Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 172 Kudo Shinichi is going to die?

The fear that had just been engraved in his DNA made Teiji Moritani shudder unconsciously. Before his mind could react, his body had silently changed direction and he hid decisively behind Officer Takagi.

Takagi Wataru glanced sympathetically at the almost disfigured suspect and took out the handcuffs.

Moritani Teiji was particularly cooperative. Not only did he raise his hands to handcuff him, but he also asked him in a low voice when he was leaving.

The Mumu Police Department is still dealing with the aftermath of the last bomb at this time - although Conan found the cat bag containing the bomb in time, the remaining time was not enough to defuse the bomb. So Conan took it to an open space and let it blow up, which attracted many onlookers.

The police also divided their forces into several groups.

At this time, there was progress on Officer Sato's side. She immediately contacted the Megure Police Department and briefly reported that the suspect had been caught and that there were still many bombs to be defused.

After hanging up the phone, Sato left a few police officers to deal with the scene, while the others took the bomber and Jiang Xia to the police station.

Before getting in the car, Sato suddenly remembered something. He looked at the sun in the sky doubtfully, and then looked at Jiang Xia: "I remember you seem to be allergic to the sun?"

"..." Jiang Xia remembered the excuse she gave when her infiltration failed before, and said without changing her face, "It's seasonal."

Officer Sato was doubtful: "...Oh."

What Moritani Teiji drew on the drawings were indeed all the bombs he had ever installed, and he did not hide it.

In fact, Moritani Teiji also tried graffiti at the beginning.

But Jiang Xia had spoilers in hand and knew the location of some of the bombs - Moriya Teiji was also unlucky. He drew a fake one right away, and Jiang Xia saw it...

In short, after several trials and being beaten several times, Moritani Teiji completely gave up resistance. Based on the gradually increasing intensity, he suspected that he might die the next time.

While frightened, Teiji Moritani also had a profound understanding for the first time of why the media wanted to promote Jiang Xia as a reasoning genius - Teiji Moritani now firmly believes that this is not the result of deliberate packaging, but the truth!

Otherwise, how could Jiang Xia accurately find out where he was doing tricks every time... It's too scary. These high school student detectives are too scary.

With the drawings given by Moritani Teiji, the bomb was successfully defused.

Jiang Xia calculated the time and energy he had spent before and after, and then squeezed the fresh murderous aura that had just been knocked out. He felt that there was no loss, and his mentality returned to peace.

After discovering the wonderful use of the doctor's house, Jiang Xia went there much more diligently than before. Sometimes she even ate at the doctor's house, so that she could wash the lunch box less often.

Maybe he noticed that the meals at the doctor's house were getting richer and richer, and Conan came to eat more often.

Just like that, it didn't take long for Jiang Xia to find that his new measures were effective.

——When Jiang Xia had just finished her meal and was looking at a bunch of half-finished inventions of Dr. Ali, Conan received a call.

The call was from Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji's contact with Conan was not that many. But the two men were naturally compatible. In addition, an unnamed external pressure source also caused the two high school detectives to form a bond of brothers, and the relationship progressed faster.

This time, Hattori Heiji suddenly called Conan because when he was taking a nap, he dreamed that Kudo Shinichi was dead. In the dream, when Kudo Shinichi was chasing the murderer, he was stabbed by the murderer and died.

This is sad enough, but what's even more terrifying is that in the follow-up, Jiangxia in the dream can't find Kudo Shinichi, so she transfers to Osaka in despair, solving crimes next to Hattori Heiji every day...

Hattori Heiji woke up in a cold sweat.

Then he grabbed the phone without thinking and dialed Kudo Shinichi - Kudo! do not die! !

...This is not only his good brother, but also his best shield.

From picking up the phone to dialing, this series of actions were all completed while Hattori Heiji was in a daze.

By the time Conan picked up the phone, Hattori Heiji had already sobered up a little.

He paused for a moment and was too embarrassed to say something like, "I dreamed that you were dead, so I called to see if you were still alive." So he ignored the reason and just said, "I want to invite you to Osaka."

Conan was very confused when he heard this: "You are a high school student, and you want to play with me, a primary school student? Aren't you afraid of being regarded as a kidnapper? You might as well save the country by inviting Jiang Xia."

He remembered that Jiangxia seemed to be quite interested in Hattori Heiji...

Unexpectedly, Hattori Heiji on the other side of the phone had a huge reaction: "I don't!"

Conan: "..."

He took the phone away speechlessly and rubbed his shocked ears. He felt that Hattori Heiji was thinking too much: "You invited us to go over for fun, not to solve the case. Why are you hiding from Jiang Xia?"

There was a hint of bitterness in Hattori Heiji's tone: "It's as if I came to you specially to solve the case the last two times. Murder cases are not happening one after another, and serial murder cases have come out..."

Hattori Heiji always thought that his physique was very special.

However, it wasn't until he met Jiang Xia that he discovered that there was someone outside the crowd - and unlike him, almost all Jiang Xia encountered were murder cases, but he only had one case among several...

After listening to Hattori Heiji's words, Conan fell into deep thought - it seemed right.

Hattori Heiji didn't say anything, but he almost forgot about this incident. He seems to have gradually acquiesced in Jiang Xia's event constitution, and even regarded it as a part of nature, just like seeing the sun rising in the east and setting in the west every day, he has become accustomed to it...

The two of them thought of Jiang Xia through the microphone, and fell into an eerie silence at the same time.

After a while, Hattori Heiji sighed:

"Well, aren't you staying at Mouri Kogoro's house? Then I'll invite Mouri. He's also a detective after all, so we have something in common. And that uncle has a lot of hobbies, so it shouldn't be difficult to invite you, so you can You can come with us."

Conan discovered that Hattori Heiji seemed to be extremely persistent about "inviting Kudo Shinichi to Osaka".

So he thought about it and didn't refuse. He always felt that Hattori Heiji was uneasy today and seemed to have encountered a problem - maybe he encountered a complicated murder case that Hattori couldn't solve alone, so he came to him to find a solution together.

Thinking of this, Conan's heart moved uncontrollably.

A difficult case.

...a difficult case without Jiang Xia's involvement.

...Want to go!

When Conan was on the phone, there was usually a dedicated novice on his shoulder.

Jiang Xia listened silently, pretending not to know about this and not offering to go with him.

What if he follows him forcefully and Hattori Heiji mistakenly thinks that "Kudo has tipped off Eka", and even Conan doesn't want to invite him again in the future... That wouldn't be good.

However, this does not mean that Jiang Xia will give up picking up ghosts.

Osaka is a tourist destination, and its most famous attractions are just that. He happened to travel to Osaka, and happened to meet Hattori Heiji and his party who were taking Conan and the others to visit Osaka. Isn't it very reasonable?

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