Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1667 1667 [Struck by lightning]

After the adjustment was completed, the person contacting Jiang Xia was switched to a more experienced superior: "Hello, I am the director of control, Shangshang. Next, Captain Shimaoka will teach you how to drive. Please be sure to calm down and listen to him carefully. command."

Captain Shimaoka soon appeared, his voice sounding confident: "I am Shimaoka. Brave young man, can you find the MCP, which is the location of the mode control panel?"

Jiang Xia glanced at the radio and felt that the captain's tone of voice was a bit like a river god, making people want to ask him for gold, silver and bronze. But there's still business to do now.

He quickly came to his senses: "Yes."

——It’s impossible to find it even if you don’t want to find it. Matsuda Jinpei has already drifted past, and Hashimoto Maya is also pointing at it, for fear that he won’t see it or press the wrong button.

Jiang Xia was bored: "..." There is no experience at all in flying this plane...

He pressed Maya Hashimoto's hand, pulled Matsuda Jinpei to the side, and then asked the captain calmly: "What's next?"

Captain Shimaoka was very pleased with his calmness: "Next, press the button that says 'APP' above, and the plane will automatically land on the runway."

Jiang Xia raised her hand and pressed it: "Okay."

The tower staff and the captain were obviously relieved.

Maya Hashimoto also felt relieved, but as a meticulous member of the organization who was being watched by Uzo, he was extremely alert and would not let up until the plane landed completely.

Maya Hashimoto checked the instruments back and forth: "After that, it should be about controlling the wings and landing gear. You know how to do it, do you need me to explain it again?"

Jiang Xia sighed: "You just said it at least five times." This is contempt for the memory of the psychic.

He thought for a while and looked at the anxious organization member: "If you are worried, how about you come and drive?"

As he spoke, he made a gesture to get up.

"!!" Maya Hashimoto pushed him back into the driver's seat and waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no, no, my hands shake when I get nervous. If you let me take the chance, I will definitely destroy everyone! Come on, come on!" "

Originally it was just an exaggerated metaphor.

But the speaker has no intention of listening, and Ireland couldn't help but glance this way: "..." If Hashimoto is asked to fly a plane, will he destroy it and kill everyone? always seems like a threat.

Although I have always trusted this little brother, no one knows what choice the other person will make in the face of a life-and-death crisis... No. Calm down and don't think wildly. This is just a trick by Uzo to sow discord.

Jiang Xia raised her hand to straighten the collar that was messed up when she stood up. Maya Hashimoto noticed something moving, and with a glance from the corner of her eye, she caught Ireland's eyes from the reflective dashboard.

Ireland withdrew his gaze and looked out the window again as if nothing had happened.

Maya Hashimoto was stunned for a moment. Then she remembered what she had just said and broke into a cold sweat: "..." Wait, I'm not, I didn't! That's just to let Jiang Xia continue to help me fly the plane, there is no threat!

From where Jiang Xia was sitting, he could not see the movements of the two people behind him, either directly or through reflections.

He looked at the dashboard, as if he was concentrating on preparing for what he was going to do next, and he was not aware of the tense atmosphere behind him.

Inside the control tower of Hakodate Airport.

After the call ended, Captain Shimaoka looked a little more relaxed than before: "This enthusiastic passenger is very easy to communicate with. The most rare thing is that he is calm and composed, doesn't seem to be panic at all, and he understands everything on the plane fairly well—— The crew is really lucky to have such a passenger.”

"It's just..." The control director also thought the passengers were great, but at this time, looking at the thundercloud-filled sky outside the window, he sighed worriedly: With this kind of bad weather, normal flights should be considered delayed, but now they are It's really unsettling to have a newbie land the plane. "

Captain Shimaoka comforted him: "It's okay. As long as there is an autopilot system, the technical deficiencies can be made up for. As for thunderstorms, there is no need to worry about this. Our aircraft have been tested for lightning protection."

"What aircraft has not been struck by lightning these days? Even if a few protruding structures are damaged, as long as the automatic operating system can still be used, it can land smoothly. Although the subsequent repairs are indeed troublesome, now is not the time to consider these. The most important thing is to get that plane down first."

The director of control was still uneasy: "What if the autopilot system is affected by lightning? A normal captain has enough skills to land the plane manually, but now, there is no usable pilot on the plane at all."

Captain Shimaoka has more flying experience: "You are overthinking. Those important instruments are protected by metal mesh, and their location is not easy to be struck by lightning - it takes more tricky lightning to hit the autopilot." System. Don’t worry, it’s not a big problem.”

The plane is getting closer and closer to Hakodate Airport.

Under the control of the autopilot system, the plane lowered its altitude and dived through the clouds with a turbulence that made some passengers tremble.

The thunderstorm fell. Through the rain-soaked window, one could see the long line of street lights below. The brightly lit night scene made the passengers who had been floating in the sky for a long time breathe a sigh of relief and feel like they were back on earth.

In the cab, Maya Hashimoto's surprised voice sounded: "Look, the airport is ahead, and it's finally over!"

On the other side, Ireland's expression also softened a bit, but he still reminded: "When the plane is taking off and landing, it is most likely to be struck by lightning. Before getting off the plane, you must be fully alert and not relax."

Maya Hashimoto almost blurted out "Yes!" But suddenly I remembered that in front of others, they were not obviously superiors and subordinates, but friends. So he changed his words to something closer to ordinary citizens: "I understand, don't worry."

As he said this, Maya Hashimoto glanced at his boss secretly: This thrilling voyage had obviously affected Ireland's mentality to some extent, and he almost broke into gangs. Fortunately, Ireland looks older - the elders are preaching to their younger friends, and they are reluctant to stay in the past.

On the other side, everyone in the tower was also pleasantly surprised and saw the plane from a distance: "It's coming, it's flying! It's flying very steadily!"

Captain Shimaoka stood ready, picked up the radio, and instructed: "Turn the wings to 1."

"Wing..." Jiang Xia flicked away Matsuda Jinpei, who was sitting on the wing control stick, and pulled the lever: Why is this ghost everywhere? If you don't calm down the murderous aura, it will drift around.

The captain held up his binoculars and observed the situation of the aircraft, and instructions continued to come:

"Wings set to 5."

"Wings turned to 10."

"Lower the landing gear and adjust the wings to 20!"

As Jiang Xia adjusted, the huge aircraft changed its angle and dived towards the airport.

Seeing that they were about to land smoothly, Maya Hashimoto and Ireland stared at the airport that was getting closer and closer, with the corners of their mouths gradually rising.

The next moment, an extremely dazzling white light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. A huge thunderstorm followed - a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit the cockpit of the nose of the plane!

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