Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2093 2093 [Irish Sky Journey]

Chapter 2093 2093 [Ireland Sky Journey]

Bombs were ticking somewhere.

Not far away, before Maya Hashimoto's email was sent, she actually received one first.

[The hero is on his way to save you, please be patient. ]

Maya Hashimoto was startled, and for a moment he had mixed feelings in his heart. He almost wanted to shout loudly, "Uzo-sama!", but after glancing at Ireland next to him, he swallowed his words quietly.

But touching is still indispensable: I didn’t expect that at such a life-and-death moment, it would be that terrible demon... Well, it was that powerful adult who gave him a glimmer of hope. This is really surprising.

But then again...

"Hero? Is it Jiang Xia?" Maya Hashimoto looked out of the hanging basket, "In such a troublesome situation, Jiang Xia really has a way to save... Huh? What is that!!"

On the path leading to the hot air balloon park below, a small figure was speeding on a skateboard - yes, a small figure.

The person who came was actually not Jiang Xia, but that first-grade primary school student!

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Lord Usa! Don't you really think about other candidates? Will this "hero" really save people, instead of adding insult to injury and killing my competitor in a hot air balloon? !

Thinking of Conan's various deeds so far, Maya Hashimoto looked desperate.

Next to him, Ireland saw his gaze and snorted coldly: "It's not the time to despair yet. It hasn't been long since we started acting alone. Why have you become so worthless?"

Maya Hashimoto came back to her senses: "..." It's not a question of despair or not, it's that I feel like someone is trying to harm me.

Ireland failed to see the cry of despair in his heart. This cadre who never admits defeat stopped at one place. He stepped lightly on the ground: "The bomb should be on the back of the floor here."

Grandma Dahe was confused for a long time, and finally caught up with the progress: "You want to dismantle it?"

She remembered something and looked down, seeing the dark-skinned man looking at her from a distance and what he was holding in his hand.

In an instant, Grandma Dahe vaguely understood, and she sighed: "I'm afraid this bomb is controlled by someone. It will activate the moment you start to dismantle it. That person is coming for me, and it will hurt you - I Issue your will now, and after your death I will pay your family huge amounts of compensation and give you a grand burial with the highest standards."

Maya Hashimoto: "Well, there's no rush to discuss the funeral or anything like that. I think we can still save things - you sit down, you sit next to me first and so on."

Ireland estimated the distance between the dark-skinned man and his eyes fell on the heavy backpack behind Maya Hashimoto: "There is nothing important in it."

Maya Hashimoto thought of the parachute inside, felt guilty and shook her head repeatedly.

Ireland then took the bag, and while the dark-skinned man was looking down at the remote control, he rounded his arms and threw the bag out with a swish.

Maya Hashimoto: "???" My parachute——! !

Although low-altitude skydiving without injury requires a little skill, no matter how high the probability of an accident is, it is definitely lower than jumping directly.

Under his heartbroken gaze, his second life streaked across the sky, drawing a heavy parabola and hitting the black-skinned man with a thud.

The dark-skinned man was caught off guard, fainted with a groan, and the remote control fell to the ground with a clatter.

The three people on the hot air balloon breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

But then he mentioned it again

——The beeping sound of the bombs doesn’t stop!

This actually seems to have dual control of timing and manual control!

Despair enveloped the hot air balloon.

But Ireland, as an Avenger, certainly cannot fall at such a time. He immediately rushed to the bomb and said to Maya Hashimoto: "Go down and take a look."

After a pause, he felt that his subordinates were just desperate for survival. To be on the safe side, he changed his words and said, "Forget it, just hold on to me and I'll go take a look."

After all, they had been partners for many years. Although their confidants have now become a serious problem due to some force majeure factors, some of the tacit understanding from the past still remains. And now, the desire to live is the same.

Hashimoto Maya grabbed Ireland's ankle, Ireland made an upside-down golden hook, crossed the fence and saw the bottom of the hanging basket.

I saw someone using two wide tapes to cross-post a bomb and detonator on the chassis of the hot air balloon.

Ireland ripped it off and threw the bomb as far as he could.

Seeing the deadly thing getting further and further away, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

But before the breath was released, suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and the hot air balloon suddenly swayed. Ireland also swayed, and the scene was extremely thrilling.

At this moment, Conan rushed to the scene on his skateboard.

The heroic primary school student looked up and saw this thrilling scene.

He actually didn't see clearly who was hanging upside down on the edge of the hot air balloon, but that didn't stop him from using the belt the doctor gave him to rub out a football. Conan squatted down and unscrewed the foot-strength-enhancing shoes, aiming at the angle and kicking over.

The football was like a shooting star that shot backwards, piercing the air. When Ireland sensed something was wrong, it crashed in front of him.

In fact, the ball just wanted to kick him diagonally upward, giving him a chance to get back into the hot air balloon.

But this intensity, this breaking news, coupled with this thrilling moment... The DNA of Ireland made him just feel that someone was sneaking up on him.

Without thinking, Ireland twisted sideways and narrowly dodged the football.

The next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

——With such a twist, the originally sturdy shoe suddenly slipped off. Maya Hashimoto failed to catch it, and he slipped down completely.

Maya Hashimoto: "!"

Conan: "!!"


In the distance, Jiang Xia walked up to the dark-skinned man and looked down.

When he raised his head again, he suddenly realized that he was about to open a blind box.

Jiang Xia: "..." Is this a bit sudden?

While wondering, he instinctively ran a few steps in that direction.

However, the imagined scene of "Ireland falling to the ground and turning into a ghost" did not happen - at the critical moment, Ireland's desire for survival exploded. He grabbed the broken rope used to fix the hot air balloon, and then bowed and stepped on it. , grabbing the thick rope used to fix the hot air balloon in the wind.

Jiang Xia: "..." You are too lively.

...However, for organizational cadres, this level of risk aversion can be considered a routine operation.

It was only then that the hot-air balloon staff came to their senses and hurriedly recovered the balloon.

Ireland escaped unscathed and lowered his head in a cold sweat. He thought about how he saw Jiang Xia running this way when he almost fell.

"He is so desperate to rush over to save people. Although he can't help on the ground, his intentions are commendable." Ireland thought to himself, "I actually suspected that he and Uzo were colluding before... Fortunately, he woke up enough later. morning."

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