Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 168 Hui Yuan Ai’s Bag

Hui Yuan Ai could only grit his teeth and swallow what he wanted to say, and angrily changed his words: "...You almost blew up my bag."

Conan glanced at the bag hanging in the far entrance, with no skin scratches at all: "..."

He looked away again and looked to the side of the experimental table, only to find that Haihara Ai had already walked over.

Hui Yuan Ai looked up at the doctor, as if checking if there were any wounds on the doctor's body, but she would glance at Jiang Xia from time to time, as if she really wanted to see him, but was holding back.

Conan sighed and felt that he understood: Although Haibara Ai looks like a child, her mental age is no longer that of a child. Now, she was probably like many others, having an inexplicable desire to take care of Jiang Xia, but she was too awkward and didn't want to show it.

People's physiques are really different...

At the same time, Conan also habitually began to ponder: This time, it was also an explosion, and it was so close, but Jiang Xia's mentality was not affected at all.

It seems that during Sherlock Holmes' previous trip, it was not the explosion itself that disturbed Jiang Xia, but the blown-up vehicle... Well, very effective information, take note of it.

And when he mentioned this, Conan suddenly remembered that in the last bombing in Tiantian, Jiang Xia also left in a hurry without finding the bomber.

Now that I think about it carefully, Jiang Xia may have avoided solving the case not just to work, but because the wall of the building was blown through at that time, and there were several vehicles outside that were overturned and deformed by the air wave.

...Fortunately, the doctor's car had been parked on the other side of the yard. Although the explosion just now collapsed the wall, it did not hit the car.

Jiang Xia didn't notice the two children secretly observing him.

He looked at the bombed experimental platform and became interested in the weird bomb sample just now.

The fancy colors, the colorful dazzling light emitted during the explosion... touched Jiang Xia's memory.

——It is the breath of the event.

Dr. Ali's glasses were broken just now. He returned to the house and looked for spare glasses.

Jiang Xia then turned to Haiyuan Ai: "Does the explosive just now have a name?"

Hui Yuan Ai nodded and took the opportunity to look at Jiang Xia. Now that Jiang Xia took the initiative to talk to her, it was normal for her to look back...

Haihara Ai secretly looked at Jiang Xia to see if he had been hit by the bomb, and replied: "It seems to be called 'Tropical Rainbow'."

Haihara Ai dislikes seeing this kind of bomb, first of all because it is not yet stable and can easily blow up people. In addition, this bomb only looks better in color, but its power is no different from ordinary bombs... I don’t know why the doctor stays up late every day and makes it even when he is bald.

Jiang Xia heard this familiar name and was completely sure - he was lucky enough to have stepped on the incident.

Recently, there are plans to demolish an art museum in Cupido Town. That art gallery has existed for forty years and is a memory of the locals. So the doctor's friend commissioned him to invent a special way of demolition.

Then the genius doctor came up with this colorful bomb. According to the doctor's idea, when the building is blown up, the scene will look very gorgeous...

And Jiang Xia remembered that in the spoilers, Officer Sato was once trapped in a building. Unfortunately, that building happened to be the Acupido Museum that was scheduled to be detonated by the doctor.

Jiang Xia's mood level, which had dropped slightly due to the innocent being bombed, now climbed up again——

If he could successfully insert himself into this incident, he would probably be able to pick up a shikigami. In addition, you can save Officer Sato and the boy detective team who may run into the building.

Although Officer Sato does not cause as many murders as Conan and Mao Lilan, Jiang Xia is not picky in this regard - no matter the number of cases, as long as they can attract cases to him, they are his good friends...

Jiang Xia took out her mobile phone, checked the scheduled date of the museum's blasting, and wrote it down carefully.

After reaping the rewards, he put away his mobile phone and prepared to help the doctor clean up the experimental table.

At this time, the doctor's home phone suddenly rang.

Dr. Ali walked over and picked up the phone. A sharp voice came from the receiver: "I'm looking for Kudo Shinichi."

Dr. Agasa has forwarded all calls to the Kudo Shin family to himself. Therefore, it was not surprising that Kudo Shinichi called him.

But the problem is, the person who called me doesn't sound good.

Dr. Ali responded suspiciously, walked over to Conan with the microphone in his hand, and whispered to him: "The other party said he was looking for 'Kudo'. And he spoke with a voice changer. Listen..." He doesn't look like a good person.

Conan was also a little confused. No one had looked for "Kudo Shinichi" for a long time. When he was young, the media would often call his home in disbelief, trying to figure out the mystery of Kudo Shinichi's disappearance.

But then Jiang Xia appeared, and Kudo Shinichi suddenly became a has-been detective... Who would have expected that at this time, a call came looking for "Kudo Shinichi".

Conan adjusted the voice changer and answered the phone curiously with Kudo Shinichi's voice: "Hello?"

A few meters away, Jiang Xia's eyes moved slightly and he poked Wutian Dog as if nothing had happened.

The foggy dog ​​was startled, looked up at him, and waited obediently for instructions.

Xiaobai understood instantly. It floated next to Conan, secretly hugged the receiver, put its head close to it, and entered eavesdropping mode.

As for Miyano Akemi... she just lay on top of Haihara Ai's head as usual, feeling her sister's breath. When she realized that Jiang Xia had something serious to do, Miyano Akemi did a sit-up and squirmed to get up, but at this time, Xiaobai had already reached Conan's ear.

Miyano Akemi hesitated for a moment, looked at Jiang Xia, and tentatively slowly moved back to her sister's head.

Seeing that Jiang Xia did not reprimand her for absenteeism, Miyano Akemi felt relieved and happily played with her sister again.

It is different from Miyano Akemi whose mood value gradually increases by 1. Conan's face became more and more solemn as he listened to the phone call.

Not long ago, he just saw the news on TV that the Toyo Gunpowder Depot was stolen.

Unexpectedly, just a few minutes after this, someone called him.

In the receiver, the voice changed by the voice changer was sharp and harsh. The man said in a sinister voice: "I just stole a large amount of explosives from the Dongyang Gunpowder Depot. If you don't believe it, go to Jinchuan Greenland Park now and I will show you something interesting." .”

Although the timing is coincidental, it sounds very much like someone performed an impromptu prank after seeing the news about the "theft of the gunpowder magazine." But Conan couldn't completely disbelieve it - if it was true, if he didn't take it seriously, it might lead to tragedy.

The person on the other side of the phone heard his hesitation and sneered: "You'd better get there quickly, otherwise the innocent children will die."

Then he hung up.

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