Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1992 1992 [Juan Wang’s Men]

"After today, we will be closed."

An old voice came from behind.

Jiang Xia turned around and saw an old man with white hair and beard.

This seemed to be the director of the cinema. The old man's smiling face could not hide his sadness: "Today also happens to be the 30th anniversary of the opening of this cinema."

Conan remembered something: "No wonder there are so many ladder ropes and the like in the screening room."

"Haha, I'm really sorry." The old man touched the back of his head and apologized, "The construction company said that time was too tight, so it turned out like this."

The saleswoman became angry when she mentioned this. She couldn't help but interject: "Obviously we can start work tomorrow, but they have to move those things in beforehand. I really don't know what they are anxious about - even if they move the tools in advance, it's not Have to wait until tomorrow.”

A gloomy voice came, and followed her words in a strange way: "Oh, don't say that. I allowed you to operate until today, which is already considered magnanimous - if the buyer's boss hadn't asked me to wait until the anniversary of this cinema. When the construction is over, I would have demolished this place long ago.”

Jiang Xia turned around following the sound and saw a middle-aged man who looked like a social animal.

This is the president of a real estate agency. He is holding a cigarette in his mouth. His eyes are sunken and dark, and his energy is a little low.

But when he saw the curator and the salesperson being angry and afraid to speak, Haruda Masaji immediately became excited and started talking more: "You know Gomera if you play Gomera every day. I really hope your Sincerity can summon a real Gomera to come out, and then go crazy and demolish this broken cinema, then I can save a lot of demolition costs, hahahahaha."


The surroundings became silent for an instant. Whether it was the employees of the theater or the regulars here, they all suddenly turned their heads and their eyes fell on him, with anger in their eyes.

Even the projectionist backstage couldn't help but walked out and said angrily: "Smoking is prohibited in the cinema, don't let people remind you every time!"

Haruta Masaji sneered, took a puff and blew out the cigarette on the ground: "I'm so sorry, I will pay attention next time. Oops!" He suddenly slapped his forehead exaggeratedly, "I almost forgot, there will be no next time - starting from tomorrow, This place is about to become a ruin, hahahahaha."

He entered the screening room laughing.

Hui Yuan Ai couldn't help but whisper: "...He really loves to laugh."

At the far corner, a figure saw this scene and retracted his head silently.

Maya Hashimoto came here a little early to show her sincerity, and then asked the agent when it would be convenient to meet.

After nearly half an hour, the other party responded slowly and said that he was busy watching a movie.

...Have time to watch movies, but no time to sell restaurant ruins?

Maya Hashimoto's fists were hardened, but the anti-Usa instinct engraved in his bones forced him to suppress his murderous intentions and act like a normal businessman.

So he followed the reply and found the movie theater where Masaji Harada was staying. As soon as he looked around, he heard Masaji Harada's tirade of yin and yang, as well as two strings of sly smiles.

Of course, we can’t miss the deep looks in the eyes of theater employees and audiences when they look at Harita Masaji.

"Is this the agency I'm looking for?"

Maya Hashimoto's heart began to pound, and she prayed quietly: "The boy who loves to laugh will not have bad luck. God of luck, please do not let Uzuo see Zhang Tian. This kind of person may not survive for more than half a day in Uzuo's hands—— It doesn’t matter how long he lives, but please sell that land to me first before you die!”

Thinking of this, Maya Hashimoto wanted to rush over quickly and get the contract first while the person was still alive.

But suddenly, he caught a glimpse of two familiar people out of the corner of his eye.

——Conan and Jiang Xia.


Maya Hashimoto paused.

It's not all because of the avoidance instinct that he developed some time ago, but because he suddenly realized...

"Since the insidious primary school student is here, he might have lured Jiang Xia here. This cinema is probably Wu Zuo's stage at this time."

Maya Hashimoto broke out in a cold sweat and thought quickly: "If I get close now, will it disrupt Uzo's plan? But since Uzo has his eyes on this intermediary, he probably guessed that I will also appear nearby... So What script should I get this time? What role will I play in this murder drama?"

Maya Hashimoto was mentally and physically exhausted for a while.

The most terrifying thing is not being in a live-action murder stage play, nor is it suddenly finding yourself as a character in the play.

But he knew that he was an actor, maybe even an important role in it, but he didn't get any script, and he didn't dare to mess up the play and offend the terrible behind-the-scenes director.

"How about I just stay away. Anyway, if the agent dies, there will be another agent. Maybe the next one will be a good agent who does things neatly and doesn't have so much trouble."

Maya Hashimoto was quietly turning around the corner: "No, no, it can't be done. If there are some places in the script where I have to appear, and I clearly guessed that this was the boss's intention, but I took the initiative to stay away... this is too unfair. That’s true.”

After thinking about it, the floor under his feet was almost grinding out circles. Maya Hashimoto finally had a flash of inspiration, remembering the script knowledge she had crammed in, and came up with an idea.

"I can participate in the script, but deliberately stay away from those critical moments! - A case takes a long time, and I just need to quietly join in between two key points, and then withdraw after getting the contract, like a behind-the-scenes staff member, Participating in the script without leaving any traces, so that I can avoid escaping from my boss's script, and I don't have to get into trouble."

The more Maya Hashimoto thought about it, the more wonderful it became.

He stepped back and temporarily retreated outside the theater, then looked at his watch and calculated the right time to break in.

Due to Maya Hashimoto's sharp skills and concealed position, she made a prompt decision when retreating and moved her body before her brain could react. Therefore, Conan and the others did not notice anyone coming and leaving in a hurry.

Hui Yuan Ai seemed to be aware of it. She cautiously moved a step in front of Jiang Xia and used his legs to block her. Then she turned her head and carefully glanced towards the long corridor leading to the door.

But nothing was found.

Hui Yuan Ai took a sip of Coca-Cola doubtfully: "..." It always felt like there was an organized atmosphere there. Could it be an illusion?

That's right, this theater only has one screening room, and it's showing Gomera. Which organization member would have nothing to do to come here to watch this kind of thing.

As for the breath I felt just now...

Maybe it's from Jiang Xia.

Haiyuan Ai used to be very sensitive to organizational aura, but since she lived next door to Jiang Xia, her sensitive perception began to gradually become obsolete.

Thinking of this, Hui Yuan Ai raised his head and glanced at Jiang Xia, then looked at the empty corridor, feeling more and more that this was it.

She took another sip of coke and didn't think about it anymore.

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