Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1907 1907 [Introducing a detective to you]

Wenyue Hualien: "Although there are always people who say bad things about the teacher, she is usually a very gentle person and is very kind to me. So... I heard that you have solved many complex cases, please be sure to catch her Live the man who killed Bandai-sensei!”

After saying that, she completely lost her appetite for breakfast and turned around to leave.

While feeling sorry for his idol, Inozuka Saburo secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "..." It turns out that the "important person" refers to that old witch... He said that Miss Hualien is pure and pure, how can she fall in love!

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Wenyue Hualien's retreating back, and pulled Jiang Xia blankly. She couldn't believe it: "'Gentle'?, 'Be good to her'? The person Miss Hualien said was really the dead female leader." ?”

Before Jiang Xia could say anything, a doll with forearms as long as his arms suddenly came close to his face.

The doll was dressed in a small suit, with a bow on the collar. It clicked its mouth and said, "Don't believe the tears of an actress. That's an actor. The so-called actor is a pear blossom on the face who can still cry even if her heart is rolling with laughter." Daiyu - To be honest, she usually has a lot of private time. During that time, no one can find her and no one knows what she is doing. If she is fooled by her cute appearance, she may be the next one to die. you."

Conan looked past the puppet and looked at the person who was manipulating the puppet. He recognized that this was the brother of the ghost actress: "I heard that you and your sister were also adopted by the female leader from childhood? If she died, besides you, there would be Are there any other beneficiaries?”

The man moved his hands and asked the puppet to say for him in ventriloquism: "Yes."

Conan nodded and waited for the next step, but he didn't wait for a long time.

The member who provided clues seemed to be different from those who were self-conscious in the past. He had no choice but to ask: "Who is it?"

"Who is it?" The puppet said in a tone that was in need of beating, "I'm just a puppet, I can't see anything, I can't hear anything, I can't say anything."

Then he just walked away.

Conan: "..."

...Why are there so many Riddlers here! Two people have already died. Normally, even the toughest passerby would have spoken!

Jiang Xia was calm: "Maybe he is worried that if he knows too much, he will be silenced."

Suzuki Sonoko scratched her head, feeling that this ventriloquist was a bit scary: "Why does he have to let a puppet speak for him when he can speak directly?"

"There's nothing I can do~"

A voice floated faintly from behind, and there was an unknown figure behind him.

Lingmu Yuanzi and Mao Lilan were startled and jumped out. Jiang Xia turned back and looked at the ghostly actress: "Do you have any clues?"

The actress was still wearing the kimono she wore when acting. She raised her large sleeves and covered her lips with a smile: "My brother and I have been bullied by that woman since we were children. Her attitude towards us was cruel. My brother was still too young at the time. , became less and less fond of talking to people. When he learned ventriloquism, he would only let the puppets speak for him.

"It is impossible for a charitable person to treat his adopted son so differently, so do you understand? - My brother is right, Wenyue Hualien must have lied just now.

"But this doesn't mean that we are the only three suspects." The actress glanced at the restaurant and pointed to the clown who was chasing the police to inquire about the progress of the case. "For example, he once borrowed a loan shark from the team leader and script writer. , because the compound interest cannot cover the loan, now he can only work as a cowboy in our group - and now, his two creditors are dead, and he is free."


Officer Sato calculated on his fingers: "So everyone in this troupe has a grudge against the female leader?"

Jiang Xia nodded and said in a sympathetic tone: "Even those three temporary workers were severely reprimanded by him."

Saburo Inozuka, who was listening in the audience, was startled, and silently showed a bit of murderous intent: "..." Just say what you say, why are you mentioning them! They've all tried so hard to reduce their presence, damn detective.

The actress threw in a mess of clues, turned around with her fame and achievements hidden, took small steps, and left as if she was floating.

Jiang Xia was about to finish the cold egg roll, but just when he turned around, he suddenly saw someone sitting on the seat next to him. The person didn't know when he appeared, staring at him with a big face, wanting to speak. Stop again.

Jiang Xia's hand holding the fork trembled, and he finally restrained himself from stabbing it. He smiled: "What's the matter?"

...People who don’t have murderous intent walk without making any movement, and they appear to be invisible, which sometimes really scares psychics.

The person who suddenly approached was the mysterious hotel manager.

"Have you heard about the 'Red Bearded Santa Claus' from the actor?" The manager sighed, "Now that the matter is over, I won't hide it from you. There is something I must do. Tell you."

He lowered his voice mysteriously: "Actually, when the 'Red Bearded Santa Claus' was still alive, the dead female band leader and scriptwriter often came to our hotel to stay - not just during performances, but also at other times. would come over, and they would always assign rooms and insist on staying next door to 'Santa Claus with the red beard.'"

Jiang Xia: "So they know each other?"

"I don't know about that." The manager is indeed the same Riddler. "We have never seen the two of them come into contact. But no one can guarantee that they will not move around in the middle of the night."

After saying that, he bowed slightly politely and turned to leave.

Jiang Xia ate her egg roll thoughtfully. No matter what happened, she would still have breakfast.

As a result, before I had even taken two bites, someone came to deliver another clue.

Jiang Xia raised her head and looked up at the pair of high heels parked next to her. She saw straight and slender legs, a well-proportioned and well-proportioned figure... and a face that was more resolute than a man's.

Even if that face were attached to Vodka, it wouldn't be a violation.

Fupo Narumi stopped next to him at some point. This policeman with a tougher face and temper than a man pinched a cigarette and exhaled a puff of smoke: "I'm curious about the two dead people and the red-bearded ones." Is there a relationship between Santa Claus'? If you really want to know, it doesn't hurt to tell you - that 'Santa Claus with red beard' is the drug dealer I have been following up."

Jiang Xia nodded: "That's it."

Fuwa Narumi raised her eyebrows slightly: "Don't you seem surprised? The person in the ghost story suddenly turned into a drug dealer in reality. If any third-rate reporter finds out, this week's article will be lost."

Jiang Xia smiled: "My friend told me this speculation last night - I am not the only powerful detective. There are many hidden detectives that have not been discovered by the world, but this does not affect their glory."

As he said that, he turned to look at the table where the three temporary workers were.

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