Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1941 1941 [Slow Bourbon]

Chapter 1941 1941" Jiang Xia looked directly at Toru Amuro, as if he was very surprised, "I heard from Miss Kawasaki that you are here too, so I came here to take a look. "

Ms. Kawasaki's eyes paused on Toru Amuro for a moment, thoughtfully.

Amuro Toru: "..." I don't know why, but he always feels that he will have many strange female bosses, strange jobs, and maybe strange requirements - such as bringing your own employees with you when you come to work. Category.

Originally, Toru Amuro might have struggled with this for a while, but at this time, he didn't show much abnormality.

——Compared with Rum, a real and dangerous person who is full of evil, Jiang Xia's non-malicious nature can be called friendly. Therefore, in Toru Amuro's mind, Jiang Xia is no longer the top target worth noting.

Compared to Jiangxia...

Amuro's peripheral vision deviated slightly and fell on Rum.

Then I was shocked: Rum was actually looking at Jiang Xia.

Even if you pass by a famous detective, it’s normal to take a second look at him. But Toru Amuro had dealt with Rum after all and knew the other party's true identity, so looking at him now, he suddenly felt that there was something unusual in Rum's eyes.

Although I couldn't describe what kind of look it was, one thing seemed certain - Rum was very interested in Jiang Xia, and even had a vague appreciation for it.

Amuro Toru's heart thumped: "..." Isn't this guy Rum interested in collecting subordinates again?

To actually want to completely break this seedling of justice into his dark camp is simply wishful thinking.

He was secretly observing, ready to take the next step at any time. Unexpectedly, not long after, Rum's eyes turned to him. Then the one-eyed boss gave him a meaningful look. The meaning was so complicated that it was difficult for Toru Amuro to parse it for a while.

As he continued to pack up the dining cart, he wondered: "..." Could it be that he had guessed wrong just now? Rum just met a famous detective and looked at him twice, but his real target is actually his own subordinate?

As an undercover agent with insufficient confidence, Toru Amuro couldn't help but start to reflect in his heart, reviewing whether he had any flaws recently.

While he was reminiscing, he chatted with Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia chatted with him and felt better and better.

——Rum just looked at Toru Amuro a few times, and the boss’s coffee overflowed as if it was cooked.

Jiang Xia looked at this grand scene and sighed with emotion: As expected, the undercover is more rebellious - there is no need to do anything extra, as long as he is placed next to his boss, the murderous aura will flow out continuously.

In comparison, look at Vodka, then look at Maya Hashimoto and Subaru Okiya, and Saburo Inozuka who has already learned to restrain his murderous intent when encountering him before he became his subordinate...

Jiang Xia sighed, wishing he could hold a crash course in training his subordinates and let them learn from Toru Amuro.

Next to him, Rum withdrew his gaze, feeling a little complicated.

Rum: "..." This guy from Bourbon used to be shrewd and mysterious, yet he was easy to use and made people worry about him.

But looking at it now, I just feel that he is so stupid - there is such a big Uzo next to him, and he doesn't think about how to see through it, but he is actually guarding himself against robbing him!

Although Bourbon was right to be on guard, this person's robbery was completely different from that person's robbery. He didn't even think about it, how could he, a second-in-command, be as good as a mere detective? ...Alas, what I thought was a trump card has now turned into a common card that is heavily influenced by Uzo.

Thinking of this, Rum suddenly felt that it was time to add a few new subordinates.

Like Uzo or something.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xia suddenly looked over here after exchanging pleasantries with Amuro Tou, looking at him with slight curiosity.

Rum was startled, and then quickly showed a hearty smile: "This is the first time we meet, I am Wakita Kanori, you can just call me Wakita - my granddaughter is a fan of yours, and she heard that you will come to this food fair to give a lecture , she kept making noises about skipping school to see you, but unfortunately her parents were too strict and refused to agree, so she asked me to come over and insisted that I ask you for an autographed photo."

This explains why he, a middle-aged uncle, came here with a group of female bosses to join in the fun - and as a grandfather with a granddaughter, it is easier for others to feel safe and think that he is just a harmless ordinary person.

Toru Amuro immediately heard the mystery, and his murderous aura became more intense.

Jiang Xia didn't seem to be suspicious: "No problem, but I don't have a photo with me. Can I have a signed business card?"

Toru Amuro: "..." You are too talkative. The one-eyed guy in front of you looks so suspicious, so you should ask more questions.

...Forget it, it’s better not to ask any more questions. What if Rum insists on taking the person over for promotion and training under the pretext of “he knows too much”.

Rum nodded gratefully and smiled "Sure enough" - a signed business card is also a business card, and handing over a business card means establishing friendship.

It seems that this guy Uzo is quite interested in himself as a "passerby", and he has already begun to cast a net and prepare to establish contact.

Rum took out his business card and continued to play the role of a good chef while calmly analyzing Jiang Xia's behavior from what he thought was a God's perspective - he knew the identity of the other party, but the other party did not know him. This wonderful situation was exactly the intelligence The molecule’s favorite perspective.

Rum took the signed business card from Jiang Xia and handed over his own business card.

The business card of "Wakida Kanenoori" is exquisitely designed, with a sushi pattern drawn in ink. Jiang Xia looked at the business card, then looked at him seriously, nodded and accepted the card.

Rum: "..." Wait, is it an illusion? Why does Jiang Xia not seem to be very interested in him anymore?

Opposite, Jiang Xia was muttering to the ghosts.

"He is obviously the second-in-command, but he doesn't have as much murderous aura as Gin and Belmode. It seems like he had a very happy life as a child."

Of course, what makes the psychic the most dissatisfied is: "I thought I could unlock a high-end murderous aura, but I didn't expect it tasted like rice. Although it is indeed full, it really doesn't taste..."

The mermaid felt something was wrong, so she floated forward and grabbed a ray of new murderous aura. She took out a scale with her other hand, put it on the bridge of her nose like a monocle, and looked at Rum's murderous aura carefully through it.

Then I realized that I couldn't see anything clearly, so I silently threw the scales away and looked again.

Xiaobai sneaked over to pick up the scales and carefully put them away, not knowing where he had stuffed the scales. At this time, several adult ghosts have already come up with the identification result: this is not rice, but vinegar rice specially used for sushi.

Jiang Xia: "...?"

Well, if you find some ingredients like shrimp, crab, salmon, etc. in the future, maybe you can try putting them together to make a sushi smoke.

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