Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1905 1905 [The Riddler’s Flaw]

The script writer was terribly annoyed when his work was interrupted by the ringing phone.

He pushed away the stool, strode to the landline, picked up the receiver, and was about to curse.

But after recognizing the voice on the phone, the script writer's tone softened: "It's you. Haha, don't worry, I probably know who the 'red-bearded Santa Claus' is."

"Huh? You finally changed your mind? - It's only now that you realize how powerful I am. You're really slow." Hearing what the other person said, the script writer laughed happily, "Okay, I'll go there now."

After hanging up the phone, he didn't bother to pay attention to the new script that had not yet been revised. He rubbed his hands excitedly, put on his coat, and strode out.

at the same time.

By the window of a room on the third floor.

Maya Hashimoto looked at the figure that avoided the patrolling police and slipped out of the house quietly, with a solemn look on his face: "What does this guy want to do?"

Saburo Inozuka: "I don't know, but I always feel that he won't live long."

The two people looked at each other and looked away from each other: Very good, now it is certain that the eyes of "that thing" have completely fallen on this interesting troupe - they are safe.

"Hey, it's so cold." The scriptwriter was wearing a handsome windbreaker and stopped by a small lake near the hotel.

He posed handsomely in the wind for a while, but he didn't last for a minute before he started rubbing his hands with cold: "Why do you want to meet in a place like this? Women are so troublesome. They always have to pursue some kind of romance... Hum, but it doesn't matter, it's very I'll take you to a warm bed soon."

Thinking about the pleasant time ahead, the scriptwriter smiled an indescribable smile.

Behind him, in the howling cold wind, a tightly wrapped black shadow appeared silently, raising the cold steel pipe in his hand.

Then hit it hard.

A few hours later.

I thought that one person died tonight and everyone could spend the night peacefully in grief.

However, not long after, the second victim appeared.

In the small frozen lake near the hotel, a body fell face down in a hole in the ice.

On the belt behind the body, there was a greeting card with a Christmas pattern drawn on it - there was no doubt that the murderer was the "red-bearded Santa Claus" again.

This time, Bupo Jingjing finally lost her previous calmness. She clicked on the lighter, but couldn't light it for a long time. In the end, she could only hold the cigarette stiffly in her mouth.

Watching this scene, Suzuki Sonoko was so sleepy that she woke up from the cold. She couldn't help but mutter to Jiang Xia: "Does the 'Red Bearded Santa Claus' really have a grudge against their entire troupe? Could it be that this time, all of them will die?" ."

Maya Hashimoto glanced here quietly: "..." Don't you know exactly how many people are going to die? ——His acting skills are decent at a young age, and he is worthy of being Uzo’s lackey.

...Speaking of which, how on earth did Uzo get a consortium daughter of this size to obey his words?

Seeing Uzo's power expand was even more uncomfortable than seeing himself arrested by the police. Now, Maya Hashimoto can only pray secretly, hoping that the two Suzuki couples who are still in power will not be bewitched by the evil forces from the organization.

But these things are still far away after all.

Compared to Maya Hashimoto, someone was obviously more panicked at this time.

The "clown" in the troupe also heard what Suzuki Sonoko said and couldn't help but retort loudly: "I haven't done anything, why should you kill me!"

As he spoke, he took two steps forward and held Jiang Xia's hand, as if holding a life-saving straw: "I finally understand that these policemen can't be counted on at all - now I can only rely on you, hurry up Let’s solve the case and catch that person!”

The detective looked at the poor man who was troubled by the murderer with sympathy, as if he wished he could take his own life: "Don't worry, I will try my best. But before that, shouldn't you tell me everything you know?"

Back at the hotel, a few people found a warm room.

The frightened "Joker" also followed in, and under the gaze of a group of people, told the information he knew.

"This is not the first time that our troupe has performed in this hotel. I also accidentally heard about the story of 'Red Bearded Santa Claus' from the hotel manager."

The clown actor sighed: "You may not know that the manager loves to mention 'Room 315' and 'Red Bearded Santa Claus', but every time he mentions it, he keeps it secret and looks mysterious. He looked like he was refusing to tell others the details."

When Maya Hashimoto and Saburo Inozuka heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other and wanted to nod: "..." They knew, they knew very well - if "that thing" wasn't probably nearby, they had to be careful with their words and actions. , I'm afraid they had already followed their hearts, put a sack on the Riddler manager, beaten him up, and tortured him severely.

The clown actor has his own unique cliché skills: "I am quite curious, and I am really curious about the whole story. Fortunately, although the manager is strict, he likes to drink. So one time after get off work, I thanked him In the name of getting him drunk, he finally asked about the thing he always talked about.

"'Santa Claus with Red Beard' is a real guest. The first time he came to this hotel was 10 years ago - it was also a snowy Christmas Eve. 'Santa Claus with Red Beard' ’ Carrying the package, we came to the hotel.

"Even though it has been 10 years, the manager is still very impressed by this guest, because that person is dressed in bright red from head to toe - he is wearing red pants, a red windbreaker, red gloves, and a red hat. Even Even the hair and beard were dyed red.

"The guest dressed in red came to the front desk and opened the bag he was carrying. There were bundles of banknotes in the bag. He pushed the whole bag of money to the front desk and asked to rent Room 315 here for a long term of 10 Year.

"From that day on, he stayed in this hotel."

Jiang Xia remembered the red room where Maya Hashimoto and the others were when they passed by the third floor: "So he also decorated Room 315 like that?"

The clown nodded: "From the walls to the curtains, to some furniture and ceiling lights, everything that could be changed was replaced by red. The manager was also shocked when he went to see it, and he can still see it even now. He was dissatisfied with this matter. But the guest paid too much and paid a huge sum of money to rent the room for 10 years. The manager had no choice but to endure it and did not interfere.

"In the ten years since then, the guest has hardly gone out and stayed in that red room all day long. The only communication with the outside world is the occasional phone call.

"And one day a year ago, when the waiter went to clean the room, he saw the 'red-bearded Santa Claus' lying motionless on the bed - he was dead."

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