Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2091 2091 [My good subordinates]

This photo proves that the black-skinned man has no alibi - the person who kidnapped Katori Akane was actually the "outsider" who was supposed to have nothing to do with the incident.

Jiang Xia glanced at the hot air balloon in the distance: "I finished tying up the people at the Windmill Wooden House at around 1 o'clock, and showed up here again at around 2 o'clock. I shouldn't be able to go too far with the hostages. I should be able to find the missing people along these two places." Miss Katori.”

On the other side, Maya Hashimoto sneaked across half of the field to go to the meeting place with Ireland. On the way, he pressed his knitted hat and pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose to confirm that his outfit was very recognizable, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief - I hope Lord Uzo can recognize this as his loyal subordinate at any time. , don’t accidentally injure yourself.

Just as he was thinking about it, while walking through a relatively old alley, he suddenly saw two familiar figures.

Maya Hashimoto was startled and quickly ducked behind the obstacle. Looking over there quietly, he found Grandma Oga in a kimono standing alone with the dark-skinned man. The two were whispering something, and the atmosphere seemed relaxed.

"The old man and the young man are quite chatty..."

Maya Hashimoto carefully avoided anyone she knew, took a shortcut, and hurried to the designated meeting place in Ireland.

The cadres of the organization each have a sniper rifle, and everyone seems to have a special liking for high places. Maya Hashimoto has heard of people who like to ride roller coasters before trading, and people who like to ride Ferris wheels when they have nothing to do... and Ireland seems to have the same habit.

Maya Hashimoto raised her head, looked far away, and saw the hot air balloon playground in front of her.

"It's true that you can get an overview of the whole situation while sitting on this thing, but after it takes off, it won't reach the sky or the ground. Isn't it a bit dangerous?" Maya Hashimoto criticized the meeting place chosen by her former boss.

However, there are many tourists in Huis Ten Bosch. Apart from hot air balloons, there are few places that are absolutely quiet and can not be eavesdropped. As long as you check the power unit carefully before taking off, there shouldn't be a big problem.

Thinking of this, Maya Hashimoto approached there anxiously.

After he left.

On the roadside, Grandma Dahe and the dark-skinned man were still chatting.

Like a cute and considerate grandchild, the dark-skinned man asked Grandma Dahe: "I remember you said yesterday that you like heights?"

Grandma Dahe: "That's right."

At this time, she looked ahead. Across an artificial lake full of Western European style, she accidentally saw a large round ball whose painting style was incompatible with its surroundings.

"Huh? What is that, a hot air balloon?" When Grandma Dahe said this, she suddenly understood, "You want to sit on that one."

The dark-skinned man smiled: "Yes, this is something really high enough." It can make people fly to heaven.

The originally quiet hot air balloon field is about to become lively.

But all this has nothing to do with the detectives and the group of detectives who are still looking for Akane Katori.

"Where is it?" Suzuki Sonoko ran to many small attractions and was panting from exhaustion. She took the drink Jiang Xia bought at some point and took a gulp of it, finally feeling better. "This tourist area It's too big. Why build it so big? My legs will break if I run."

Mao Lilan drank another bottle and felt the same way: "Before, I thought it would be easier to find a living person than the lost little ring. Who knows..."

Who knew that compared with the entire scenic spot, people are no better than the ring. You can't find it after throwing it in a corner.

Curacao remembered what happened not long ago, and turned his eyes towards the river, looking at the spacious canal: It must be in the river.

Just then, the nearby bell tower jingled. She was startled and turned around to see what she found.

"There were five bells hanging there, but they only made four sounds." Conan suddenly looked there, "Some of the bells didn't seem to ring!"

Curacao glanced at him in surprise: This kid is quite powerful.

But after all, he is a little kid who hangs out with Uzuosi every day. When he thinks about it, any abnormality suddenly becomes normal. Moreover, this kind of long series of retro clocks has great appeal to children. Curacao didn't think much about it. Seeing Jiang Xia and the others running towards the bell tower, she followed the crowd.

Entering the bell tower, they walked up the steps and suddenly saw a dark thing behind the shelf - like a person lying on the ground.

Jiang Xia walked over and lifted the cloth on the ground, and it turned out to be Katori Akane underneath.

Katori Akane's high heels were hooked on a string. Seeing that people were really attracted, she was excited for a moment: "Quick, go find grandma, Takahashi wants to kill her!"

Mao Lilan knelt down to help her untie the rope, while Jiang Xia glanced at Suzuki Sonoko: "Call and ask."

Suzuki Sonoko responded and dialed the groom's phone number. She didn't have time to exchange greetings. After getting through, she went straight to the point and said, "Where is your grandma now?"

"Grandma?" The groom scratched his head. After a while, he remembered, "Oh, Mr. Takahashi seemed to have taken her to ride a hot air balloon just now. He said that if he made grandma happy, our wedding would be fine."

Suzuki Sonoko got angry when she heard his naive tone: "Hurry up and call her and tell her not to sit down. That Mr. Takahashi may be a dangerous person!"

the other side.

a few minutes ago.

Compared with the old lady on the other side, Maya Hashimoto is, after all, a young man in his prime.

He was tall and had long legs, and he walked very fast because of his guilty conscience. Therefore, although he set off late, he arrived at the hot air balloon venue earlier than the black-skinned man and Grandma Dahe.

The hot air balloons here are very impressive. The hanging basket below is five to six meters wide in diameter. For safety, there is a fence around it that is as high as the chest.

It is actually not the time for the hot air balloon to open now, but Ireland spent two gold medal VIP tickets with organizational funds, so this hot air balloon can open a show specially for him.

Maya Hashimoto came to the hot air balloon. The staff looked at his tightly covered appearance and was startled: "Are you...Mr. George?"

Maya Hashimoto nodded.

The staff opened a small door on the fence: "Please come in, your friend is already waiting inside."

Maya Hashimoto stepped in bravely, and immediately saw Ireland sitting opposite, whom she had not been away for a long time... No, it should be said that although she had not been away for too long, it felt as if she had been away for a long time.

Sure enough, as Uzo said, Ireland did not show a fierce look or sneer when he saw him. Instead, he showed a little condolence smile, as if to commend him for his recent good work. From this point of view, this former boss He actually didn't know that his confidant had been transferred to another position.

...And it happened to be transferred to his opponent's name.

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