Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 164 Flooded Xiaobai (Another update on anti-theft)

The search area Jiangxia was assigned did not include the bathtub containing Reika Yotsui.

So he paddled with confidence and borrowed the ghost's night vision ability in advance.

Not long after, the room suddenly went dark and the villa had a power outage.

Suzuki Sonoko let out a scream of surprise and threw herself to the side with her eyes closed≧≦.

She remembered that Jiang Xia was in that direction before the power outage.

Suzuki Sonoko successfully hugged the person, she leaned over and rubbed his face: "Why did the power suddenly go out? It's so dark..." Huh?

...Wait a minute, why can she touch the other person's face?

In terms of height, if not the shoulders, it should be at least the neck...

Suzuki Sonoko was wondering. The next second, she heard the person in her arms helplessly say: "Sonoko..."

It's Mao Lilan's voice.

Suzuki Sonoko: "...!"


……never mind. Xiaolan's face is also very easy to rub. It's not a loss this time, it's not a loss...

Suzuki Sonoko let go of her hand with tears in her eyes and heard Jiang Xia's voice not far from the side.

Jiang Xia's tone was as calm as ever: "I remember that the electric switch is in the corridor to the west, not far from here. Let's go and have a look."

Conan responded, turned on the flashlight on his watch, and several people followed the weak light to the electric switch.

When I was almost there, I suddenly heard the sound of a window opening, and then the villa lit up again - there was a call.

Jiang Xia looked at the electric switch and found that four people had gathered there. Plus the four of them, the eight people who just went to search the villa were all gathered.

A group of people briefly discussed the situation. Soon, under the guidance of a certain insider, the young talents came to the conclusion that the murderer had taken advantage of the chaos and escaped into the forest, and had not gone far.

The irritable Ponytail brother rolled up his sleeves, climbed over the window and rushed into the forest: "Asshole, don't even think about running away!"

Jiang Xia also chased after him: "Wait, it's not necessarily..." He ran further and further away, so his voice became quieter and quieter. Finally, Jiang Xia disappeared into the woods together with his voice.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were stunned, and hurriedly followed them. Conan also tried hard to chase them, not to mention the other young talents, and the group all got into the woods in an instant.

The trees around here are quite dense, and it was very dark at night, so a group of people quickly separated into several small groups.

Jiang Xia ran for a while, and there was no one around.

He found a random place, stood and hung up, and his consciousness entered Xiaobai's puppet.

As soon as the eight of them left just now, Granny Mi and Xiaobai were the only ones left in the restaurant. Later, Granny Mi saw them running into the woods. She was afraid that the young people would get lost, so she chased them.

So now, Xiaobai is the only ghost in the restaurant.

Jiang Xia possessed Xiao Bai's puppet and opened his eyes on the sofa.

As he was looking around, he suddenly heard a series of rapid footsteps.

In order not to disturb the visitors, Jiang Xia closed her eyes again.

It was Ichitaka who ran over.

Iljitaka looked at the sleeping child on the sofa, feeling a little confused.

At such a young age, can it clearly express the situation of "being held on the head and drowned in water"? He needed this testimony badly.

And if you look closely, you can see that the child is not as big as the wash basin of Si Jing's house. If the naughty child wakes up and says something like, "Someone forced me to swim in the pool," Jiangxia's famous detective will think of " "Reika Yosui was also soaked in water" and other details, then it's over...

However, now that things have happened, even Granny Mi has run away, and there are no other witnesses to manipulate, so Yi Zhilong has no choice at all.

He picked up Xiao Bai from the sofa and took him to the kitchen. While pouring water into the sink, he shook Jiang Xia in an attempt to wake him up - the sleeping pills are to prevent the drowned person from resisting, not to make the other person completely unconscious. , otherwise he would not be able to provide the testimony he wanted.

It was with this in mind that Jiang Xia deliberately called back, preparing to give a polite flutter later and take the opportunity to spit out the coffee stored in the puppet's body.

The puppet does not have the function of digestion. If left alone, the coffee will be spilled on the ground when the puppet is released later, which does not satisfy Jiang Xia's need for the puppet to "come and go without a trace".

However, when Jiang Xia "recovered consciousness" according to Yi Zhilong's script and opened his eyes, he looked at Yi Zhilong's calf and was suddenly startled.

Just now, there was only Nikaido's shikigami on the murderer's leg.

But now, another one came from nowhere.

This shikigami seemed to be a new one. At this moment, it had just touched Ichidaka's ankle and was climbing up.

Jiang Xia fell into deep thought.

...Who generated this shikigami?

Was it that Ichige Takashi was being followed too closely in the woods just now and he killed someone casually out of boredom, or did Yosui Reika die prematurely due to some accident?

Jiang Xia poked the foggy dog ​​next to him.

The foggy dog ​​understood and flapped its wings and flew to the bathtub where Reika Yotsui was hidden.

Soon, Jiang Xia sensed the news from Wutengu - Shijing Reika was out of breath.

The cause of death seemed to be that Ichitaka was afraid that she would scream when she woke up, so he blocked her mouth and nose very tightly. Reika Yotsui's body was also tightly restrained, and her breathing was blocked. In the end, she suffocated to death before the water even reached her face.

Jiang Xia was slightly surprised by the unexpected situation. In the original plot, this didn't happen.

...I don’t know whether it was an accidental technical error that turned out like this, or whether Ichiji was too nervous and wrapped the tape covering his mouth too tightly.

If it's the latter... Jiang Xia thought, could it be that his "criminal-solving genius" was so intimidating that Ilji Takashi felt threatened?

It's not good to go on like this. If I remember correctly, there will be many murderers who will come to the detective for commissions in the future with the idea of ​​"challenging the detective" or "deceiving the detective to become a witness".

...Tsk, it seems that when you come into contact with these people in the future, you have to be more kind. Or release some non-existent weaknesses, so that there will definitely be bold prisoners willing to take risks with him.

However, that is something to consider later.

The most important thing at the moment is to get the two shikigami in front of me.

Iljitaka quickly filled the pool with water.

He grabbed Jiang Xia to the edge of the pool, pressed his head down——

...cannot be pressed.

The child, who had been sleeping in a daze just now, easily pushed away Ichijitaka's hand.

Then Jiang Xia sat on the kitchen sink, picked up the rolling pin next to her, and turned her face faintly.

When Ichijitaka met the child's slightly excited gaze, a chill ran down his back, and the desire to survive in his head kept making a harsh buzz.


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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