Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1782 1781 [Curaçao: Sorry, vodka]

Jiang Xia glanced at the row of people huddled in the corner: "No one should harm President Ishimoto. I waited three or four hours longer, and no one came again."

The Mumu Police Department didn't understand: "What three or four hours."

Jiang Xia paused the call, took a video and sent it to him, showing his results last night:

"I almost forgot to tell you that these are the people who came to assassinate President Ishimoto last night. Remember to send someone to pick them up - when I caught the last person, there were still three or four hours before dawn. This period is the most convenient If no one comes when it’s time to take action, then no one will come again.”

The Mumu police department looked at the row of people in the video and fell into a daze for a moment.

President Ishimoto also said that he has never offended anyone... Does this mean he has never offended anyone? !

Thinking of this, he suddenly became alert: "You don't need to come to the scene anymore, continue to protect President Ishimoto. No matter what the news on the scene is, I will tell you immediately."

——The congressman died last night, and the suspect died this morning. If another president dies today, regardless of whether he died because of a council member, the police force will lose all face.

So President Ishimoto must live! ... Just leave this matter to the reliable brother Jiang Xia. The string of unlucky killers in that video have proven his capabilities.

When the Mumu Police Department was busy arranging manpower, they went to find Jiang Xia to take over the third-rate killer army.

The abandoned building where his destination was located was surrounded by the police.

Normally, the police might not have so many police personnel, so they would just surround the exit and forget about it. But this time, a powerful congressman was shot dead on the spot in a banquet hall where celebrities gathered, and the most eye-catching suspect fell to his death in the building... They just wanted to put a cover on the building. Cover it up so that not even a fly can fly through.

A few hundred meters away.

A woman pressed the baseball cap on her head. Looking at this scene, she felt a sense of joy in her heart, feeling a sense of accomplishment that she had answered the life-and-death multiple-choice question correctly.

Curacao looked at the building from a distance through the telescope, then turned around and left quietly.

The unlucky hacker who died in the building was also an assassination target of the organization, but he was not ranked high on the list - because this guy didn't know anything about the organization, he just happened to threaten a partner of the organization. .

Since the funding period he gave was one month, the organization also graciously allowed him to die within one month. In addition, there have been many other more important targets recently, so Curacao has a rough idea of ​​the hacker's whereabouts, but not to the slightest degree of accuracy.

In addition, after yesterday's shooting incident, the hacker deliberately concealed his whereabouts, so Curacao spent a lot of time last night to confirm the specific location of this person.

When we finally found the building, it was already slightly bright. Silencing her at this time was actually not eye-catching. Curaçao's instinct also told her that this was a good time to silence her. If it were too late, the hacker might be caught by the police and leak the secrets of the organization.

However, after thinking about it, the shadow named "Uzo" hanging above her head made her resist her professional instinct and not enter the building.

Facts have proved that this choice is right. Not long after, Curacao saw a homeless man wandering into the abandoned building leisurely and running out of it in a panic.

Then a large group of police cars arrived - and the hacker actually fell to death inside.

Curacao: "..." She didn't do anything, and others in the organization would definitely not do these things without her permission.

Then there is only one truth: From the beginning, this hacker with the ferocious title of "Piranha" and very rich and interesting experience has attracted Uzo's attention.

"...Fortunately I didn't take his bait."

Curacao thought of Uzo's reply to his email last night, and thought about his choice, and suddenly felt a strange sense of relief:

"Restraining murderous intent around this guy is indeed one of the best ways to prevent him. Although Vodka is stupid most of the time, it turns out that he still has some survival wisdom occasionally. It's no wonder he can partner with Gin for so long. He hasn’t been silenced yet.”

Speaking of which, if Uzo knew that Vodka had made such a contribution to the organization, would Vodka suffer revenge?

Curacao thought quickly in his mind, and then felt that it was very possible.

"If one day Ireland and Bourbon fail to withstand Uzo's temptation, then push the vodka out before Uzo turns his attention to me."

Curacao thought without conscience. Facing colleagues with blood on their hands, her conscience was always in a dormant state: "Vodka may not be able to last a few days, but he is bound to gin, and gin looks like It looks like it can be carried for a long time. When the time comes, other people may be able to live in peace for a long time..."

Except Curacao, which quietly left here. At this time, there was another person secretly watching the building from a distance.

Street corner.

The black shadow looked back and smiled coldly.

He was about to leave when he suddenly received a call.

The black shadow lowered his head and glanced at the caller ID on the screen, took out the voice changer, and made a high-pitched voice: "Hello?"

At the same time, he used another mobile phone that he often used to browse the news and entered the keywords "Jiangxia", "forced to death" and "prisoner" in the search bar. However, after searching, he did not find the news that should have been found.

He suddenly had a bad feeling, frowned and asked the person on the other side of the receiver: "What's going on?"

The man opposite nodded and bowed: "I'm really sorry, we can't accept this order. The commission and liquidated damages have been refunded to you!"

Before he could get angry, the pigeon on the other side had already hung up the phone in a hurry.

The shadow stayed for several seconds. After coming back to his senses, the proud smile on his face disappeared, and he couldn't help but kick the bricks on the ground: This is the third media outlet to refund money. What's going on? !

——The hacker who died tragically in the building, of course, did not slip and fall due to distraction after the murder, but was killed by the shadow not long ago.

In the matter of killing the congressman, the hacker was an accomplice hired by Sombra for a large amount of money.

Although hackers are not good at assassination, the better they are, the harder it is to silence them.

In comparison, although this hacker is tall and looks like he has something, he is actually not very skilled and can be killed casually. He is also a gambler and very easy to handle.

When he hired him, Heiying had already thought about how to silence him afterwards.

In Heiying's view, if only the police were responsible for investigating this matter, then his plan to kill two birds with one stone could easily succeed: according to the habits of that group of police officers, this kind of case that looks like a suicide would easily be classified as real. into suicide.

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