Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1886 1886 [Kurosawa: Can you say it again? ! 】Ask for the moon

Chapter 1886 1886 [Kurosawa: Can you say it again? ! 】Please give me a monthly ticketヽ(〃〃)~

Kurosawa and Ma couldn't understand their two teammates: "What's there to be afraid of? Isn't she just manipulating a minor who has no experience in the world to kill people? That kind of manipulation looks scary, but in fact it doesn't have much skill. It's just that she took a chance and met a junior who was similar to herself.

"Besides, even if Tormaru Naoko really wants revenge, she should go find Eka. We were invisible throughout that case, and she just ran away. It's none of your business."

Maya Hashimoto opened a bottle of Coke to cover her expression, and said vaguely: "Well, how should I put it, I seemed to have offended her when the case was closed, and she stared at me for a while, so I was a little worried - okay, don't mention it. It’s rare for her to get approval from her superiors, so just treat it as a trip to Hokkaido with public funds.”

Saburo Inozuka glanced at Kazuma Kurosawa and breathed a sigh of relief quietly: "..." Fortunately, Brother Kurosawa's status is not that high, but he doesn't like to fish, and he is quite disgusted with the gossip party and thinks they don't do enough. It increased his workload... so he never heard of that terrible rumor.

The unbelievable killing method of "borrowing murder cases" is actually difficult to imagine for Tokyoites who often encounter cases.

Just like when someone stumbles on an uneven ground while walking, a normal person will just say "bad luck", but very few people will suddenly think, "Someone manipulated me to walk this way and deliberately placed the rocks here!"—— Who would have thought that something so common could contain murderous intent?

Saburo Inozuka: "..." But this is fine. One less person who knows, maybe one more shield.

Thinking of this, Inozuka Saburo pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. Originally, he wanted to show a sinister smile, but he was worried that Maya Hashimoto would come over and hit him with a knife if he was surprised. In the end, he had to take a deep breath and hold back.

In the end, Kurosawa Kazuma had no objections to these two people. Now he has understood that if Hashimoto Maya proposed it, the mysterious superior would basically not refuse. The level of tacit understanding between the two people is very strange. Hashimoto guy Maybe it's a related account.

And he does have some skills. In this case, let's listen to them and give it a try.

That was it.

After the itinerary was decided, Saburo Inozuka walked to the window, looked out the window and sighed deeply, but he was not as happy as he imagined.

In fact, in addition to the reasons used to persuade Maya Hashimoto, there was another reason why he chose that theater group.

——There are his idols in the troupe.

As an island native with some cultural background, Saburo Inozuka will certainly consider such flag-filled questions as "What would you do if you only had three days left to live?"

Now that the eldest and second brothers are gone, Maya Hashimoto seems to have recognized the wrong person and is fighting against the air. Without even a decent leg, Saburo Inozuka calculated his survival rate and was worried that his chances were slim.

So he looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle and thought sadly: If the Inozuka family is destined to be exterminated, then he must not die in a boring career like his eldest and second brothers. On the contrary, he wants to finish the things he didn't have time to do before during his lifetime...such as chasing stars up close!

With this thought in mind, Saburo Inozuka took out his wallet, looked at the photos inside and the cute-looking young woman in the photos, and couldn't help but smile like a fool.

The person in the photo is the recently rising young actress of the Aphrodite group, Wenyue Hualien.

Fumizuki Karin's adoptive mother, Bandai Suzue, is now the mainstay of the troupe, and was a well-known film and television star before she retired.

Wenyue Hualien was raised by her and has been fascinated by drama since she was a child. Within a few years of her debut, she already had the potential to take over the main role.

And Saburo Inozuka fell in love with this lovely woman at first sight since his debut in Fumizuki Karen, and began to chase stars crazily after work.

"If you die near a peony, you will become a ghost. I hope the blood of Hashimoto and I will not splash on Miss Hualien." Saburo Inozuka looked tragic as he rushed to the battlefield, and murmured in his heart, "Of course, it would be better not to die. ."

His mood was extremely complicated for a moment.

But at this time, there was someone in the room whose mood was as complicated as his.

Kurosawa and Ma originally wanted to wash up and go to bed, but halfway through, they suddenly remembered something and turned back.

"But there is a problem." Kurosawa and Ma suspected that they had been infected by these two people. "The wanted criminal is indeed afraid of the police, but we are not good people either! If the troupe is surrounded by police..."

Before he could finish speaking, Maya Hashimoto raised her hand to interrupt him.

Originally, Maya Hashimoto tensed up when she saw the police.

But since he was unfortunately entangled with Uzo, he found that the number of times he entered the police station and met with the police increased sharply. In less than half a month, he has met more police officers than he had in the past twenty years or so. He has even been able to sit face to face with the police officers, discuss the case peacefully, and praise Jiang Xia together.

"The police are just a group of employees who need evidence. No matter what we have done behind the scenes, as long as our current identity does not have a criminal record in society, the problem is not a big problem." Maya Hashimoto looked like someone who has experienced it before, "When you meet the police Remember to be more natural and rational when watching dramas, and even think that their presence disturbs our enjoyment of the drama. In this way, we are just normal ordinary citizens."

Saburo Inozuka nodded in agreement.

The number of times he entered the police station was rare. However, because his cute idol, Fumizuki Karin, has acted in many mystery dramas recently, Saburo Inozuka has seen a lot of fake policemen in the drama.

...They look no different from the real Tokyo police. They seem to be more powerful and oppressive.

And because of these mystery dramas, Inozuka Saburo's literacy in cases has also improved a lot:

"The police will not arrest people for no reason. The only thing we need to worry about is that we will be regarded as suspects and under in-depth investigation. But this can be easily avoided. As for the suspicion that may fall on us, as long as it can be proved that we are indeed not the murderers, the matter will be solved. "

"But how do you prove that you are not the murderer?" Kurosawa and Mr. Ma felt that these two people were too optimistic. "You two are okay. One looks like a good person, and the other looks like a fool. But I am often said to be fierce. . What if those bastard police officers judge a book by its appearance... I can’t take a detective with me and let the detective be ready to clear my name at all times.”

Maya Hashimoto really thought about it.

But then he thought of Wuzuo's attention to Jiang Xia, and the inexplicable suffocation he felt when standing next to Jiang Xia... As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, it was coldly shot away.

——His intuition told him that when Jiang Xia arrived, it often meant that Wu Zuo was not far away.

Rather than letting Jiang Xia come over to clear their name, it would be better to offend Kurosawa Kazuma and go to the police station.

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