Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1673 1673 [The plane is out of fuel] Please give me a monthly ticket (〃〃)

The last flag could not be planted, and Captain Shimaoka's mouth seemed to be covered.

Ireland: “…” Well done.

He has never believed in any metaphysics, but at this time, when he was in a hurry and sought medical treatment, he wanted to believe in everything.

Jiang Xia perked up and sat up straight: "What's wrong? Someone attacked you?"

"Ahem, no, I'm fine." Captain Shimaoka struggled to open the control director's hand and got down to business, "Tell me the specific situation of the plane, and I will teach you how to operate next."

Jiang Xia leaned back in his seat: "Oh, I understand."

He conveyed the status of the aircraft in detail to the captain and adjusted the rudder as he said. Without the automatic driving system, there are more steps to operate, but fortunately it is not difficult for Jiang Xia.

Not long after, the plane temporarily stabilized.

Captain Shimaoka: "What is the current altitude and speed?"

"Altitude 3,000 feet, speed 200 knots."

Captain Shimaoka was relieved: "Adjust the wings to five and change to horizontal flight. Adjust the nose of the aircraft to a 180-degree direction and rise to 4,500 feet. Just hover in the sky and wait for the autopilot system to restart. We will take advantage of this Please expedite the runway clearance for a period of time, and after the autopilot system is restored, you can attempt a second landing."

Jiang Xia was prepared for a rainy day: "What if it can't be recovered?"

"Impossible, I will definitely be able to recover!" Captain Shimaoka tried to break the crow's mouth on this plane with firm confidence, "Don't be nervous, according to my technology, even if you don't use the autopilot system, I can teach you how to do it remotely by then. Manual operation.”

Captain Shimaoka felt a little guilty when he said this: With this kind of weather and this kind of difficulty, if a novice passenger is allowed to operate the plane, he always feels that he has foreseen the tragic future of the crash.

Now, all we can do is pray for the smooth recovery of the autonomous driving system.

Jiang Xia adjusted various instruments to make the plane hover stably in the sky.

Matsuda Jinpei was still working hard to suppress his murderous aura. But smoking is a hobby, and machinery is also a hobby. As I smoked and smoked, it couldn't help but float to the front of the driver's seat, touching here and there, and it looked very itchy.

Jiang Xia grabbed the ghost's collar, pulled the ghost that was floating around blocking the view to one side, and communicated along the lines: "If you want to fly a plane, we will trick the organization's helicopter into flying it in the future. Let's forget it this time - —You are not on the passenger list at all, and you have not passed the security check. You will be targeted as soon as you come out. In full view of everyone, do you want me to change to a new Uzo? I haven't picked up any other suitable adult male ghosts yet, so you have to wait a little longer. .and……"

Jiang Xia patted Noah who was on his lap at some point. A ripple appeared on the surface of the jelly-like ball.

Normally, Noah doesn't come out of the pattern space very often, because he has no legs and his hands are very short. He's just a transparent ball, so it's more difficult to move than other ghosts. So instead of floating outside, Noah prefers to stay in the tattoo space and rub his virtual world.

But now, it's time to let it go.

Noah patted his chest with his short hand: "Don't worry, Mr. Matsuda, I can take over the plane at any time. Please trust my driving skills."

Matsuda Jinpei: "..."

The industrious ghost couldn't get over the AI, so he had to float to the side silently and continue to work hard to extract the murderous aura.

Jiang Xia followed the pattern and quietly told Noah: "When you repair the loopholes on the plane, remember to cover the instrument panel and don't let it show too objective conditions."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but glance at Ireland.

At this time, Ireland was like a big cloud of smoke, and almost the entire cab was filled with the murderous aura on his body.

Jiang Xia sent all the ghosts except Noah to spray out murderous intent, but they were still almost overwhelmed - even Gin never sprayed murderous intent like this. After all, Gin just has a bad temper and rarely faces danger to his life. And now Ireland's new and old grudges plus death threats have simply turned into an inexhaustible fountain of murderous energy.

Jiang Xia counted the excess production and suspected that when he got off the plane, the murderous smell of smoke would even exceed the inventory of gin.

After looking for a long time, Ireland noticed his gaze.

Jiang Xia didn't look away and looked at it openly. He also asked comfortingly: "Are you okay? Why are you still sitting on the ground?"

Ireland gritted his teeth and endured the pain: "'s okay."

Just now, lightning struck and hit a building, and the plane was caught in the airflow. In an extremely violent jolt, Ireland unfortunately hit his shoulder again - the same side that was injured before.

There were many people in the cab earlier, and Ireland was worried that people walking around would bump into him, so he turned his injured shoulder toward the inner wall.

Unexpectedly, the plane shook and he was thrown up. This position made his shoulder hit the wall hard. The heart-wrenching pain at that moment made Ireland think for a moment that he had arrived in hell.

Ireland: "..." This is probably what Uzo planned. Did he figure out his psychology of protecting the injured area in advance?

When airplanes take off and land during thunderstorms, they may be struck by lightning. What's more, the airport was cleared just now, and their plane was the only one flying through the thunderstorm. It was like the only big tree in an open field, and it was the most likely to cause thunder.

Thinking of Uzo and his never-ending tricks, hatred and anger just supported Ireland to get up from the ground.

——As long as he has a breath left, he will never give up sending Uzo to hell!

Ireland did not rest. He endured the pain and checked the condition of the plane, but found that there were no signs of repairing the safety of the autopilot system.

"That bastard..." Thinking of the recording in the cab, Ireland made up for it dryly, "If she hadn't poisoned and murdered people, things wouldn't have turned out like this."

Jiang Xia: "..." Don't think I can't hear you scolding Wu Zuo. Things have developed so far that even lightning strikes have been involved. Don't you have any responsibility for your bad luck?

Uzo is the most innocent. The whole thing is not just because you are always targeting Gin, but rounding it off is because you are targeting Gin's handler "Kudo Shinichi", so you are plagued with bad luck.

Jiang Xia silently carried the pot while thinking about how to cover the pot one by one if a ghost fetus appeared in Ireland and let the unlucky man face the reality bravely.

At this time, Ireland's expression suddenly changed, becoming ten times uglier than before.

Maya Hashimoto was a little frightened: "...What's wrong?"

Ireland gritted his teeth: "The fuel is gone."

Maya Hashimoto was startled and blurted out: "Impossible! It was clearly enough before!"

As he spoke, he hurriedly looked at the fuel gauge. The amount of remaining fuel displayed on it made his mind buzz - the fuel that should have been abundant was only enough to support the plane's flight for another ten minutes, and the remaining fuel was actually still there. Falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.


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