Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 160 Jiangxia’s off switch

Iljitaka looked anxiously out of the window and secretly guided: "He didn't run out, right? It's very dangerous in the mountains at night... Let's go look for him nearby separately."

Jiang Xia took one look at the murderous aura on his body, stood up, and planned to follow the call and go out for a spin.

Others had no objection - running into the mountains alone at night was unthinkable for others, but for Reika Yotsui...

She could really do something like this out of anger.

A group of people quickly ran out the door.

Jiang Xia looked around and walked in a random direction. Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko and Conan were also with him.

The four people followed it for nearly 100 meters, calling Reika Yotsui's name along the way, but no one responded.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the gloomy trees around her, frowned, and reasoned: "She shouldn't be in this direction."

——Because if you put yourself in her shoes, if it were her, she would have been unable to help running out when Jiang Xia called her name for the first time... And someone as flamboyant as Yotsui Reika would only be better than She couldn't keep calm!

But now, Jiang Xia came all the way but didn't see Reika Yotsui. It can be seen that if Reika Yotsui really left the villa, then she must have gone in another direction - this is Suzuki Sonoko's mental journey.

Although the other three people failed to understand Suzuki Sonoko's reasoning, they agreed with her conclusion.

The sound of rain hitting the leaves gradually filled my ears.

Jiang Xia raised her hand to catch the raindrops that were getting heavier, feeling that it was almost time: "Even if Miss Sijing has a special personality, she is still an adult with a normal mind. If it is for revenge, she will at most test outside the woods, no It will go so deep. And if someone is kidnapped, the kidnappers will not drive into the woods full of obstacles... Anyway, let's go back and take a look, maybe others have found the person."

The four of them spent some time walking through the woods and returning to the villa with a flashlight that was not very bright.

Sure enough, everyone else came back. But Reika Yosui was not among the crowd.

What's strange is that none of the people who came back went into the house. Instead, they gathered around the fountain in the yard and looked at something in the middle.

Jiang Xia approached with several people.

When he was approaching the place, he looked through the gap in the crowd and saw a soaked person lying on the edge of the fountain - it was Nikaido who had secretly made an engagement with Yotsui Reika.

Nikaido is dead.

There are various indications that he was pushed into the fountain and drowned.

Conan's face changed slightly when he realized it was murder.

He shook the water off his earmuffs, put them on, then lowered his gaze and observed Nikaido's death scene.

After a few minutes, Conan could not figure out who the murderer was and only had some useless clues.

He sighed and took off his earmuffs.

But then he discovered that Jiang Xia did not identify the murderer, but looked at the body quietly without saying a word, as if he was deep in thought or distracted.

Conan looked at Jiang Xia doubtfully, and then at the pool of floating water in the fountain pool. A thought suddenly flashed through his mind: Could it be that Jiang Xia was "lying on the edge of the tank" by "a tank of water" + " "Corpse" must have triggered some bad switch...

But the last time, during the fake wrist-cutting scene in the bathroom of the sisters' house in Qingdao, Jiang Xia's reasoning ability was not affected at all. That "wrist cutting" scene was far closer to Jiang Xia's psychological shadow than the current murder scene.

However, Conan reasoned for a moment and realized that there were actually some differences between the two situations.

Last time, Qingdao Quandai's headband was covered in blood, the blood stains next to the cat's eye, the cardboard box and the tape... These were all collected and processed by Jiang Xia before entering the bathroom and seeing the scene of cutting his wrists. Clues for preliminary analysis.

But this time, Jiang Xia first saw the body lying by the pool, and then began to observe.

In the two incidents, the order of "being shocked" and "expanding observation + reasoning" was different. It's no wonder Jiangxia was disturbed this time. Fortunately, from the way Jiang Xia's eyes moved from time to time, things like "the corpse by the pool" did not have as big an impact on him as a car accident...

Nikaido died not long ago.

Jiang Xia walked near him and his eyes fell on the back of the corpse - there was a soul emerging there.

It's an ordinary shikigami.

Jiang Xia looked at it for a while and then looked away.

At this time, he suddenly saw that Conan was looking at him with a strange look, and he suddenly realized that he was a little sad at times...

Jiang Xia: "?"

...Although I don’t know what happened, Conan seems to be patching himself again.

There is no need to say anything at this time, just let the brain supplement machine work on its own.

Suddenly there was a dead person in the villa, and before that, another person had disappeared. When two people got into trouble, the already dull atmosphere suddenly became even more depressing.

In order not to damage the scene, several people did not move the body away. Instead, they found a tarp and politely covered Nikaido's body.

Afterwards they returned to the villa.

A common suburban villa, a common isolation situation - no mobile phone signal, all phone lines are disconnected, all transportation vehicles are deflated, and all we can do is wait for Chairman Shijing to send someone over the next morning.

In addition, the missing Reika Yotsui is also of concern, and some people have suggested that she may be the murderer of Nikaido.

The situation was in chaos. Jiang Xia comforted the others: "It's useless to be anxious now. Let's sit down and figure out the situation together."

The eldest Shoji Rokuda nodded in agreement.

He remembered that it was already very late, so he looked at the helper Granny Mi: "Make us some coffee. The person who killed Nikaido may be hiding among us. Now is not a good time to sleep."

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