Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 189 New Ghost’s Skills (Anti-Theft Update)

When Jiang Xia followed Mao Lilan and others downstairs, her mentality had recovered.

In general, no matter how deceptive the ghost fetuses are, they can provide a lot of help to psychics.

For example, although the new ghost fetus failed to provide the puppet Jiang Xia wanted, it awakened good skills:


It can create a circle of high-temperature isolation areas on the body.

And it can not only protect the body itself. If you work hard and double your murderous energy, you can still protect your clothes, hair... and other people who are very close.

Jiang Xia studied the new skill for a while and felt that it was very good - ghost fetuses are indeed treasures of the world, even if they have strange shapes.

Mao Lilan failed to notice the change in Jiang Xia's mood.

She was still at the previous stage and didn't want Jiang Xia, who was exuding low pressure, to go back alone, so Mao Lilan hesitated for a moment and extended an invitation:

"Would you like to watch the festival with us? There will be a bonfire festival nearby tomorrow night, and there will be fireworks. The hot spring in the hotel is also very comfortable." It is suitable for people to relax.

Jiang Xia was startled.

He was still thinking about how to deal with Mouri Kogoro's case as naturally as possible, but he didn't expect that Maori Lan actually took the initiative to hand over the ladder.

How can you disagree.

Hattori Heiji did not go with him. He said goodbye to the three of them early and returned to Osaka.

After solving the Hinata family case, Jiang Xia went to the hot spring hotel with Mao Lilan and Conan.

The son-in-law's assassination of the chairman happened at night, and it was already early morning after the follow-up was dealt with.

Jiang Xia opened a room and prepared to catch up on some sleep.

As soon as he reached the second floor of the hotel, he was suddenly startled.

...There is murderous intent nearby, and there are more than one.

It is indeed the fairy hotel where Kogoro Mori and Conan stayed at the same time...

Jiang Xia sent ghosts to sneak into the murderous room and investigate the situation.

After having a rough understanding of the two sources of murderous aura, Jiang Xia took back the ghost and rested her mind to catch up on her sleep.

Since they stayed up almost all night the day before, the three of them didn't go downstairs until the afternoon the next day.

When Mouri Kogoro woke up, he found that his daughter had brought back a male classmate. He stared at Jiang Xia on the sofa, looking left and right, lost in thought.

After a while, after listening to Mao Lilan's explanation, Mao Li Kogoro quietly looked away.

This is a hot spring hotel.

But Jiang Xia stared at the steam rising in the backyard, and finally didn't take a bath.

This shop is a mixed bath for men and women, and Mao Lilan looked like she wanted to go to the hot springs. Judging from the way Maori Kogoro glanced over from time to time, if Jiang Xia also went there, he would want to come to Moori Kogoro's case again in the future. It would be difficult. Will soar... hot springs and ghosts, of course choose the latter.

The other thing is the Z-shaped mark on the heart.

Psychics are different from ghosts.

As long as ghosts sign a contract and form a mark, as long as the contract is still there, their mark will appear outside at any time and will not disappear.

The tattoos on the body of a spiritual medium will not appear normally. They will only appear when ghosts are used.

In other words, if Jiang Xia doesn't want to be seen with the same tattoo as his anonymous name, then when he takes a bath in the hot spring, he must let all the ghosts shrink back into the space of the tattoo... But for a psychic, it is difficult to have a few ghosts around him. Just a ghost, really very bottomless.

So in the end only Mao Lilan went to soak.

Before leaving, she invited Conan by the way.

If only Conan was there, he would definitely be happy. But now, Jiang Xia, who knows his true age, is also present.

Conan didn't want to be regarded as a shameless old pervert by his classmates, so he struggled weakly for a few times before being happily carried away by Mao Lilan.

There are many seats in the lobby of the hot spring hotel. Mouri Kogoro and his classmates sat at a table and were chatting.

Among these old classmates, there was an old man with a bald head who had a lot of murderous aura around him.

After Mao Lilan and Conan left, Jiang Xia originally wanted to sit at Mao Li Kogoro's table to be closer to the murderous aura.

But just as he stood up, he suddenly saw a familiar man with dark skin and blond hair walking into the hall holding a book.

——It turned out to be Toru Amuro.

Jiang Xia was startled for a moment, and then he understood why there was murderous intent in more than one place in this hotel - it turned out that there was more than just Kogoro Mouri and Conan in the incident, and there was also an extra one hidden there.

Jiang Xia's movement of standing up and stopping was slightly abrupt, and Toru Amuro instantly noticed the strange movement here.

He glanced over calmly and was a little surprised to recognize Jiang Xia.

Soon, Toru Amuro turned around, walked towards Jiang Xia, and sat down next to him.

This place is some distance away from Mouri Kogoro's location and far away from other guests.

Jiang Xia touched the ghost on his hand, and he suddenly remembered that he had not told Toru Amuro that he had been promoted to a formal member.

...I don’t know if Toru Amuro found out on his own.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia made a brief observation and felt that the answer was no. Amuro Toru's attitude towards him now was no different from before.

Thinking about it, Toru Amuro is not a member of the Human Resources Department after all, so he cannot have regular access to his information. The so-called "calling people" in the past was just to say hello to the Human Resources Department.

But now, Jiang Xia has been promoted to a formal member, and her identity is kept more confidential than before. Of course, no one would deliberately notify Toru Amuro of this change. Even if Toru Amuro took the initiative to investigate, he could only find out the identities of Jiang Xia's former peripheral members without a superior mission and without knowing the code name.

At this time, Jiang Xia secretly glanced at Toru Amuro, who was sitting next to him, thought for a moment, hesitated to speak, and finally decided not to say anything.

Toru Amuro, the undercover agent, loves the country deeply and is also quite responsible for his job as a public security officer.

As far as Jiang Xia knows, the island country's public security has collected a lot of information about other people's undercover agents and entered it into the computer, without properly guarding it, making the information easily stolen.

What if he told Toru Amuro about his promotion to a full member, and Toru Amuro backhandedly put "Usa" on the police's undercover list, or on the treason list, and then those information were stolen by Zhenshu...


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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