Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1702 1702 [Surveillance cancelled]

Vodka: "..." What else is "ask Jiangxia's customers to talk about their feelings about him"...Does Uzo really have any living customers? Even if he does, most of them are in jail. I don't know how many he can pick out in the end. A lucky person who can be interviewed.

But the schedule of "visiting the detective agency" was quite good. If I remember correctly, Uzo couldn't open his own detective agency, so he took the one from Bourbon. If a group of people happen to encounter bourbon in the past, haha, there will be a good show.

Vodka's mood was ups and downs like a roller coaster, sometimes serious, sometimes gloating.

Fortunately, his expression didn't change much, so he wasn't exposed when no one was paying attention to him.

Gin was still thinking about this new news. It didn't take long for him to describe the process as "a boring and inefficient bureaucracy."

Jiang Xia is quite satisfied with this arrangement: "It's actually quite interesting. And the host following me this time is Kinoshita Yoko. She has become more and more popular recently - don't underestimate the leading role of celebrities. After the broadcast, I Maybe there will be a huge number of new customers soon.”

Vodka: "...?!"

...The abominable Uzo actually used the sweet and lovely Miss Yoko as bait to trap those innocent fellow otakus.

...But, I really want to go.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xia seemed to have seen his thoughts in the back row. He suddenly came closer and whispered in a low voice: "It's a rare opportunity. This interview will last for two or three days and I can see the lovely Miss Yoko - I want to go together." 'Assistant Yamada'?"

He once brought vodka to Kinoshita Yoko's idol party. Vodka appeared under the pseudonym "Yamada" at that time, and was a reliable assistant who respected the famous detective Jiang Xia.

Vodka was suddenly spoken to by him, and his hair stood on end. The desire to "see the idol" and the instinct of "wanting to stay away from Uzo" clashed fiercely, and in the end the latter prevailed.

Vodka frowned, resisting the urge to nod, and expressed his unyielding attitude with one comment: "Childish activity."

Mature cadres don’t chase stars!

...At least not while the boss is watching.

Of course, even if the boss didn't listen, he wouldn't be able to go there - the private party won't be photographed, so it's okay to take the risk. But now this event sounds like it's all on camera. It's like a death trap. It's weird that he can step on it.

Vodka: "...huh?" Wait, he really can't go, but neither can Uzo.

"Don't forget, you are still under surveillance." Vodka's eyes lit up, emphasizing this fact that he almost ignored - I can't see my idol, and you don't want to go either!

Jiang Xia: "I want to increase my reputation."

Gin obviously also supported the above decision: "You usually don't lack exposure. Just say that you are suffering from the sequelae of the car accident, or you can make up any psychological term to block them back."

Jiang Xia still wanted to go: "This time the audience is different from the previous one. The previous exposure was purely to those who were concerned about the murder. But now this daily interview is linked to the congressman. Maybe some politicians will watch it for that congressman - this This kind of group is usually difficult to contact, so we cannot let them slip away when we have a rare opportunity.”

Hearing his tone, Gin instinctively held down the handle of the gun: "Put away those thoughts of yours. The various factions are complex, and we are not among the politicians. Even if they are enemies, their death time will be longer." Exquisite control doesn’t mean you can die at any time.”

Jiang Xia waved her hand: "I just want to make friends with them and broaden my horizons. Where have you been thinking about? Don't worry, I know it."

Vodka: "..." You have a crazy number.

Gin, on the other hand, habitually ignored his nonsense, pretending that he didn't hear anything, and signaled Vodka to drive the car to the predetermined location.

But at this moment, his phone vibrated and he received an email.

From "that lord". There are only a few words on it: "Surveillance cancelled."

Gin: "..."

The black vehicle stopped near Miwa Town.

Jiang Xia got out of the car, closed the door, and waved to Vodka, who looked disheveled: "See you next time, Assistant Yamada."

Vodka didn't know what he was thinking about, as if he was in a new panic, and didn't reply to his words.

Jiang Xia didn't care. Anyway, he got all the ice cream he needed. London is really fun, but Tokyo also has Tokyo in stock. He came back here in a good mood.

The happy detective quickly turned the corner and disappeared from the sight of the two officers.

Gin waited and received no other instructions. He knew that that was the end of the matter, so he turned off the radio.

Then he glanced at the velvet box at hand, which contained the huge "Stone of Destiny".

Boss didn't say what to do with the sapphire.

But Gin has already understood: not saying anything is equivalent to doing what Uzo said just now - forwarding it.

Gin: "..."

He opened the lid of the box and took a serious look at it.

He prefers his beautiful and practical Porsche 356 A to this beautiful but flashy thing. But I didn't expect that "that adult"'s aesthetics would be guessed by Uzo. Or maybe it's not the gems that Boss is looking for, but rather the thorny courtesy of beating every cadre he meets twice, which is particularly precious.

Next to him, although Vodka also thought the gem was beautiful, he was not in the mood to appreciate it at all at this time: That adult actually let Uzo go so lightly? Now that guy is more confident!

...Although looking at this time alone, it is true that Ireland made a mistake first, but when Ireland made a mistake, wasn't there Uzzo's guidance behind it? In the final analysis, everything is a problem with that little Yinbi!

Can some righteous person come out and punish him?

in addition……

"The 'new subordinate' that Uzo is interested in is Ireland's confidant." Vodka couldn't help but say, "Brother, do you think this guy has the habit of robbing other people's subordinates? - To be honest, I always feel that he There’s something wrong with the way you look at me! What if one day…”

"..." Gin came back to his senses and remained silent for a moment, "Uzo's vision is probably not that bad."

Vodka: "..." Big brother! !

After Gin finished speaking, he slowly realized: Doesn't this mean that he has poor taste?

In fact, sometimes Vodka is very skilled and is a qualified assistant. This assessment is unfair.

So he changed his mind again: "Uzo is very impatient about some things. If he had targeted you, he would have taken action long ago - he was probably just targeting Ireland and wanted this target to experience the feeling of being gradually disintegrated. It happened that the confidant in Ireland had qualities that attracted him, so things ended up like this.”

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