Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1836 1835 [Case closed] Please vote for me

Chapter 1836 1835 [Case closed] Please vote for me (`)

"Don't jump!" The little black face also saw the situation on the roof. On the one hand, he was afraid that he would be killed indiscriminately by the murderer, but on the other hand, he felt that this man was really miserable. "In the worst case, I will go to jail. I have all my revenge." , you are only seventeen or eighteen years old, and you still have a long life... By the way, this matter ends here, don't do anything to my Kiwako again!"

Matsuzaki Masahiko: "...huh?"

The real fiancé's weak question failed to attract anyone's attention.

On the top of the building, Yoshito Kariya lowered his head. He stood on the height where Tsukishima Touko once stood, looking down at the scene she had seen. The people downstairs become smaller, and when you look up you see the vast sea and sky. It is indeed a scene that makes people forget all their worries.

Suzuki Sonoko felt bad: "Don't jump! Well, look, the building here only has four floors, and there is still wet mud below. Even if you jump, you won't fall to death. It will be so embarrassing! How about that?" You come down first and let's talk about it together. There must be another way for things to end..."

Perhaps because he had never heard of this method of persuasion, Kariya Yuto's movement of looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle paused slightly.

But he was obviously a determined person, and he quickly ignored the strange interference and continued to talk about his own affairs:

"I really envy you guys who can forgive anytime and anywhere. Unfortunately, I can neither forgive others nor myself. In order to cover up the evidence, I killed a completely innocent person... I am already a 'Phantom' in my heart The shape has changed and it has gradually become ugly, so let all sins end here with me."

After saying that, he took a deep breath and suddenly leaned forward, just like Tsukishima Fuyuko three years ago.

At the same time, probably thinking of some unintentional suggestions from some high school students, Yuuto Kariya took out the knife hidden on his body and stabbed it hard into his heart - even if he didn't fall to death, he could still stab him to death. In short, there would be no social death. Case.

"……don't want!!"

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko hugged each other in fear and covered their eyes.

However, judging from the gaps between his fingers, Kariya Yoshito did not fall down.

The moment before he fell completely, a rope was suddenly thrown from behind him, and it fell from the top of his head and trapped him accurately. Then the person who threw the noose skillfully pulled him back, and Yuuto Kariya, who had been slumped for a long time, stumbled back and sat down on the rooftop.

He couldn't hold the knife firmly in his hand and dropped it in mid-air. The heavy silver knife drew an arc and struck in front of Hashimoto Maya's shoes with a clang. It was just a hair's breadth away from piercing the instep of his feet, and a hair away from it would have hit his head.

Maya Hashimoto was startled and stepped back. He looked down and saw that the tip of the shoe had been cut with a knife. The sharp cut looked like an invisible person smiling maliciously at him.

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

...I was indeed targeted!

Jiang Xia stood on the top of the building, leading the person back like a horse. Seeing Yugito Kariya falling to his feet, he instinctively stepped on it and knocked it down with a stick.

After typing, I realized that the process didn't seem right.

Jiang Xia withdrew the stick under Kariya Yuto's shocked eyes, cleared his throat as if nothing had happened, and said seriously: "This stick is for Mr. Inozuka."

Having said this, he thought about it and added: "And poor Mr. Kurosawa."

Belmode followed quietly upstairs: "..." Hey, do you care about the life or death of those two people? You just think these two methods are too crude, so you should avenge your private revenge in public.

Kariya Yuto was interrupted by him to commit suicide, and was inexplicably hit with a stick. He was originally full of anger.

However, when Jiang Xia mentioned those two people, his anger suddenly froze: In his life, Kariya Yuto... Although his actions were not very aboveboard, he did go too far to attack two innocent island watchers.

Thinking of poor Inozuka Taro, Jiang Xia who was almost hit by a crossbow, and Kazuma Kurosawa who was really hit by a crossbow, Yuuto Kariya lowered his head silently to the detective: "This is indeed my fault, I'm very sorry. "

Belmode watched quietly: "..." It really looked like a boss scolding an ineffective subordinate. But in a sense, this man is indeed Uzo's one-time subordinate, and there is nothing wrong with this scene.

However, Yoshito Kariya obviously did not realize that he had become someone else's subordinate. He looked at Jiang Xia doubtfully: "How did you know I was on the roof?"

Jiang Xia: "..." You still have a few of my shikigami hanging on your legs, how could I lose them?

He showed a confident smile that a detective should have: "Based on the existing traces, predicting what will happen in the future is the basic skill of a detective - when you return to Tokyo, surrender yourself. Mr. Inozuka and Mr. Kurosawa will definitely want you more. Live in prison to atone for your sins.”

Maya Hashimoto hurried upstairs with the others. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the detective admonishing the criminal.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." He is such a good person, even the cruel murderer dares to reach out to save him.

However, from a viewing point of view, the fact that Kariya Yugi and Tsukishima Fuyuko read the same lines and fell to their deaths in the same way can bring more sadness and shock to others, and at the same time, it can also erase the fact that Kariya Yugi was criticized by some people. Evidence of influence. so……

Does Jiang Xia's saving of people count as breaking Wu Zuo's script?

And what happened was the most important ending that had been brewing for a long time...

Thinking of Uzo's possible reaction, Maya Hashimoto shuddered silently: "..." I hope that after Uzo finds out about this, he will play a good game with the detective and not embarrass him who has been invisible throughout the whole process and has done nothing. Innocent organization members.

When Maya Hashimoto prayed secretly.

Next to him, a little boy wearing glasses glanced at him secretly.

Conan: "..." I always feel that Mr. George's demeanor is a bit strange, and a bit familiar. I seem to have seen similar people somewhere... Where exactly are they?

The matter seemed to have come to an end for the time being. No one stayed on the dangerous roof any longer. Even Yugito Kariya, who had some ideas, was dragged by Jiang Xia and dragged into the corridor without any suspense.

After watching everyone leave, Conan looked at their backs, and a bolt of lightning flashed across them.

——Okiya Subaru.

The numbness and despair of fearing something, avoiding something, but feeling that there is no escape from the bottom of the heart, and some forcibly disguised calm are very similar.

Conan's pupils trembled slightly: "..." Is it possible that this Mr. George is also related to "that gentleman" mentioned by the woman in black who came to deliver the passport before? !

I have to ask Mr. Okiya if he has time to see if he recognizes this "George". But we must find the right time, and we must not alert the snake...

Conan thought seriously and followed the others downstairs.

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