Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 178 Hui Yuan Ai: Nutrition must be balanced

Hattori Heizo thought it was not possible.

Therefore, he secretly decided that if there was an opportunity in the future, he would let the two young people have more contact.

Hattori Heiji was stared at silently by his father, and a chill ran down his back.

He looked at Hattori Heizo warily, always feeling that something bad was about to happen, but unfortunately he had no evidence...

Jiang Xia returned home and was in a good mood sorting out her new shikigami.

After signing the contract, he released the ghosts as usual and lined them up to count them again.

But at this moment, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Jiang Xia made a move, stood up and opened the door, and saw Hui Yuan Ai standing at the door holding a plate of fruit.

Hui Yuan Ai handed the fruit to Jiang Xia and looked at his luggage placed by the door: "Just came back? Do you want to have dinner at home or come to my place? The doctor seems to have something to see you."

With that last sentence, of course Jiang Xia chose to go there.

Maybe you can step on a few cases.

After receiving this answer, Hui Yuan Ai nodded happily.

——In her opinion, the food in the lunch box is not as appetizing as the food on the plate. And even if the journey is short and the lid of the box is stuffy, I always feel that the food will not be as fresh as before.

After dinner, Dr. Ali helped Jiang Xia adjust the new swing stick and invited him to participate in the "After the Rain, Sunny" event held the day after tomorrow.

Jiang Xia was stunned for a moment before he connected the "rainy weather" with the bomb "tropical rainbow", and then thought of the Abedo Art Museum that was about to be detonated by a colorful bomb.

...Although he probably wouldn't have time to go by then, Jiang Xia still nodded and agreed. At worst, the doctor's pigeon will be released the day after tomorrow.

Demolition and demolition will be done the day after tomorrow.

In the afternoon of the next day, Jiang Xia went to the Abeido Art Museum after dealing with the wives who went to the office to pick up cats.

This area used to be a bustling area, but now times have changed and many buildings have been abandoned.

In Jiang Xia's impression, there is also an abandoned building next door to the Aideto Art Museum.

This afternoon, the young detective team happened to be rehearsing a play there. During the exercise, they encountered a fugitive who slipped away from Officer Sato and Officer Takagi.

The fugitive climbed up to the rooftop of the abandoned building, and then climbed to the Abeido Museum of Art with the help of a ladder. In the end, he was unable to escape the agile police officer Sato and was overtaken by him. He was then thrown over his shoulder and thrown into a toilet cubicle.

After Officer Sato captured the suspect again, he learned a lesson and handcuffed himself and the suspect together.

When she stood up after handcuffing, she suddenly discovered that the long handcuff chain had accidentally bypassed a pipe on the wall.

In other words, they were both handcuffed in the bathroom.

According to Jiang Xia's "prophecy", Officer Sato and the suspect will be trapped in this abandoned building until tomorrow morning.

In other words, they could be blasted into the sky by a tropical rainbow at any time.

Jiangxia came to the old Abeido Art Museum.

There was a no entry sign on the first floor. Jiang Xia walked around it and walked into the building.

At this point, the tropical rainbow has been set. Jiang Xia glanced at the location where they were placed, remembering how the bomb samples had exploded at any time, and sped up the stairs.

At this time, everything in the art gallery had been moved away, and many small movements became obvious in the empty building.

When Jiang Xia walked to the fourth floor, she heard vague conversations coming from the bathroom.

He walked in and as expected saw Officer Sato and the suspect trapped in the cubicle.

Jiang Xia looked at them with confusion: "What are you..."

Officer Sato: "!"

With a thud in her heart, she subconsciously stood up, then was pulled by the handcuffs and fell back onto the toilet seat.

In the end, Officer Sato could only hide his hands behind his back and said with an awkward smile: "Well, why are you here, hahaha..."

At this time, when he suddenly saw Jiang Xia... Officer Sato's first reaction was to feel embarrassed.

——Today, she first lost sight of the prisoner, then mistakenly handcuffed herself to the prisoner, and even lost the handcuff key... All the links in this series of events have been permanently included in Officer Sato's black history. .

However, after being embarrassed, Sato Miwako was stunned for a moment. Thinking of Jiang Xia's expertise, her eyes suddenly lit up: "By the way, are you free now? Can you do me a favor?"

——When Officer Sato first discovered that he was trapped, he thought about asking Takagi to go to the police station to help her get the spare key.

But at that time, the suspect next to her suddenly said that he was not the murderer and was wrongly accused. He said he wanted to run because he wanted to attend his daughter's wedding the next day. Coupled with the interference of the Young Detective Team, Officer Sato was touched.

In the end, she decided to let Takagi and the juvenile detective team work together to find the real murderer. Due to various considerations, she and the suspect stayed here and did not contact the bureau so as not to waste time due to cumbersome procedures.

Miwako Sato actually doesn't have much confidence in Takagi's ability to solve crimes.

Fortunately, there is also a Conan in the Young Detective Team. And Sato remembered that this child appeared at the crime scene with Jiang Xia every day. He must have learned something from Jiang Xia, and maybe he could bet on it - for example, last time, Conan accurately guessed Jiang Xia and the bomb. The prisoner's location was reached and the bomber was rescued in time...

Having said that, the lineup of Kid + Takagi actually made Sato feel unsure.

However, she did not expect that after Conan, even Jiang Xia himself would appear here... The more Sato thought about it, the more he felt that this was simply God's will.

If the suspect was really wronged, Jiang Xia should be able to find out the truth quickly.

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