Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2072 2072 [Stay away from the script]

Chapter 2072 2072

There was a shallow layer of water at the bottom of the bathtub. The young woman sitting in it had her clothes wet from bottom to top, but her upper body far away from the water showed no trace of water splashing, as if she had not struggled in the bathtub before she died. .

At this moment, a flash of silver flashed in the corner of his eye. Jiang Xia lowered her head and found a staple falling from the edge of the bathtub. It landed on the silver bathtub, which was very inconspicuous.

Jiang Xia pointed at this tiny piece of physical evidence: "It's a little strange to have a staple in the bathroom. Let's take a photo of it. Maybe it will come in handy."

"Okay." Police Department Mumu stepped forward subconsciously, and then realized that he didn't need to do this alone. He cleared his throat to summon a forensics officer, and at the same time poked his head from the corridor and glanced into the living room.

"Mr. Xun seems to have calmed down." He looked at Lawyer Xun who was no longer holding his head in discomfort, and came back to Jiang Xia and said, "Go and ask him about the situation?"

Jiang Xia nodded: "Speaking of this matter, I am actually a witness."

The Mumu Police Department was startled: "Huh?"

Jiang Xia: "Lawyer Xun came to see me at noon because he suspected that his wife had cheated on her and wanted me to investigate the details."

Memu Police Department: "!"

He immediately called for Miwako Sato: "Go and check carefully about lawyer Tatsumi." Now the barrister is a high-priority suspect.

After all, experience shows that when someone dies at home, there is a high chance that the other spouse will commit a crime. And when one of the parties has a green head, the possibility of killing his wife or husband will skyrocket.

All in all, it’s a big problem!

"Our relationship as a couple does have some twists and turns."

In the living room, Lawyer Xun didn't feel panic when he heard the police's questioning. He just said calmly and honestly: "I asked the detective to entrust me to investigate He Mei's affair, but I really love her.

"I understand that she is young and ignorant, and it is normal for her to make mistakes. So even if she does cheat, I will not kill people to solve the problem - not to mention that the 'cheating' thing is just some uneasy conjectures of mine. I Now she is not even sure whether she has a lover, so how could she kill someone?"

It sounds quite sincere.

However, Megure's police department has been approving the files at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department for many years, and his heart has long been as cold as iron - whether the suspect is guilty or not has no say, everything can only depend on the detective and the evidence.

Jiang Xia always felt that something was missing. It took a few seconds to remember that no one came to report to him this time, and Miwako Sato went to check on lawyer Tatsumi.

But it's not a big problem. There are many useful police officers in the current Police Department.

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia casually raised his hand and caught Officer Takagi who was passing by.

Takagi Wataru, who was busy investigating: "?"

Jiang Xia looked straight at the information in his arms.

Officer Takagi was busy today, and when he reminded him, he suddenly remembered.

He slapped his forehead and realized later: "I didn't see you when I entered the crime scene. I thought you weren't here."

In the past, when Jiang Xia encountered a murder case, he would call the police. After he came to the scene, he would find Jiang Xia to understand the simple situation and then deploy the situation... But this time he had just solved a case, and as soon as he turned around, a murder occurred next door, and he rushed in first. It's the police.

Officer Takagi did not meet the detective when he entered the scene, and the process was disrupted immediately.

Gao Mushe: "..." Sure enough, working overtime makes people smarter, and they actually forgot that Jiang Xia was behind them this time.

He patted his dizzy head, tried to cheer up, and showed Jiang Xia the information: "The autopsy results haven't been released yet, but judging from the general condition of the body, the time of death should be between 11:00 and 12:00 noon. between."

Jiang Xia nodded thoughtfully: "It happens to be the time for us to discuss the commission in the hotel."

Maya Hashimoto suddenly realized: This is too coincidental. It was such a coincidence that I knew there was a conspiracy behind it at a glance.

It seemed that his previous intuition was correct. Lawyer Xun was talking to the detective to help him make an alibi.


"No wonder he had to harp on and talk about a simple matter for more than an hour. It turned out that he wanted the commission time to overlap with the death time of the deceased, so that Jiang Xia and I would become his alibi. .”

Maya Hashimoto touched her chin like Jiang Xia, and thought to herself: "But his home is not too close to the hotel. After talking about the commission, he might not have time to rush home and kill people. In this case, wouldn't he really be absent?" Proved?"

What script did the boss write this time?

Maya Hashimoto couldn't help but wonder as she thought about it.

After a moment, he woke up and shuddered: "..." I can't think about it anymore, stop!

Taking an interest in Uzzo and his script was a recipe for disaster. Looking back on the past times when he tried to figure out Uzzo's script, he never got it right.

Some detective assistants quietly started paddling.

Some suspects were very cooperative in describing the situation to the police.

Lawyer Xun sighed: "As you know, I'm very busy at work. After consulting the client at noon, several of my clients came to the hotel to talk to me about their next court appearance - I didn't leave the hotel suite until the evening and returned home. Go home to pick up things. Unexpectedly, as soon as you entered the house, you found that the bathroom door was open, and inside..."

Speaking of this, he covered his face in pain, as if he didn't want to recall his wife's tragic death.

"So, you had an alibi for the whole process?" Police Department Megu also scratched his head in pain.

If Lawyer Xun was not the murderer, then they would have to start their investigation with home invasions, robbery and murder, and then look for a needle in a haystack to find a gangster that they didn't know existed. Or you have to suspect that your lover committed the murder and go find that lover who also doesn't know whether he exists or not. In addition, it may be that Mrs. Xun offended her brothers, sisters, friends and colleagues... Thinking about this terrible workload, he was almost bald.

This forced him to use his brain. Under heavy pressure, the Mumu Police Department suddenly had an idea: "We haven't done an autopsy yet, and there is water under the body, so the rough estimate of the time of death may have a certain deviation - we don't have time to kill after negotiating the commission, and It doesn’t mean there wasn’t one before talking about the commission.

"It's also possible that you killed Mrs. Xun at home before going to the hotel, and then quickly asked a detective to testify..."

Lawyer Xun interrupted: "Police officer, if you say someone else is the murderer without evidence, you will be prosecuted."

Memu Police Department: "!"

Oops, I was busy and forgot.

What's worse is that the man opposite is a lawyer.

Lawyer Xun smiled: "But you are also thinking about my wife, I understand. As for your doubts, first of all, I have been in the hotel before asking Mr. Jiang Xia for entrustment. Many of my clients and hotel service staff have been worried about this matter." Can prove.

"Besides, even if I returned home before that, it doesn't prove that I am the murderer - right, Mr. Hashimoto next to me?"

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