Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1685 1685 [Kill everyone]

Maya Hashimoto understood what Ireland was trying to say.

...But that being said, the operation is not that simple at all. Before he became famous, he could walk freely in the busy city with some disguise. But after becoming famous, he may be recognized by sharp-eyed passers-by wherever he goes. If there is any slight mistake in dumping the body in the future, passers-by who have seen him coming and going will become important clues to capture him.

Although it is the fate of every peripheral confidant to take the blame for his boss, Maya Hashimoto still couldn't help but have a thought in his heart: If there is another life, he will never face Uzo with Ireland again... No, he won't join the black organization at all. He wants to be a doctor honestly, even if he works hard until all his hair falls out!

Jiang Xia was lying on the stretcher, listening with satisfaction to the huge noise coming from Maya Hashimoto - becoming one of the heroes who saved the entire plane. At least in the recent period, Maya Hashimoto will often appear in the public eye. among.

It just so happened that this man was of mixed British and Japanese descent, and his appearance was very recognizable. As long as there are still people paying attention to him, Hashimoto Maya will be restrained in doing things, even exposing those around him to the public eye.

"I must not dare to take a little brother with such a high exposure outside the country. If he does, he will only cause trouble when doing tasks." Jiang Xia expressed sympathy for his colleague, and then decided to help him solve his troubles, "But It doesn’t matter, I dare you.”

Sherlock Holmes has Watson as his assistant, and by analogy, other detectives should also be assigned a diligent doctor.

The medical school that Maya Hashimoto graduated from is actually a prestigious school. Although this new kid doesn't seem to be developing into a doctor, he can at least be named a doctor, and he must know many interesting medical students or medical professors.

...Of course, before that, some people with fast hands have to be told not to worry.

Jiang Xia's eyes swept through the cluttered crowd, and gradually stopped at a seemingly ordinary figure.

Many ambulances arrived, but because there were many passengers and flight attendants on the plane, not everyone was sent to the hospital.

People with emergencies or injuries from collisions were sent there first. Jiang Xia wanted to stay at the scene for a while.

So as soon as he arrived at the ambulance, he sat up again: "I have recovered. You go to save others first."

Although Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were worried about his condition, they were also passengers on the plane and had long been taken elsewhere to check the situation. Haibara Ai and Dr. Agasa were also there.

Conan had just woken up and was still very confused. Before he could run around, he was caught by Mao Lilan. There were no acquaintances around Jiang Xia at this time.

The medical staff were initially uneasy. But after a little investigation, it was found that Jiang Xia's condition did not require priority treatment at all, so they gave the detective a blanket and a cup of hot water and asked him to sit nearby to rest, and then turned around and got involved in the busy rescue work.

When they walked away, Jiang Xia raised her head and saw a medical staff passing by nearby without looking sideways.

He put down the cup and stood up, keeping his eyes on this man.

After Curacao arrived nearby, he observed the scene from a distance for a while, then changed his plan and temporarily pretended to be an ambulance worker.

She has dealt with many similar matters and is very skilled - with this identity, she can pretend to be a staff member and easily load Ireland and his subordinates into the car and drive them away.

Then judge the situation on the road, and if necessary, find a way to cause the two people to die suddenly on the way, and then pin all the doubts in the accident on them.

If there is still hope, then after giving a certain warning, send the two people to the hospital, let them register the situation like ordinary citizens, and finally escape from the accident in a low-key manner.


Curacao glanced at the "heroic co-pilot" who was being thrown up and down by the excited crowd, and felt that for some people, the "low-key" plan has been completely invalidated.

The moment he saw Hashimoto Maya, the corresponding information emerged in Curaçao's mind - Hashimoto Maya, a subordinate from Ireland. I haven't heard that he has any strengths, but he can handle small tasks quite well and has a good temper. Calculated, he is a useful tool for subordinates.

It's really good to have this kind of person as an assistant, but his exposure is too high now.

While thinking about it, Curacao took out his mobile phone, entered the organization's database, and searched for Maya Hashimoto's past records.

——If this person has engaged in high-risk behavior, such as leaving a vague figure at the scene of some unsolved cases, or being included in the police watch list, then she will have to silence the person in the car after a while. In order to avoid waiting for the news of saving the plane to spread and Maya Hashimoto's reputation to increase, some policeman with a good memory would connect him with criminals and arrest him in the police station.

"If not, there is no need to silence him immediately. But in that case, he must be careful about his words and deeds in the future. Otherwise, there is still a risk of entering the police station and losing control of the organization."

Curacao kept thinking.

When it is not too critical, the handling of code-named cadres needs to be reported, and "that adult" will decide their life or death.

But peripheral members don't have to go to such trouble. If necessary, she can silence people forever at any time. She only needs to write a corresponding report afterwards, and some don't even need to submit a report.

And now this situation...

Although there are public figures in the organization, most of them were originally public figures, or have been specially trained by the organization to know how to deal with passers-by and the all-pervasive paparazzi.

In comparison, if a member of an organization like Maya Hashimoto, who has always been keeping a low profile, suddenly switches to a public figure, he is likely to be caught by ubiquitous eyes because he is not adaptable enough.

Curacao sighed. She had never had much sympathy for this group of colleagues who had no less blood than her, so she decided to adopt the most efficient method: "Anyway, Ireland cannot protect itself now, how about I get rid of them in advance? This will also save possible trouble later. Hunt down and silence.”

She glanced in the direction of Maya Hashimoto: "..." Of course, even if she really wanted to silence him, it wouldn't be now.

It was too dangerous to be surrounded by cameras and countless eyes, not to mention that there was Uzo nearby.

Fortunately, a peripheral member is not difficult to deal with. So soon, Curacao decided to put Maya Hashimoto aside temporarily and look for Ireland first.

Ireland's location was not difficult to find - after this cadre slipped off the plane among the crowd, he immediately found a hidden place to hide, but on this flight that was mainly filled with Japanese passengers, his height and body shape were still very high. conspicuous.

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