Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 155 Don’t waste the remaining Uzo (Character Star Points)

Chapter 155 Don’t waste the remaining Uzo (the character’s star value will be increased by 5)

"It's not because of that." Conan sighed with vicissitudes of life, "It's just that the more in-depth contact you get, the more you feel that the organization is intricately connected and terrifying in power. They appear and appear everywhere, making those who know about it breathless... If Jiang Xia knows about this level of illegal organization, it may have an impact on his mentality."

Hattori Heiji said "Huh" thoughtfully, and his eyes paused on the wristband on Jiang Xia's left hand.

He had long discovered that Conan and Mao Lilan seemed to attach great importance to Jiang Xia's mentality, and Jiang Xia's sudden abnormal reaction after seeing the car accident scene... Hattori Heiji vaguely guessed something: "Okay, since you don't want to say it , then I won’t tell him.”

This topic seemed a bit heavy. After Hattori Heiji discovered that Conan had no more secrets, he turned to ask about things he was interested in.

He cleared his throat and asked in a low voice, a little shamelessly: "By the way, I've always wanted to ask..." He pointed to the earmuffs around Conan's neck, "Does this thing work?"

Speaking of this, Conan suddenly felt no longer sleepy.

He touched his earphones and imparted his experience calmly: "Of course it works, but you need an additional music earphone to block Jiang Xia's voice to the greatest extent. In addition, it is best to combine the two devices together in advance, so that Then you can put it on in time—or, if you’re not terrible at singing, you can just wear the sound-isolating earmuffs and hum to yourself.”

Hattori Heiji: "..." The proficiency is tear-jerking... What kind of hell is Kudo living in these days?

Seeing Conan like this, Hattori Heiji, who had washed his hands in the adamantine basin for less than a day, decided to make a comeback.

What does two setbacks count for? Conan has survived so many times, so he can too.

The friendship progress bar between the two quickly filled up.

Before getting off the car, Conan kindly left two order numbers for Hattori Heiji - for buying earmuffs and headphones.

Hattori Heiji wrote it down carefully, and then asked cautiously: "Is there any other equipment?"

Having brothers and sisters in need makes the feeling different.

When facing Jiang Xia again, I felt much more at ease.

Jiang Xia was very satisfied with the results and progress of the exchange between the two.

Hattori Heiji is too far away to observe, but Conan is very close. As long as you pay more attention to his movements, it is not difficult to follow him and get involved in Hattori Heiji's case.

After finishing his Sherlock Holmes journey, Jiang Xia began to look forward to a commission from afar, or Hattori Heiji to start solving the case.

But neither of them came. Instead, he waited for the organization first.

——An ordinary afternoon. Jiang Xia usually carries out weekend activities with his younger brothers.

Nowadays, their entertainment activities are actually much less than before - the detective agency's cat and dog catching business has gradually become famous, and even the younger brothers are also busy with their affairs. The time that used to be spent partying and dazing has been changed to working time.

Jiang Xia will come to see his younger brothers today. In fact, he has something serious to do. He wants to settle the wages for catching cats to his younger brothers.

But gathering just for money doesn't feel passionate enough, so on the surface, the main purpose of the gathering is still to play games.

Jiang Xia checked the records in the game hall for a while, looked at the time, and planned to leave.

It's time for the boys to catch the cat too. After all, the longer a dog or cat is missing, the more likely it is that it will slip away.

A group of people said goodbye in front of the game arcade.

Jiang Xia was planning to go to the office to check the mailbox as usual, and then go to the Maori Office to see if Conan had any travel plans, but at this time, he suddenly saw a black Porsche 356A across the street.

Jiang Xia was startled and looked around subconsciously.

Soon, his eyes fell on two men in black carrying bulging briefcases who seemed to have just completed illegal transactions.

The moment Jiang Xia's eyes caught Gin, the three ghosts on him immediately entered working mode and flew towards Gin skillfully - after having the Kiriten Dog, the ghosts moved much faster.

Jiang Xia watched them go away happily.

As for himself... Jiang Xia wanted to pretend that he didn't know Ginjiu like before, but before leaving, he noticed that Ginjiu glanced at him.

Looking at each other for a moment, Ginjiu nodded his chin in the direction of the vehicle and said in a subtle way: Get in the car.

...have a job again?

Jiang Xia looked around and didn't see any familiar people.

He then turned into a nearby alley. When he came out from the other side, Vodka happened to park his car at the entrance of the alley.

Jiang Xia opened the door and got in. Before opening the door, he checked his surroundings. There were very few people here, and there were no frightened Conan or Haibara Ai. It was right to think about it. These two people should still be in school today.

Jiang Xia sighed inwardly as he sat in the Porsche that was very recognizable to Ginjiu. This car has some coolness, but it is really eye-catching. If someone sees it when getting in the car one day, I will have to spend some time making up lies... I don’t know if Gin will consider replacing the car if it breaks down. A new one.

Gin didn't know that someone was trying to get his car, but he intuitively felt a sense of urgency.

He had a sullen face and looked out of the car alertly, but didn't find anything wrong.

Gin frowned slightly hesitantly and urged Vodka to leave.

When the car left, Ginjiu glanced in the direction of the game arcade from a distance, thinking of Jiang Xia's gang of unscrupulous boys, and asked in a quiet voice: "Are you very free?"

Jiang Xia's expression remained unchanged: "They are all very useful and can help me collect some necessary information." Especially since they are all good at catching cats...

Gin breathed out a puff of smoke noncommittally and didn't mention the matter again.

He handed Jiang Xia a photo: "Have you seen it?"

Jiang Xia took a look and found that the photo was of a young woman with short hair. This man was pretty, but there was a hint of arrogance in his expression, and he looked a little unbeatable.

Jiang Xia did have an impression of her, and the impression was deep: "I helped her find a lost dog before."

He remembered that the woman's name was Si Jing Reika, and she was the only daughter of the chairman of Si Jing Group.

However, for Jiang Xia, Reika Mitsui's other identity is more important - she is the victim of a serial murder case in the future.

Seeing Jiang Xia nod, Gin was not surprised by the result - when other intelligence agents traced Yotsui Reika's situation, they discovered that she had been to the detective agency where Jiang Xia worked.

Gin Jiu said concisely: "If you can find an opportunity, kill her."

Jiang Xia continued to nod. He thought that there were quite a lot of tasks, and he thought that the official members were fishing every day...

But think about it, not to mention Gin, at least Amuro Toru is busy every day without even touching the ground. Although this is also related to the fact that he has too many part-time jobs, in addition to his work as a public security officer, the reason Toru Amuro has so many part-time jobs is also to collect intelligence as a member of the organization.

After such a comparison, Jiang Xia found that the speed at which he had only taken on one task for several days was actually considered leisurely.


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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