddenly became more pleasing to the eye when he saw Hashimoto Maya. He played with the new murderous spirit he had just picked up and forgave the little brother tolerantly: "Of course, but I'm not used to using signature boards. Can a business card be okay?"

As he spoke, he took out a business card, signed his name, and handed it over.

Maya Hashimoto took the business card with a smile, but the corners of his eyes twitched slightly: he had the impression that he had just seen the exact same thing in Ireland - how much does this detective like to give out business cards to people.

...And if I remember correctly, not long after Mr. Ireland received his business card, he was unfortunately attacked and his body was left lying on the street. This thing shouldn't be stained with bad luck or something.

Although he wanted to throw this business card out of the cabin immediately, his good professionalism allowed Hashimoto Maya to restrain any expressions of disgust.

He looked at the business card with admiration and put it away politely.

Then his expression became slightly more serious, he lowered his voice and got to the point: "Actually, I have a commission for you - I recently encountered some very serious accidents that were life-threatening. I was still thinking about what to do before, I didn’t expect to meet you, maybe God is showing me a way out.”

Jiang Xia tried hard to adapt to his strange tone: "What accident? If I can help, I will do my best."

Maya Hashimoto showed a troubled expression: "I don't know how to describe it. Specifically, I have been involved in some murder cases recently - obviously the murderer is not me and the victim is not me. I am just passing by, but I always... Forced to face some life-threatening dangers.

"Afterwards, both the police and people around me told me that it was just an accident, but I felt that was not the case - I always felt that I was being targeted, but I couldn't find any trace of the mastermind behind it. "

When he said these words, he looked at Jiang Xia carefully, not missing the slightest expression on the detective's face.

Then Jiang Xia thought seriously for a moment and said, "There are many possibilities. Let's rule them out first - you don't have any mental illness, such as persecution delusion."

"..." Maya Hashimoto said, "Of course not. I am very healthy physically and mentally. And this is by no means a 'delusion'. I was really injured because of those cases. There were other times if I hadn't escaped quickly, the injuries would have been more serious. It's so serious that you may even die on the spot."

Jiang Xia nodded thoughtfully, and his expression finally became more serious.

He looked around and lowered his voice: "Actually, you are not alone. I have also noticed similar phenomena and have been investigating. It's just a pity that I haven't been able to find many effective clues so far."

"Isn't it an exception?" Maya Hashimoto didn't expect that such a test would actually reveal such important information. He quickly asked, "Who else has been...cough, who else has encountered the same thing? Can I Meet them?"

Jiang Xia shook his head.

Maya Hashimoto refused to give up and wanted to pry out Uzo’s information from those people as soon as possible: “I know that you private detectives have the obligation to keep your clients confidential, but only if we victims unite can we improve the current situation. You can discuss it with them, I think they will definitely be willing to see me."

"No, they won't. And I don't recommend you to look for them." Jiang Xia looked a little embarrassed, "To be honest, they...are no longer alive."


Maya Hashimoto raised her head in shock, and was stunned when she met the young detective's half-guilty, half-pitying eyes.

You're careless, you should have thought of it a long time ago: How long can the people targeted by Uzo live in total?

Despair gradually welled up in his heart: Could it be that my fate would also be...

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Huh? No, it’s too dramatic. It’s not me who is being targeted by Uzo right now, it’s Mr. Ireland!

In just a few minutes, Maya Hashimoto was like riding a roller coaster, with ups and downs in mood.

Jiang Xia held her chin up and looked at this lazy boy who didn't risk murder anymore: "As you can see, I may not be of much help in these matters. Are you sure you want to entrust me with this?"

"Of course." Maya Hashimoto came back to her senses, "It's not convenient on the plane. Let's make an appointment when we get to Japan and slowly tell about my experience?"

"Okay." Jiang Xia smiled, "But then, I need to interview the client - I mean the client who has experienced countless murders. What you are telling is not your own story."

Maya Hashimoto's fingers trembled suddenly.

... He was so involved that he even believed it himself. Where did this detective see the flaw? !

"I, cough, that..."

Maya Hashimoto originally wanted to be tough.

But when he raised his head and met the detective's calm eyes, he suddenly realized that his proud acting skills seemed to be just a thin layer of paper in Jiang Xia's eyes, so superficial that they were not worth mentioning.

When searching for information about Jiang Xia before, Hashimoto Maya glanced at those touting words such as "speedy case solving" and "New Era Sherlock Holmes". He didn't have much real sense. He just felt that these fancy modifications were a waste of readers' time. time.

But now, sitting face to face, he felt the weight of those words for the first time. That is by no means a simple compliment, but a medal piled up by criminals with their blood and tears.

This young detective's current reputation is definitely not due to the media's praise, the favor of rich women, nor his face or luck - Jiang Xia only needs to rely on his meticulous insights to make all lies impossible to hide. .

Maya Hashimoto: "..." No wonder no one in the organization likes to interact with detectives. Before, he thought this was just some kind of spiritual tradition such as "good and evil are not mutually exclusive", but now it seems that this may be a valuable experience that the predecessors have laid down with their lives from generation to generation.

A cold sweat broke out on his back, and he regretted sitting next to Jiang Xia.

But it's too late to regret it anymore - the only thing to be thankful for is that Jiang Xia is an unarmed and good citizen. Such people have a natural disadvantage when facing organizational members who trample social rules.

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