Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1718 1718 [Belmode withdraws from the battlefield]

The dark-clouded snow cat was startled by Belmod's movements and looked up at her. Seeing that she didn't make any further move, he didn't pay much attention and turned back to look at the car.

However, the car has gone far.

The cat put its paws on the railing and sighed.

Belmode: "..." Sighed? ?

...Maybe I exhaled suddenly because I was tired after standing for too long. That's right, how can a cat sigh because he can't see the excitement.

Under her complicated gaze, the cat landed on the ground again and quickly ran away along the road.

Belmod looked at the cat's retreating back with complicated eyes: This cat looked very familiar. She had seen it often in her yard. She heard that it often appeared next to Gin. If I remember correctly, this was Usasan. Raised cats.

Belmod: "..." As expected, as those two people said, Uzo's cat looks a bit like Uzo. At least the happy look he had just watching the excitement was very similar.

Speaking of which, could this cat carry a camera or something similar, a scout sent out by Uzo to observe the situation?

She breathed a silent sigh of relief: Fortunately, she didn't run to dispose of the body just for fun.

After a moment of silence on the empty bridge, Belmode left silently: Forget it, she'd better not interfere in the recent affairs - it's rare that she's not in the center of the whirlpool, so she'd better be quiet and watch the show in comfort.

After all, as we all know, Uzo’s destructive power sometimes depends on the strength of those around him.

Belmod didn't take ordinary murderers and thieves seriously. But now, seeing that Bourbon and Ireland were about to be sent up by herself, she didn't want to get involved in this melee for no reason.

The slightly tired "doctor" left quickly. A gust of wind blew by, leaving the bridge empty and calm again.

After one hour.

It was getting dark. Jiang Xia opened her eyes at home after driving her cat around Tokyo territory.

Before I had time to think, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

He walked over and opened the door, and saw Haiyuan Ai carrying a lunch box, climbing over the wall exploded by Dr. A Li's new invention in a familiar manner, and running to visit.

"I just happened to make too much today and I couldn't finish it, so I brought it to you as a midnight snack."

While talking, Haiyuan Ai took out the fresh meals and placed them on the table: She also watched today's live broadcast and knew that an unexpected case occurred in the afternoon. Jiang Xia must have been busy solving the case, and she didn't know if she had eaten on time.

After getting the food, Hui Yuan Ai looked up at Jiang Xia and discovered the problem: "What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?"

Jiang Xia sighed and said with emotion: "The Riddler is really annoying."

Haiyuan Ai was startled: "Is it the president who doesn't care about kidnapping? He has important clues that he is hiding from you?"

Jiang Xia came back to her senses and shook her head. What happened to the president was the problem of those two colleagues.

But it was not convenient to tell the timid defector cadre in front of him, so in the end he just said: "This is the detective's secret."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Oh, the Riddler is so annoying.

Jiang Xia actually remembered what he saw on the bridge just now.

After the two men left, he deliberately chased them with his cat. It was rare that Toru Amuro and Ireland met on the same road. They originally thought they could hear a wonderful and interesting conversation. Unexpectedly, the two of them were very wary of each other. Toru Amuro didn't even invite Ireland to sit down and talk in detail at the detective agency. The two of them We just found a place with no cameras or passers-by, and tried a few words with each other.

It can be seen that Ireland is also afraid of speaking too clearly, so that in the end their conversation made zero progress. The passing cats were speechless after hearing this. Fortunately, the two men were full of murderous intent when they faced off. They drank coffee and cigarettes, which was very refreshing.

While Jiang Xia was distracted and eating the snacks brought by Hui Yuan Ai, Hui Yuan Ai was also secretly observing him.

While watching the live broadcast, Haihara Ai suddenly realized that the van crashing into the river was actually a car accident. She felt uneasy and came here to see if Jiang Xia was affected.

Then Hui Yuan Ai discovered with relief that Jiang Xia was probably far away at the time of the incident and did not see the collision scene, or maybe he had just experienced a plane accident and learned from it... In short, the young detective seemed to be in good condition now, but Still the same, always distracted.

Hui Yuan Ai's eyes fell on Jiang Xia's hand again. Seeing that he was distracted while eating and drinking, he understood that the problem was not big.

She felt relieved, then took out the magazine she had brought with her, and sat next to Jiang Xia to read through it.

After flipping through it for a while, he found that Jiang Xia had finished eating. Huiyuan Ai put the small boxes back into the lunch box and looked at Jiang Xia again: "Don't be too tired. If there are too many cases, you can push them away."

Jiang Xia: "It's okay, I like solving cases."

As he thought of something, he looked at her and said solemnly: "If you happen to encounter something like this, you must come to me as soon as possible. Otherwise, if you, a group of children, compete with the prisoners in a battle of wits and courage, I am really worried about your safety."

Hui Yuan Ai sighed tolerantly: "Okay, okay." Just pretend that you are really worried about the child.

Jiang Xia got up the next day and took a look at the news. Today's agenda was to solve the kidnapping case that had not yet been solved yesterday.

However, compared to the kidnapping case, Jiang Xia thought of Toru Amuro and Ireland yesterday.

Re-reviewing the conversation between the two Riddlers, he was relieved to realize that although the conversation had not progressed, the two people did not seem to have completely severed contact - after they had finished testing each other, it would be safe for each other to find each other. You should be able to talk calmly in a place where you can talk safely.

Jiang Xia: "..." I don't know what countermeasures they will finally discuss. It's really exciting.

After washing up, the door was knocked a few more times.

When a normal visitor comes to visit, the doorbell usually rings. Only when Conan or Haihara Ai came to the door, there was still this kind of knocking sound.

When he opened the door, he saw Haiyuan Ai coming over with breakfast again.

She walked to the dining table in a familiar manner, raised her head and carried the lunch box to the table: "I haven't cooked for myself for a while, I can't control the amount, and I cooked too much."

Although Jiang Xia didn't say that he wanted to take advantage of her recently, the two families were close to each other anyway, so it was a matter of stopping by to take a look.

After saying that, Haiyuan Ai jumped on the stool, sat down, and took out the breakfast from the lunch box. In addition to the meat and vegetable meals, she also casually handed Jiang Xia a cup of coffee while chatting.

Jiang Xia picked it up, took a sip, and suddenly froze: "...what is this?"

Hui Yuan Ai's eyes drifted.

But soon, she changed her strategy, and acted like she was close enough to smell it, and then she covered her lips in slight surprise: "I accidentally mixed it with the tonic - what should I do? I drank it all, or you can just drink it all." ? This is my recently improved version, which is just right for teenagers."

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