Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1693 1693 [I understand Uzo best]

Gin looked at the photo and said thoughtfully, "Check to see if this person is on the organization's list."

Gin and Vodka are not professional intelligence personnel and do not have as high authority as Rum. If I want to check the peripheral members I have not come into contact with, the procedure is a little troublesome.

However, as long as there is a clear target of suspicion, it is not difficult to see clues from the files.

This isn't the first time Vodka has done this. He quickly searched for information about Maya Hashimoto and quickly found the corresponding doubts:

"Since his sophomore year in college, this person's interpersonal relationships have rapidly converged, and he has left fewer traces in society. After graduation, he opened a small clinic and only opened it a few times, but his life was relatively comfortable.

"This man is of mixed British and Japanese descent. Neighbors speculate that he is not short of money because he inherited an inheritance from a distant relative. Some colleagues heard that he sometimes works as a private doctor for some people through introductions."

Gin understood. This person was probably a peripheral member, and he had a lot of qualifications: "Check the places where he has visited."

Vodka is already investigating. Since he has investigated several peripheral members who were tricked by Uzo before, he is now very experienced in reverse platooning.

Soon things came to a conclusion: "Among Hashimoto Maya's clients, there were people who were our mission targets, and there was more than one."

Gin snorted coldly. It is almost certain that this person is indeed a member of the organization, and he seems to have been working for several years and has some qualifications.

"He happened to be on the same flight as Ireland, and his previous itinerary also overlapped with Ireland." Although we can't easily retrieve too much information about Ireland when we are not doing business, we are all cadres in Tokyo after all. In fact, they have cooperated several times, and they have also secretly watched Ireland and were responsible for silencing people when necessary.

Vodka thought of another thing: "By the way, I heard that London Ireland fainted on the street last night and was taken to the hospital in an ambulance by enthusiastic passers-by. However, the gun on his body was not found - at that time there was a man who claimed that he The friend’s people followed the car, and although the photo was blurry, it did look like Maya Hashimoto, who should be one of Ireland’s subordinates.”

After thinking about it, Vodka couldn't help but fell silent: "..." I thought Ireland had figured out Uzo's method before, but now it seems that this guy is still far behind me - doesn't he Knowing that the people around him could be turned into murder tools by Uzo at any time, how dare he bring a peripheral member with good abilities along with him?

But so does Uzo. If you deal with Ireland, deal with Ireland. Why do you suddenly turn to attack other people's men? Didn't this little Yinbi always like to pick on the most eye-catching people? Why did he suddenly change his hobby... What's wrong with his honest and innocent subordinates!

Vodka made a mental note to Ireland: If Uzo changed his usual hobbies of killing, Ireland would definitely be the one to contribute.

But the matter has come to this, and there is no point worrying about the future anymore. Vodka can only rack his brains to analyze and try to update his survival manual: "What happened today, could it be that Uzo wanted to plot against Ireland, but Ireland used his subordinates to help him?" Did you die for yourself?"

Almost all the information that should be checked has been found.

Gin then drove Vodka back to the driver's seat, then went to the passenger seat and sat leisurely, looking through the compiled information.

At the same time, he casually answered Vodka's question: "No, even if Ireland is covering up, Uzo can tell at a glance which person on the plane is his confidant. Now that he has seen it, there will be no such obvious omissions." .

"And if you want to kill Ireland, there are many opportunities. For example, last night, as long as you stop this Hashimoto Maya, or find a way to arrive faster than the ambulance, Ireland will naturally get into trouble for illegal gun possession.

"The occurrence of this situation only shows that compared to Ireland, Uzo's original purpose is to be a peripheral member... Could it be that he temporarily discovered that this person has good potential, intends to jump in and pick up the leaks, and then deal with Ireland?"

Gin was not interested in this kind of subordinate who had served as a confidant to others, but this did not prevent him from learning more about the situation and to find out what Usa was thinking: "You will write an application later to check the information of Maya Hashimoto. ."

Vodka nodded solemnly, his face serious.

He cares more about this issue than Gin, which directly determines whether Uzo's first goal of having fun will change in the future, such as from harming cadres to harming cadres' subordinates.

...And although he, Vodka, is also a cadre, he is also considered a subordinate of Gin.

The more Vodka thought about it, the more terrified he became: "..." Even if Uzo didn't change his target, the fact that he attacked Maya Hashimoto could also show that when Uzo was concentrating on dealing with a cadre, he didn't mind starting with the other party's henchmen. Take action.

Originally, he thought that he would be able to defend himself, but now it seems that he has to consider whether Uzo will suddenly target Brother Gin one day, and then it will affect him.

At this time, when he thought about Gin's sharply reduced workload some time ago, Vodka felt as if a railroad track had been laid in his heart, and every detail made him feel that it contained Uzo's conspiracy.

Vodka: "..." It's better not to talk about such a terrible topic.

He cleared his throat and tried to think on the bright side: "But this time the plane landed and there was such a big noise, except for the murder itself, there was no fatal accident. Uzo is not so kind, maybe he really damaged the plane. It’s Ireland.”

Gin glanced at him, feeling that the assistant might not be so clear-headed right now. He sneered coldly: "The fewer people who die, the more it means that the whole thing is completely under Uzo's control. Have you forgotten the Twin Towers a while ago? Explosions and collapses of that level, except for murder cases, no one Death - this is a typical Uzo method.

"That guy is indeed involved in a lot of murders, but what he wants is never the mechanical behavior and results of 'killing', but to enjoy the fun of humanity. Human beings are a unique resource to him. Those who are killed Those who were killed and sent to prison were fruits that were ripe for picking, while others were not yet ripe for harvest.

"Everyone has his own experience and story. These people died indiscriminately in large numbers during the disaster. In Uzo's eyes, it was like knocking all the still-green fruits off the tree. It was unbearable. waste."

Vodka: "..."

He suddenly remembered the original Moon Shadow Island - at that time, he and his eldest brother thought Uzuo was troublesome, so while Uzuo was busy, they burned all the target drug dealers to death and returned neatly.

Although he did not directly see Uzuo's expression at that time, judging from the messages sent by the new cadre afterwards, he could indeed feel his visible anger.

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