Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1743 1743 [Toru Amuro: Coincidences, all coincidences]

In the interrogation room, the suspect's brain circuit was not so convoluted.

Hearing the words of the Mumu Police Department, he was stunned at first, and then became extremely angry: "Although I have a bad reputation, it's just because I love to dig up scandals. You actually suspect me of plagiarism?! Stop throwing dirt on me! Or It was a coincidence, or that guy managed to sneak a peek at my document, and he copied it from me. I came up with this plan entirely on my own!"

Conan: "..." Damn it, it's like this again. Exactly the same as the rich, handsome and successful winner in life who threw someone downstairs last time.

But it was this similarity that gave him a strong sense of sight. Could this really be another case brought about by that person?

Next to him, Toru Amuro looked at Hashizume Akira silently, and after looking for a long time, he couldn't see any trace of lying - this reporter really felt that he was offended. It seems that the plan was indeed written by him. Could it be that the deceased really found a way to use surveillance or other means to peek in, or was it just a pure coincidence?

Compared to the suspicious Conan, for some reason Toru Amuro is actually quite accepting of "coincidences" - it's hard to deny that there are some incredible coincidences in the world, and those that are so diverse that they can be spread for more than a dozen years. Compared with the coincidences of 2016, this coincidence in front of me is nothing.

At this time, a young police officer ran over from the forensic department.

The man seemed to want to go to the Megure Police Department, but before entering the inquiry room, Toru Amuro stopped him: "What's the matter?"

Little police officer: "We found a few drops of coffee marks on the floor mat of the deceased's driver's seat - poisonous ingredients were detected in them, which were exactly the same as those in the coffee the deceased drank."

The deceased's car?

Jiang Xia seemed to have remembered something: "By the way, I remember that coffee was spilled on the deceased's ankle. Is the coffee there also laced with poison?"

The young police officer was stunned for a moment, apparently forgetting, so he started flipping through the information in his hand.

After flipping through a few pages, he found: "Yes, the poisonous ingredients in the deceased's ankles, the floor mat of the driver's seat of the deceased's vehicle, the ground at the crime scene, and the coffee cup are exactly the same. They are probably from the same cup. The coffee was spilled.”

When Toru Amuro heard Jiang Xia ask about the ankle of the deceased, he suddenly understood something.

He took the information from the young police officer's hand and looked at the photos on it.

The police officer handed over the information and waited respectfully. After waiting for two seconds, he realized something was wrong: "..." Wait, these two people don't seem to be police, let alone his boss?

But the black-skinned boss took the information so smoothly that at that moment he had no idea of ​​stopping it.

The young police officer hesitated for a moment, looked at Jiang Xia, Toru Amuro, and the information in their hands, and finally decided to pretend that nothing happened: Jiang Xia's efficiency in solving crimes is obvious to all. Anyway, even if it is given to the Megure Police Department, he will return to it later. In the hands of the detective. It's better to hand it over directly yourself. There is no middleman and the case can be solved more quickly.

So he pretended that he didn't feel anything was wrong at all and continued to wait silently.

"Coffee was spilled on the ankles, but not on the trouser legs..." Jiang Xia also leaned over to read the information, "Combined with the traces on the car, it should not be the poison that the deceased spilled while drinking coffee, but that he was not sitting in the car. Be careful about spilling."

All the clues are there, it's time to get off work.

Calling the police department who was still busy questioning the suspect, the Megu police department heard a new clue: "Coffee accidentally spilled on the driver's seat floor mat of the deceased?"

When Gui Gui heard it, he didn't know what Jiang Xia wanted to say, but not saying anything seemed too ignorant. In the end, he had to scratch his head and hold back a sentence: "So the deceased and the murderer actually met in the car?"


Matsuda Jinpei shook his head and silently took a wisp of newly emerged coffee.

The police department also felt a chill, so they had to turn to look at the reliable brother Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia said his line: "This should be a suicide, of course, with a little attempted murder mixed in."

Mumu Police Department: "?"

Jiang Xia: "This murder and suicide probably started when we saw them quarreling in the coffee shop yesterday - at that time, the two people had already written a murder plan and planned to take it by mistake after the meal. 'The other party's thermos cup left, and they implemented their plan of exchanging cups and toasting with poison.

"The deceased moved a little slower, and Hashizume Akira got the deceased's thermos cup first. After he left, the deceased stared at the remaining cups, and suddenly guessed that Mr. Hashizume planned to use the same method as him to kill people, so he temporarily He changed his murder plan and decided to commit suicide.

"The two left the restaurant one after another. In the evening, Hashizume Akira went to the apartment to set up a false alibi and prepare to kill.

"On the other side, the deceased also made his own arrangements. He drove to the bridge where they were meeting, unscrewed the coffee cup and mixed poison into it. In the process, he accidentally spilled some, so the poisoned coffee Glued to the pads of his feet and ankles.

"When a person is sitting, his trouser legs will be lifted up slightly, and the deceased's ankles were exposed when he was sitting in the car, so the coffee only spilled on the ankles but did not touch the trouser legs.

“Then he took this cup of poisoned coffee under the bridge, calculated the time, drank the coffee in one gulp, and used his own life to create the ‘murder scene’ Hashizume Akira wanted.

"Hashizume Akira set up a camera at the apartment and hurried over. What he saw was the body of the deceased. Then he ran away in a hurry, and everyone knew what happened next.

"As for the evidence... the reporter carries the thermos cup everywhere every day. It can be used in any harsh environment. A few bumps or scratches are very normal. Even if the thermos cups look exactly the same on the outside, they can be distinguished by these details.

"I remember that during the live broadcast, Mr. Hashizume went out grabbing the thermos cup and happened to pass the camera. That kind of distance can capture a lot of details. If you look for traces from above and compare, you can know that the deceased did not exchange his cup back when he died. , he still used the suspect’s water glass that he took by mistake in the restaurant. Overall, this should be a suicide for the purpose of framing.”

The police were stunned: these two people were really capable of tossing each other around, and their brain circuits were surprisingly consistent.

Hashizume Akira himself was confused: "There must be something wrong with that guy! He committed suicide to frame me, why would he do such a thing?!"

At this time, the young police officer came running again: "Police Department, we found another piece of information in the deceased's computer!"

He handed over the printed information.

Jiang Xia looked over and found that it was a confession, densely written on a full sheet of paper - the deceased seemed to have a lot to say about the scandal a year ago.

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