Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1652 1652 [Kid, Danger]

The female lead seemed to relate to Conan's words, and she frowned in disgust: "Maki Shuri didn't wash her hands when she went to the toilet?"

Conan: "..." Sigh, it's really hard to explain a case to someone who doesn't know how to reason. I really want to prick her with an anesthetic needle and then tell her the truth...

However, in full view of everyone, Conan touched his watch, and finally had to retract his hand with regret, waiting for Jiang Xia to continue his reasoning.

Unexpectedly, before Jiang Xia spoke, Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but glance at him, with a very complicated tone: "'She takes a very short time to go to the toilet'? 'Not like the time it takes a normal woman to go to the toilet'?... At such a young age , how do you know this kind of thing so clearly, you are like a peeping tom. Wait, no wonder you have no feelings for those cute little girls in your school. It turns out that you like this kind of older women? "

Conan: "..."

...Doesn't this guy have nothing else on his mind besides the love between men and women? And isn’t there a “little” age difference between me and Makiri? Makiri is as old as Kudo Yukiko, completely older!

Conan's eyelids twitched wildly, feeling that his reputation had been dealt a devastating blow. He had no choice but to explain in an innocent child tone:

"Kidd failed to get the ring last night. His goal, the Stone of Destiny, is still worn on Aunt Mu Shuli's hand. I keep staring at Aunt Mu Shuli because I want to protect the ring. ah.

"As for the time it takes a normal woman to go to the toilet, well, that's Jiang..."

Suddenly a hand fell on his head.

Jiang Xia didn't know when he stopped wandering and was touching his head kindly.

"..." The prisoners who had been stepped on and knocked on the ground by Jiang Xia suddenly flashed through Conan's mind, and his desire for survival suddenly burst out of the ground, "That's what Brother Hattori told me before! Detectives must pay attention to every detail in daily life, not only Normal women, women with children, men, the elderly, disabled people with inconvenient legs and feet... all of these must be paid attention to, only in this way can you become a mature and serious detective!"

This reason was barely acceptable, but Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but mutter: "...That black guy is trying to teach children something."

Detectives are busy pushing the blame among themselves.

On the contrary, there was a brainstorm among the suspects, and everyone wanted to find out the murderer immediately so that their journey would be more peaceful.

Maya Hashimoto also tried to quietly reduce some of the pressure on himself with the help of Jiang Xia. He suddenly thought of something: "Well, I heard what you mean, the ring on the hand of the deceased was targeted by the notorious Kaitou Kidd." Got it? - Could it be that Kidd failed to succeed last night, so he killed someone in shame and anger today?"

Kuroba Kaito: "...?"

"Notorious? It should be famous all over the world, right? My fan club is no less than that of some celebrities." Kidd retorted dissatisfiedly, "What other 'killing with shame and anger'... slander, this is a naked slander! There is something really wrong with this guy. He is full of evil and is not a good person at first glance. You should pay more attention to him in the future. If you catch him committing a crime, pack him up and send him to the police station to eliminate harm for the people."

Maya Hashimoto knew nothing about the hostility from a certain Phantom Thief. He just wanted to swim out of the whirlpool at the center of the case as soon as possible, so he had to drag an unlucky guy to take his place.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." In addition, like Jiang Xia, Kaito Kidd is actually the target he and Ireland plan to contact during this trip. It might be easier to find out his flaws if this monster thief is thrown into disarray.

Although he was disrupted by Uzo just now, Maya Hashimoto has now recovered with the help of Jiang Xia, and his performance ability is back online. After all, after following the brutal cadres for so long, Maya Hashimoto has not made any mistakes at work so far. Being shot to death already shows that he rarely makes mistakes and is good at seizing opportunities.

Maya Hashimoto quickly entered the state: "Kid can disguise himself. If he gets on the plane disguised as an ordinary passenger, we will not be able to recognize him at all - in other words, everyone on the plane is suspected. How about we first Grab all the passengers’ faces and find out where Kidd is.”

"..." Kuroba Kaito's face turned green: his disguise was not resistant to being picked up, and if he followed the passengers one by one, he could really find out his true identity.

And this is an airplane, an absolutely confined space. If someone exposes the identity of the Phantom Thief on the spot, will he have no choice but to take the risk and jump off the plane?

Kidd: "..." We are at sea now. Can we still survive if we jump?

Anyway, calm down first, this proposal will not be accepted. Because everyone's goal is to find the murderer hiding around them, and Jiang Xia knows that Kaitou Kidd is not the real murderer. As long as this detective can find the real murderer immediately as he did before...

"Good suggestion." Jiang Xia looked at Maya Hashimoto and seemed to agree with his suggestion. "This can indeed catch Kidd out."

Kuroba Kaito: "?!!"

...After all, we are fellow monsters who share the same secret, and yet you did this to me! The detective really doesn’t have a good thing!

Kidd looked at the escape door silently, planning his escape route for a while.

Fortunately, before the Phantom Thief was almost caught in a trap, the detective's conscience finally awakened a little.

Jiang Xia: "But there are no police on the plane now. If the passengers refuse to be inspected, we can't force them - and there are too many crew members and passengers to verify. It's better to find the murderer directly, so there is no need to go through the trouble Got Kidd.”

Conan's heart skipped a beat: "Do you know who the murderer is again?"

Maya Hashimoto and Ireland looked at Jiang Xia quickly. Intellectually, both of them believed in the detective's heart of justice and reasoning ability, but thinking of Wu Zuo's miraculous manipulation, they instinctively became vigilant, fearing that a fatal judgment would come out of Jiang Xia's mouth.

Jiang Xia raised her finger, originally wanting to point out the murderer directly.

But before that, he moved his peripheral vision slightly and caught a glimpse of two colleagues beside him who were grunting with murderous intent.

"..." Jiang Xia raised the pointing hand, immediately changed its direction, and touched his chin.

Then he changed the beginning as if nothing had happened:

"When flying, some people are not used to the changes in air pressure, and their ears will become stuffy. At this time, everyone who has experienced it has their own way of relieving it.

"For example, chewing gum and swallowing. Or like Maki Shuri, pinch your nose and try to inflate - that is, pinch the wings of your nose with your index finger and thumb and exhale. The deceased actually had some diving experience, and some divers would use this method Allow the air pressure on both sides of your eardrums to equalize."

Hearing this, Maya Hashimoto felt lighthearted: "Since you specifically mentioned this, the murderer must have taken advantage of this characteristic of hers. It seems that the real murderer is a person who is very familiar with the deceased's usual habits." - Follow me This complete passerby has nothing to do with it!

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