Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1712 1712 [Abominable Pigeon]

The mascot's head is really big, and when it turns like this, its movements are very obvious.

The others had no choice but to follow, and the camera also glanced in the direction where Amuro Toru was looking.

I didn't expect to capture anything useful.

Unexpectedly, when they took a closer look, they captured an unexpected picture.

Next to the river bank, a van drove towards me at lightning speed, driving at a speed that was not meant for it.

Just when the crew thought they had mistakenly filmed a speeding scene, something even more surprising happened - the car suddenly swerved, hit the guardrail by the river, and the whole car rushed into the water.


The driver caught a glimpse of this scene and stopped hesitantly.

The director jumped up excitedly. The doll cat saw his crazy hints, and then his professionalism awakened and he did what a host should do.

Soon, the fake cat said dryly: "As you can see, a car suddenly rushed into the river."

He glanced at the location where the vehicle fell into the water and wanted to get away from the camera to see if the people inside could be saved.

But at this moment, a noisy siren approached - countless police cars chased the van, parked by the river, and finally even a command vehicle.

Toru Amuro understood something instantly: "..." Is this... arresting criminals?

The director was still gesturing towards him excitedly.

Amuro regained consciousness and had no choice but to continue the live broadcast: "Several police cars followed closely, and it seemed that the police cars forced the van into the river.

"But the speed of the van just now was no slower than the police cars behind it. If the van driver was familiar with the terrain in this area, he could have walked into the alley and tried to get rid of the police or abandoned the car and escaped. But just now he was still far away from the police car. When he arrived, he decisively chose to turn right and fall into the river.

"Either his car was tampered with and the brakes failed to turn, or the driver had some unexpected situation, such as a mental breakdown and suicide. It may also be part of the plan. The details need further observation. ."

Those who listened could not help but be stunned.

"Mr. Rice Flower" was indeed explaining very professionally, but I always felt that there was something wrong with his words. There was a certain professionalism in his calmness, as if he wished he could personally demonstrate how to escape the police in an alley.

But soon, the audience’s attention turned to the other side:

While filming, Jiang Xia, who was originally supposed to be broadcast live by the program group, actually appeared in the shot by the river - he jumped off the police command vehicle, ran to the gap in the guardrail, and was mixed in with a group of policemen. He bent down and looked into the river.

Originally, he seemed to want to go into the river to fish someone out, but the car sank very quickly. It sank to the bottom as soon as it entered the water. In the blink of an eye, there was only a string of bubbles left on the river surface. The condition of the river bottom was unknown. The police did not allow anyone to enter the river rashly before professionals arrived.

The audience was a little confused: "When did Jiang Xia go there? Is this actually a program to popularize the law prepared by the program team?"

Yoko Kinoshita glanced at the audience feedback on the screen. In order to adjust the live broadcast plan at any time according to the subsequent situation, she did not directly say whether it was a prepared drama or an emergency.

He only showed a look of surprise: "Jiang Xia is also at the scene. Is there another hidden secret behind the matter? Ah, and the future little detective who Jiang Xia has high hopes for is also following Jiang Xia."

The audience looked at her surprised but not overly cute expression and couldn't tell for a moment whether it was Kinoshita Yoko acting in accordance with the script or whether she was really surprised.

Then they looked at the other host...well, this host was completely covered by the hood, and no expression could be seen.

The audience gave up and had no choice but to look down in confusion.

The unexpected situation not only left some viewers scratching their heads, but not everyone on the staff could adapt to it.

The staff of the program team looked at each other, thinking it was a planned scare sequence, but they soon discovered that this did not seem to be an arranged script at all, but a real emergency.

Staff: "..." Why did we suddenly encounter a vehicle falling into the river? !

The more conservative people were initially worried and wanted to ask the director for permission to stop the live broadcast and wait and see.

But since the van crashed into the river, the number of viewers has increased visibly, and the eyes of a group of people have gradually changed. Finally, they gritted their teeth and said: continue broadcasting!

...Isn't this the daily life of a famous detective!

They searched all day but couldn't find the case. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia ran away and actually ran into the case himself. After a brief period of confusion, the program team quickly restored order and became more motivated: they had already thought of the grand event that would be broadcast later.

The live broadcast changed from the ordinary daily life of a famous detective to a chase between police and robbers.

The audience then starts looking at the river in the frame. By the river, the police were live broadcasting the search for the car.

The crane was humming and busy, and frogmen went into the water to search one after another. Although this development was a bit abrupt, the number of viewers was still much larger than the interview in the vehicle just now.

There is also a live broadcast audience in the infirmary of Didan Middle School.

The "new doctor" is holding the thermos cup in one hand and the key in the other.

He originally planned to go out, but at this time, after standing in the office and staring at the screen in silence for a long time, he finally sat back silently.

The "new doctor"'s job at Didan Middle School is a part-time job. He usually works in shifts with other doctors and does not have to stay here for a long time.

Therefore, after Belmode took over this identity, he spent three days fishing and two days drying nets, and was not permanently stationed in the school.

The reason why she came here today was because she heard about Jiang Xia's live broadcast.

Belmode: "..." Originally, she planned to greet Uzo at the school gate and watch around the program crew as if nothing had happened, so as to watch Uzo at close range and prevent him from having a mood swing after the plane accident and accidentally killing a few classmates. To add to the fun, and then leave clues in front of the camera.

Unexpectedly, she thought too much - before even arriving at school, Uzo had already found something to do for himself. Perhaps he also felt that the arrangement of the program team was too boring, so he had to support himself, write his own scripts and star in them.

Belmod: "..." That's fine. The outside will suffer. Didan Middle School will not become a toy used by Uzo to destroy, and the Angels in the school will not be accidentally injured.

...But in this case, did she come to work today in vain?

Belmode sat in front of the computer, thinking, while unscrewing the thermos cup and pretending to take a sip of tea.

Then a suspicion gradually formed in my mind: It was not in vain, maybe after this case of falling into the river is over, Uzo will continue to go to school. The script writer has always been very good at filling his schedule.

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