Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1786 1785 [Choose one of three congressman murderers] Please give me your monthly vote oo

The current police officer is worthy of being a super worker who has experienced hundreds of battles and has dealt with countless murder cases. He quickly cheered up:

"Speaking of which, apart from the bad news just now, I have another good news here. I found two suspects. They probably have a grudge against President Ishimoto, so they teamed up with hackers to assassinate him - I have already All the suspects have been called to the banquet hall, why don’t you come over now and give me some advice?”

Although the Mumu Police Department could never find the real culprit, there was nothing to say about its efficiency in identifying the suspect.

Jiang Xia took Conan to the banquet hall, ready to start choosing one of the three. On the way, he remembered that he had been overwhelmed by a series of clues from the Mumu Police Department, and had forgotten to tell him the clues he found in the abandoned building, so he quickly sent another message to supplement it.

The taxi crossed the wilderness and the city, and finally stopped at the door of the banquet hall where the shooting took place last night.

Jiang Xia entered the banquet hall and took a quick look and found that the people here were mainly divided into two groups.

On one side were several familiar police officers, who were whispering something with serious faces.

On the other side stood several familiar passers-by - the people involved in this shooting case. Even President Ishimoto was brought here because the murder case was prioritized and the economic investigation was suspended.

Jiang Xia nodded from afar towards the president and his secretary who had spent the night together, and went to the Memu Police Department.

The Mu Mu police department waved to Jiang Xia and glanced at the suspects who had many social resources.

Maybe he was afraid of being blackmailed by these big shots, so when Jiang Xia approached, he asked in a low voice: "Last night, didn't you go to the hospital with Mr. Ishimoto and his secretary? When did the secretary leave from the ward? "

Jiang Xia thought for a while: "We left the banquet hall last night and headed to the hospital. She left ten minutes after arriving in the ward, and she didn't come back until this morning."

"As expected." Memu Police Department clicked on the unlit pipe and his eyes became sharp. "In other words, she had no alibi all night last night. She has the time to kill a hacker."

Conan was startled: "The other kind of footprints you found in the abandoned building, could it be left by a woman?"

Miwako Sato poured a cup of tea for Jiang Xia, sat over and said, "Judging from the stride, he looks more like a man, but those footprints were deliberately disguised - the accomplice who murdered the hacker actually brought shoe covers, and was very careful not to leave any traces behind." There are valuable sole patterns, so it cannot be ruled out that clues such as stride length have also been camouflaged.”

Megure Police Department touched his pocket and took out a photo and placed it on the table: "In addition, this person is also very suspicious, and if the secretary is really the real culprit who murdered President Ishimoto and accidentally killed the congressman, then this person should be Her motive for killing President Ishimoto.”

Jiang Xia looked down and saw a tall man with dark skin in the photo. This should be a snapshot. The person in the photo is obviously not very cooperative. He turned his head and was about to walk aside. Turning his head like this, the iconic braid on the back of his head was immediately exposed.

Conan was startled. He looked up at Jiang Xia, and then looked at the suspect on the other side of the banquet hall from a distance: Isn't this the private meeting with the secretary in the game hall last night, and the one who was rummaging through President Ishimoto's office just now? That person!

"This is Shibata Kenichi, the secretary's boyfriend." Police Department Megure sighed, "Even though he looks like a gangster, he was actually a young man from a small company before. But later his father He committed suicide and his family was in ruins.”

This life experience sounded very familiar. Jiang Xia asked: "Is his father's matter related to President Ishimoto?"

Megure Police Department nodded: "It is said that the company he ran was squeezed out by President Ishimoto. Since then, Shibata has hated Mr. Ishimoto deeply. It is not impossible for the secretary to cooperate with him in revenge."

Just as she was talking, Miwako Sato's phone suddenly vibrated and she received an email.

She clicked it, looked at it, and forwarded it to Jiang Xia: "The forensics department has already obtained the evidence you asked the police to find just now."

After saying that, the experienced female police officer looked at Jiang Xia and couldn't help showing a relaxed smile: "Let me guess, will I get off work soon?"

The Mumu Police Department cleared his throat: "..." It's so unreserved, how could you say such a thing directly! There are still some media out there who have not left, so at least they have to pretend to be dedicated...

On the other side, seeing them chatting happily, several suspects felt a little uncomfortable.

Representative Takada's secretary lowered his head to look at his watch, pushed up his glasses, and raised his voice and said to them: "Do you know how much work I have to deal with today since the Senator just passed away?"

The female secretary’s boyfriend doesn’t seem to be a gentle-tempered person either: “What does this case have to do with me? Just because I have a grudge against that guy? There are so many people who have grudges against him!”

The female secretary quickly comforted him: "Don't say that, it's just routine cooperation and it will be over soon."

Jiang Xia looked at them and found that they seemed to have squeezed out all the murderous aura that should be squeezed out.

So he didn't wait any longer, got up and walked over: "There was a little hiccup, but the case will be solved soon."

President Ishimoto was a little out of sorts. When he saw Jiang Xia approaching, he scratched his head blankly: "Didn't I just say that the case has been closed? The hacker who blackmailed me killed me and ran to the abandoned building to hide. Unfortunately, he slipped and fell to his death. Is it not?"

Jiang Xia looked at the president who had brought him a lot of fun and was very patient: "There were actually two murderers in the shooting. The hacker did not fall to death by mistake in the abandoned building, but was killed by his companions. Even he He was not the mastermind of this shooting, the real culprit behind the scenes just wanted to use his death to end the investigation of the case."

"Then this matter has nothing to do with me." Xiao Zhuzi suddenly said, "I know why the police are looking for me - I did come to the venue last night, and I do have a grudge against Ishimoto, but I don't know the hacker at all. . And I have a night shift at the izakaya. I worked all night yesterday, as my colleagues and regular customers can testify to me. I don’t have time to do evil things like killing my accomplices.”

Jiang Xia looked him up and down: "I didn't say you were a murderer. But speaking of part-time work, don't you think it's more interesting to be a detective than to live in a bar?"

The pigtail was originally full of fighting spirit against the police, but when he suddenly heard such a sentence, he was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

"Cough!" Mumu Police Department quickly cleared his throat and secretly reminded Jiang Xia not to go off topic. Although I don’t know why Jiang Xia is so persistent in persuading people to become detectives, now is the serious time to solve crimes.

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