Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1714 1714 [There must be a conspiracy]

Apart from the kidnappers and hostages, the third most important party was actually gone.

Even the program team was at a loss, not knowing what the direction of the case would be.

Across the screen, a graduate student who had just returned to Tokyo was also thinking.

Subaru Okiya: "..." Although the boss always comes up with some impromptu cases, according to experience, these seemingly chaotic cases sometimes contain the message that Uzo really wants to express, like a bloody encrypted letter.

So what is Uzo conveying in this case of kidnapping and falling into the river?

He secretly prayed that things would not have anything to do with him.

But after looking at the age of the hostage's father, Okiya Subaru suddenly remembered something. He got up from the bed, searched, and found that Takei Katsuhiko's daughter, Takei Naoko, was on the school roster of Tedan Middle School.

"Tedan Middle School...isn't this Jiang Xia's school, and it seems that this live broadcast will also be there for filming." Okiya Subaru felt that he had caught something, and his eyes changed slightly, "Could it be that this time, Uzuo is going to start talking about names? Have you started with the detective’s daily life?”

On the other side, Curaçao, who had more information than him, had a different view.

"Katsuhiko Takei..."

Just then an email came into the mailbox. Curacao clicked to check and found that the message group had replied to the message she had sent a while ago. They helped her investigate Katsuhiko Takei's detailed information.

——This entrepreneur is indeed raising working capital, but the amount raised is far more than the money spent to redeem his daughter, nearly twice as much.

"I heard that what he brought to the scene to trade with the kidnappers was a box of counterfeit money. So where did he spend the real money?"

Curacao didn't take this kind of entrepreneur seriously, but Uzo's involvement made her have to be concerned.

After all, this is directly related to her next task, and even more broadly, it may be related to whether her daily life can be as peaceful and harmonious as before.

[Check Katsuhiko Takei's recent correspondence, fund flows... If possible, check the company's policies, and summarize all the information you can find for me. ]

She continued to send messages to programmers raised in the organization, but she always felt that things were not that simple.

The police did not know anything about the twisted brain circuits of the members of the organization. They only felt that Katsuhiko Takei had a strange attitude and was a bit cold-blooded.

Fortunately, this person sounded willing to cooperate with the police and at least promised to chat with them after finishing work in an hour.

That was what he said, but when the Megure Police Department brought people to his home to find him an hour later, Takei Katsuhiko changed his story.

This successful man faced the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking his spacious courtyard outside, and snorted in an imposing manner: "Go back, I don't want to see you."

The Mumu Police Department was stunned: "Huh? Didn't you say that we would be given in one hour..."

"I was just trying to save you some face in front of the media, but you actually had the nerve to come here!?" Katsuhiko Takei suddenly raised his voice, "Useless policeman, disappear from my presence immediately!"

Then he looked at Jiang Xia aside: "Come in. I have heard about what happened before. It was an action coordinated by the police and has nothing to do with you as a detective. So I decided to hire you for what happened next - you must take that Find me the bastard kidnapper. As for the police, huh, I will never trust those losers again."

Toru Amuro, who came over to check the situation: "..."

Yoko Kinoshita, who came over to record the process of solving the case: "..."

Kinoshita Yoko hesitated for a moment and did not write these words down in his little notebook.

In order to protect the privacy of the victim, after the police discussed with the program team, the live broadcast was suspended. The program team only sent her to act as an on-site reporter, responsible for sending back some things that could be reported.

Although the live broadcast has temporarily stopped, there are still many viewers paying attention to the live broadcast - a sudden kidnapping case and a river accident are much more concerning than watching a detective go shopping.

The police are also paying close attention to this case. Although the hostage may be dead, the kidnapper and the body must be found.

However, as soon as she entered the door, she was scolded in front of her. Although Sato Miwako tried her best to endure it, a vein could not help but appear on her forehead.

Jiang Xia looked at her and found that the policewoman was angry but not murderous, which was in sharp contrast to the boss next to her who had gotten drunk at the winery.

So he whispered to Officer Sato: "Leave it to me. You go back first. If there is any problem, I will come to you for support at any time."

Miwako Sato resisted punching the door frame of Katsuhiko Takei's house, nodded, and took the Megure Police Department to say goodbye in a low voice.

The police came with a rumble and left in despair.

The surroundings became quiet again, and suddenly there were only three guests left at the door.

Only then did Katsuhiko Takei completely turn around from the floor-to-ceiling window and stare at the other two people except Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia then helped to introduce him. He first pointed to the coffee machine that was bubbling next to him: "This is Toru Amuro, the boss of our Amuro Detective Agency. He rarely goes out. He only goes out when he encounters difficult cases. Make a sudden move. Let him stay, so that you can solve the case with twice the result with half the effort."

Takei Katsuhiko heard that he was also a powerful detective, so he nodded.

Thanks to the efforts of some good detectives, the reputation of Amuro Detective Agency has indeed become more and more famous in Tokyo. Katsuhiko Takei also heard that the boss behind the scenes could stay.

Then he looked the other way.

Kinoshita Yoko pushed up the flat glasses on the bridge of her nose and smiled shyly: "Well, I want to follow the case in real time. Of course, I will only report the situation that can be published to the outside world.

Katsuhiko Takei snorted, but he did not try to make things difficult for a beautiful idol in his 20s. He only warned: "Don't write nonsense. Only things that I allow can be reported."

Kinoshita Yoko nodded obediently: "Okay."

She really wouldn't say much. After all, she was not a professional reporter. But as far as she knew, because of yesterday's live broadcast, many reporters specializing in the case had already focused on this matter.

Those reporters, because they had seen so many different case techniques, were even more sneaky than the paparazzi... I don't know if Katsuhiko Takei could handle it.

Katsuhiko Takei had no idea what was going on in Kinoshita Yoko's mind. He didn't dare to do anything more for this young idol. He gave the three of them a perfunctory nod: "Come in."

When they sat down on the sofa, he pointed at the woman next to him: "I'll ask my secretary to tell you about the situation. She was the first to discover that my daughter was kidnapped."

The secretary he was talking about was standing nearby. The woman was still very young, but she looked very haggard.

She seemed to be distracted. After Katsuhiko Takei finished speaking, it took the female secretary two seconds to react. She quickly stepped forward and looked at Jiang Xia: "Hello, I am Hanai."

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