Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 170 This is different from normal Jiang Xia

"I understand." Jiang Xia had no intention of getting out of the car. He just moved politely when he noticed Conan looking over.

Now that Conan said this, Jiang Xia sat back down again: "Why are you so anxious? He gave you a new tip?"

Conan said while running: "Yes, there is more than one bomb - he also placed bombs in the small square outside Mihua Station, and the prompt he gave was 'under the tree, but not buried under the tree'."

"That's it..." Jiang Xia adjusted his helmet and casually revealed:

"Bombs placed in public places should not be too conspicuous. Under the tree...maybe it refers to cats? I remember that there are some benches in the small square in front of Mihua Station, and there are often passengers staying there. If It’s really not conspicuous to put a cat bag on it.”

"Cat?" Conan was startled and read the word several times. He suddenly said "ah" and suddenly understood.

——"Under the tree" can refer to the roots of the tree (ねっこ), which only differs from the sound of cat (ねこ), and they sound very similar!

This is a homophone question!

Although no one has arrived at the scene yet and has not seen the situation at Mihua Station, Conan feels that Jiang Xia must have been right. The mysterious man should be referring to something related to cats.

...that mysterious man deserved his misfortune. Not only did he meet Jiang Xia when he was solving the puzzle, but he also hit the key words that Jiang Xia could easily associate with him. Conan thought of the bunch of cats that Jiang Xia occasionally kept at the doctor's house, and felt deeply grateful.

When he is not competing with Jiang Xia for reasoning, but working together to solve puzzles, he is really reassuring.

With strong teammates, Conan immediately became more confident.

He no longer wanted to be passively led by the bomb maniac, but tried to fight back.

——Based on this experience, the mysterious man is likely to follow him again to observe how he disarms bombs.

Conan felt that in this case, it was better to be in the light and Jiang Xia in the dark, and let Jiang Xia secretly observe which person around him was more suspicious.

Otherwise, if the mysterious man is not found out, but is led by the nose all the time, there is no telling how many critical "tests" like this there will be.

However, just as Conan was about to make this suggestion, he suddenly saw Jiang Xia twist the accelerator and drive away.

Moreover, the direction Jiang Xia left was not a shortcut to the next bomb site.

Conan was startled and picked up his phone: "Where are you going?"

There was a hint of cold murderous intent in Jiang Xia's voice: "The first time was in a park, the second time was at a station, and the next time it might be a tram or even a shopping mall with more people.

"Even if he is not stopped in time once, he will kill many people... It is too passive to continue like this. You deal with the bomb, and I will deal with other things."

When Conan heard the cold "something else", his back felt numb. It's over. This time Jiang Xia didn't count the other party as a "human being". Conan tried to stop him: "...Calm down!"

However, Jiang Xia had already hung up the phone and disappeared quickly.

Conan looked at his retreating figure and was stunned for a moment. In the past, when Jiang Xia hit people, he would look ruthless, but he would never give people a murderous feeling. Instead, he would feel a strange sense of joy.

But this time today...

Conan seemed to see the mysterious bomber with a big red flashing word "Danger" on his head.

... Could it be that too many citizens were threatened, which aroused Jiang Xia's anger?

While Conan was feeling emotional, he was also a little lucky - it was a good thing he didn't tell Jiang Xia about the black organization. Otherwise, with the situation where the black people were always silenced, shot in the street, and dropped bombs... Jiang Xia would definitely not leave it alone. , that would be too dangerous.

Thinking of this, Conan decided to let Dr. Ali continue to take the blame for "accidentally making APTX4869".

Then he put down his skateboard and skated to the next site where the bomb went off.

Conan felt that although Jiang Xia's mentality was easily influenced, he was not the kind of person whose IQ would drop to zero due to impulsiveness. This could be seen from Jiang Xia's clear thinking and guessing of the answer to the riddle just now.

Since Jiang Xia has clearly gone in another direction, it means that he may have locked the location of the mysterious bomber.

There are not many people near the park, and people pass by from time to time outside. I want to identify the suspicious target at a glance among such a large group of people, then judge the evacuation direction of the other party, and rush over to block the person accurately...

This kind of thing that seems impossible to do even if you think about it, when it comes to Jiang Xia, it actually makes people feel very feasible.

The only thing that worries people is whether Jiang Xia will accidentally beat someone to death...

Thinking of this, Conan accelerated his skateboard anxiously, deciding to dismantle the bomb as soon as possible, and then try to find the location of Jiang Xia and the mysterious bomber to prevent tragedy from happening.

Different from Conan's imagination, Jiang Xia did not calculate the route of Moritani Teiji's departure. In fact, there is no need for this.

The location where Moritani Teiji was hiding just now was on the rooftop of a tall building in the distance.

The distance was indeed very far, but Moritani Teiji was full of murderous intent towards Kudou Shinichi, and his body was also filled with thick murderous aura. He stood on the roof in darkness. Compared with the bright sunshine, he was very eye-catching in Jiang Xia's eyes.

In addition, Jiang Xia controls the drama... well, has the ability to predict, and has some impression of where Moritani Teiji is hiding, so Jiang Xia successfully locked the bomber's location not long after arriving.

Afterwards, Jiangxia let Kiritengo fly to Moritani Teiji.

Although there is a long distance between the two sides, the foggy dog ​​can basically reach the same speed as Vodka when he is racing.

While Teiji Moritani was still chatting with Conan with his voice changer in hand, Kiritengu had already arrived successfully and clung to him with a solemn expression.

With his own ghost guiding the way, Jiang Xia had no difficulty finding Moritani Teiji.

After Moritani Teiji called Conan, he left from the roof of the abandoned building and prepared to go to Mihua Station to monitor Conan's bomb disposal in real time.

He walked to the car, opened the door, and was about to get in, when he suddenly found a figure that did not belong to him cast in front of him.

Moritani Teiji was startled and turned around suddenly, but it was too late - he didn't see anything clearly yet, and his collar was already tightened. Immediately afterwards, his whole body flew into the air like a pancake, and was thrown heavily to the ground with a crack.

Emperor Moriya hit the ground on his back first, and then his head hit the ground, and his vision went dark.

Despite the buzzing in his head, it took him a while to come back to his senses. When he opened his eyes, he saw a young man standing in front of him. The man raised his hand and spread a stick in his hand.

Moritani Teiji felt a chill behind him. He recognized it - the person in front of him seemed to be a famous detective... Why was there a detective here? !

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