Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1655 1655【Case closed】

The makeup artist’s hatred ran deep into his bones: “After I graduated from school and returned to China, I put makeup on that woman while writing letters to apply for a job in Hollywood.

"A month ago, I finally had the opportunity to realize my dream - a Hollywood actress came to Japan, and her agent praised my makeup skills and asked me if I wanted to go to Hollywood.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me, but that bastard in Mu Shuli is behind the scenes and ruining my good fortune!

"If she kept me just because she liked my skills so much and wanted me to do her makeup, I wouldn't be intolerant of it, but that's not the case at all! She just thought I was quick at work and wanted to take advantage of me for a few more years - this A bastard who can disturb other people's dreams for his own selfish desires does not deserve to live in this world!"

The director snorted: "If you want to kill her, go ahead and kill her. We didn't stop you. But you brought the suspicion to us." Fortunately, he heard that a famous detective was coming to the set, so he stopped in time. His own murder plan. Now there are no more people to hate, and I don't have to go to jail... This is so wonderful, there is such a good thing like pie in the sky.

No matter what everyone was thinking, at least on the surface it seemed that the real murderer was on his knees, the matter was settled, and everything was resolved smoothly.

But when Conan looked at this scene, he felt uneasy and felt that he had forgotten something very important.

He frowned and stared at the makeup artist who was kneeling on the ground, thinking quickly in his mind: "Is it because there was no police siren, so I subconsciously thought that the matter was not over yet? No, that shouldn't be the case..."

Conan always had an extremely bad premonition in his heart. Soon, even his head began to throb and hurt. Some kind of powerful intuition warned him that something big was about to happen.

But what is going on?

The desire to survive made Conan temporarily ignore the little rivalry between the detectives. He asked Jiang Xia: "Do you feel that something is very wrong?"

Jiang Xia thought for a while: "No. The only thing to note is that we are not sure how many times Mu Shuli touched his nose, and how many places he touched after getting poison on his hands - in other words, in the plane There may still be some residual toxins. It is best not to eat anything before arriving at the destination, and try to avoid the places where Mu Shuli has been active."

Not far away, in the cab.

The captain loosened his collar uncomfortably, feeling a little out of breath. He casually asked the first officer: "Why are you so stuffy all of a sudden?"

"You think so too? Just now I thought it was my imagination, but now it seems that it is an environmental problem." The co-pilot was also out of breath and was unbuttoning his collar.

But no matter how loose his clothes were, he still felt short of breath. The co-pilot murmured doubtfully: "Did the thunderstorm cause the air pressure in the cabin to change? But the instrument didn't show it, and we had never encountered this situation during thunderstorms before. What a weird day today!”

"Forget it, hold on a little longer, maybe the ventilation facility is out of order." The captain sighed, "When we get to the place, I must go out and breathe some fresh air."

The two of them hadn't realized that the disaster was coming, and they were talking to each other.

In the cabin, Conan felt as if his brain had turned into a movie player. All the scenes just flashed before his eyes. However, compared with what he actually saw, during the playback this time, the scene in his mind was different. The images are additionally spliced ​​with other content.

Mu Shuli’s movement trajectory...

To put it in order, the actress first went into the bathroom and pinched her nose to breathe. After coming out, she originally wanted to return to her seat, but suddenly she saw the stewardess passing her and going to the cab, so she followed her decisively.

Recalling this, Conan's thoughts suddenly stopped.

——When Maki Shuli was greeting the drivers in the cab, he happened to peek curiously behind the door curtain. And if I remember correctly, the two captains held Maki Shuri's fingertips and kissed her hand...wait, they held her fingertips? !

Conan jumped up and grabbed the stewardess next to him: "I remember you just delivered coffee and snacks to the cab - tell them immediately not to eat them!

The stewardess looked at the child in surprise, then obviously failed to understand what he meant, and smiled: "Kid, I didn't poison him."

Ireland didn't take this first grader too seriously. He thought about Conan's words casually, and then suddenly remembered something fatal.

——When Maki Shuli returned to her seat just now, she walked in a slightly strange direction. She didn't seem to be coming back from the bathroom, but more like she was coming from the direction of the cockpit.

She doesn’t know what Maki Shuli did in the cab with the pilots, but if the poison on her hands got on those snacks, and the snacks were eaten by the pilots...

Ireland's heart skipped a beat and he stood up straight. In the face of an event like an "air crash" that is comparable to a natural disaster and almost certain death, even organizational cadres who have seen many storms and waves find it difficult to maintain true calm.

Maya Hashimoto rarely saw his boss acting so rude. He was startled and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

Before Ireland could answer, another person answered his doubts first.

——The stewardess suddenly received an internal call for help from the cockpit.

She held the phone, her voice rising unconsciously due to surprise: "Having trouble breathing?! Are you two like this?! No, there is no problem with the oxygen and air pressure in the plane... I, I will be there soon, please come again Hold on!"

The flight attendant put down the phone, stepped on her high heels that were almost broken, and rushed to the cockpit anxiously.

Jiang Xia quickly followed. The captain and co-pilot had an accident at the same time, and the flight attendant did not bother to stop the passengers from entering the cockpit. Except for Jiang Xia, everyone else also realized that something was wrong and followed them.

A group of people quickly gathered at the door of the cab.

When I looked inside the room, I saw the captain and co-pilot sitting in front of the dashboard. Both of them slumped in their seats, raising their hands and pulling on their collars. Their movements were weird, as if they were possessed by evil spirits. The scene looked a bit scary.

"Captain?! Mr. Nakaya! What's wrong with you?!"

The flight attendant ran to them and called out, but neither of them had the energy to pay attention to her. The captain and co-pilot were holding their necks and struggling, and it seemed that they had already stepped on the Naihe Bridge.

"How is it possible... is that guy crazy?!"

Ireland looked at this scene, and a bad premonition suddenly swelled in his heart - How dare Uzo, how dare he attack such a big plane? !

The plane crash is definitely a large-scale accident that attracts national and even global attention. For members of the organization to cause such a level of news, it is almost equivalent to being on the death penalty list.

...No matter how much internal fighting there is, there is no need to engage in such a battle! Uzo turns out to be really a madman? !

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