Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1912 1912 [Uzo’s purpose]

Perhaps because he had figured out the situation, this time, the detective finally gave him some face.

Jiang Xia's tone became solemn: "Are you the 'red-bearded Santa Claus'?"

Miwako Sato next to her was startled when she heard what he said, and she also leaned closer to the receiver to listen.

"Red-bearded Santa Claus" sneered: "You can see the window on the third floor from your place, right?"

Jiang Xia and Officer Sato heard this and turned to look over. It was already dark at this time, and most of the guests who came here were traditional guests who liked dramas and had already rested. The whole building was almost dark at this time.

The voice of "Red Bearded Santa Claus" continued: "Watch carefully, the third act of the murder drama is about to begin."

After saying that, he let out an uncomfortable grin.

When Sato Miwako heard that he was predicting murder again, she quickly took the phone from Jiang Xia and wanted to ask questions. However, the screen has returned to the normal interface - the other party has hung up the phone.

At this time, Jiang Xia suddenly raised his hand and pointed her in the direction of the building.

Sato Miwako was startled, looked up, and her expression changed suddenly.

In the originally dark building, a window lit up at some point - it was the red room on the third floor.

The red light was already extremely dazzling, but now it was the only one with the light on, making it even more conspicuous.

And if you look carefully, you can see a man wearing a windbreaker and a hat standing quietly in front of the window of the red room. The man was leaning against the window, overlooking the courtyard, as if he was sneering at the police and detectives in the courtyard.

After looking at it for a few seconds, he turned and left.

The figure disappeared, and Sato Miwako came back to her senses from the shocking scene like a horror movie: "Isn't this the house of the three temporary workers?!"

Jiang Xia also seemed to be worried about those unfamiliar friends: "Let's go and have a look."

Two people rushed into the hotel one after another.

Several police officers on guard in the lobby were startled when they saw someone running. Recognizing that he was a detective, they put down their hands holding the baton: "What's wrong? You must have found a body in the yard, right?"

Saburo Inozuka heard the movement and glanced over from a distance. Seeing Jiang Xia standing, he was shocked: "..." This detective is actually still alive? !

Jiang Xia told the police: "We saw a suspicious figure in Room 315. The 'red-bearded Santa Claus' might have been there just now."

"Santa Claus with a red beard!?" The policemen's expressions became solemn as they thought of the guy who had warned of murder, and they ran upstairs with Jiang Xia.

Saburo Inozuka: "..."

He eavesdropped on Jiang Xia's conversation, and then looked down at his cell phone, which had yet to receive a reply. He seemed to understand something, and couldn't help but show the sad look of a rabbit dead and a fox pitiful.

Then he quietly clasped his hands together and bowed to the phone: "..." I didn't expect that it was not Jiang Xia who died, but the two poor accomplices... I'm sorry, but he really tried his best.

After bowing, Inozuka Saburo silently squeezed his burly body into the middle of the sofa: "..." He must not leave this only safe island. This hotel is getting more and more dangerous!

When Saburo Inozuka ignored the lives of Kurosawa and Maya Hashimoto and focused on surviving.

The righteous detective has led a group of police officers to the third floor.

The red room here is famous. On the way here, the police couldn't help but get goosebumps just after listening to Jiang Xia recounting the situation.

They went straight to room 315, stared at the door warily, and knocked several times.

However, there was no movement in the house, and no one came to open the door.

Fortunately, the police were smart enough to notify the hotel manager in advance.

At this time, the manager held the magnetic card for room 315 and ran over breathlessly: "This is the key."

Jiang Xia took the magnetic card and opened the door.

When he opened the door, he saw a man lying straight beside the bed in the dim light, unconscious, but his expression looked very uneasy.

"Mr. Hashimoto?" Jiang Xia ran over as if he was shocked, squatted down and poked him, "Are you okay?"

...Wasn't it just that I was standing in a narrow entrance with no room for dodge, and was attacked from behind with a tranquilizer gun? There's no way to avoid this. This bucket of iced black tea doesn't seem to be very effective at fighting.

But at least he fell at the gunpoint, which was better than the neighbor who was knocked down with a stick.

Jiang Xia reluctantly forgave his new little brother for his carelessness.

And perhaps because he felt that he was being threatened by death when he fainted, the desire to survive and the desire to attack exploded together. The ice tea-flavored murderous aura fell all over Maya Hashimoto, and it was a harvest scene.

Jiang Xia turned his back to everyone, and by checking the condition of Maya Hashimoto, he gathered the murderous spirit and hugged it all, straightening it out and stuffing it into the seal space.

Perhaps it was because he was wearing thick clothes and not enough anesthesia was taken in, but Maya Hashimoto stubbornly woke up.

"You're awake." When he opened his eyes, he saw the detective's concerned gaze, and Jiang Xia said sadly, "You were attacked by the 'red-bearded Santa Claus'."

Maya Hashimoto looked at him, then at the policeman behind Jiang Xia, in disbelief: "..." He is actually...still alive? !

He thought Uzo had finally taken action against him, but it seemed that wasn't the case now. But what happened to those situations that just happened? ?

At this moment, there was a commotion from several police officers gathered at the door.

Jiang Xia left Maya Hashimoto behind, looked back, and saw someone pushing open the bathroom door.

In the narrow bathroom, under the strange red light, a person was hanging there quietly.

Hearing something moving in the corridor, they couldn't help but come over to check. Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko looked out and saw this exciting scene: "..."


A good Christmas Eve turned into a sleepless night.

Maya Hashimoto was helped by the kind detective to sit down on the sofa in the hall. After what happened just now, he never wanted to sleep again in his life.

And now, Hashimoto Maya couldn't care less about where the disappeared Inozuka Saburo was now, and his mind was filled with question marks: "..." Kurosawa is dead?

Although an ambulance came and reluctantly sent the person to the hospital, Maya Hashimoto always felt that the accomplice was in danger.

What's even weirder is that he, who was obviously an easier target for Uzo, survived successfully.

Maya Hashimoto felt as if he was being scratched by a tiger, and every second he felt that he would die next moment: "So why did Uzo let me go so easily? Is this just a small warning? He wanted to pass The way he keeps murdering those around me, telling me that my life is within his control?

"But why on earth do you treat a small peripheral member of mine like this, even chasing him from Tokyo to Hokkaido? - If he wants to get information about Mr. Ireland from me, why doesn't he ask me directly?!"

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