Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2106 2106 [Twins]


The police officer from the forensics department who was checking for leaks in the corridor outside heard the noise and broke in angrily: "Don't mess with the crime scene!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Yamamura Cao holding an iron rod.


Looking at each other for a moment, he slowly withdrew and returned to his work as if nothing had happened.

Yamamura was holding the iron rod awkwardly.

Jiang Xia: "It turns out that you have discovered a gap here a long time ago."

"!" Yamamura looked at him gratefully, "Yes, yes! Let me just say, how could the murderer disappear out of thin air? He must have escaped through the window!"

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Jiang Xia is such a good person.

Curacao: "..." Oh, Uzo is just a police officer's little trick.

Jiang Xia looked at the other two iron rods. Shan Cuncao understood and quickly put on his gloves to get them.

However, the other two cannot be removed, and only the middle one can be moved.

"How could this happen?" Yamamura Cao had just concluded that the murderer escaped through the window, but now, he moved closer to compare and found that a normal person could not get out of the gap.

"If an adult man can't do it..." He turned around and his eyes fell on the old, weak and sick children who came with Jiang Xia, "Is it a woman or a child?"

Leng Buding was classified as a suspect in Curacao: "?"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and a policeman came in and reported: "Police Department, the victim's belongings have been found. Do you want to come over and confirm."

When "Akanuma" came to visit last night, he brought a leather bag with him.

At this time, the bag and its contents were taken out by the police and placed together one by one.

"Pen, lighter, handkerchief, mobile phone..." Yamamura looked at them one by one, "There is nothing special."

Mrs. Xun followed behind and watched, her face gradually becoming a little strange. She asked carefully: "Does he really only have these luggage?"

The police officer was startled and looked at her: "That's all in the bag. What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Mrs. Xun quickly lowered her head: "No, it's nothing."

Yamamura Cao looked over suspiciously.

Even he noticed that Mrs. Xun seemed to be hiding something, and the same was true for others.

Conan: "I remember that the 'Cursed Samurai' also attacked you the night before yesterday - maybe not only Mr. Akanuma, but you and other members of the Tatsumi family are also targets of the murderer. If there are not enough clues to solve the case, this case may not be over. oh."

The innocent childish voice was chatting about this kind of serial murder. Several policemen nearby heard it and shuddered silently. They thought that the little brats around the famous detective were different and braver than even their police department.

Yamamura sneezed "Ah!" and looked at his subordinates suspiciously.

The policemen dispersed, pretending to be doing their own business.

Yamamura snorted and looked at Mrs. Tatsumi again: "What do you think there should be in his bag? Don't hide it, these clues may be very important!"

Mrs. Sunda wrung her hands, hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed: "It's money. The money I gave to Mr. Akanuma is missing."

"Money?" Yamamura Cao was stunned, "Why did you give him money?"

Mrs. Xun looked troubled.

At this time, someone outside the door sighed and walked in.

Jiang Xia looked up and found that it was Rintaro Fuyuki, the only designated doctor in the village.

Dr. Fuyuki looked at his employer and said warmly: "Madam, now that the matter is over, let's tell them this."

Mrs. Xun still didn't want to say anything, but the matter was so important that she didn't stop her.

Doctor Fuyuki then said for her:

"Mr. Akanuma was asked by his wife to help - although he claimed to be a friend of the deceased family head, in fact this was just an excuse.

"Actually, he suddenly showed up a week ago. At that time, he called his wife and said that he was her child."

The group of people were stunned when they heard this: "Mrs. Sunda's child... isn't it only Sunda Seimaru himself?"

Mrs. Xun shook her head: "Actually, I gave birth to twins, but in the end, only Zhengwan was left. The other child unfortunately passed away just after birth. I also heard what the doctor said. In fact, I didn't even see that child. Never seen it.

"'Akanuma' came here because of this incident. At that time, he was also dressed like a black man, with his whole body covered tightly and wearing a veil.

"I couldn't believe it, so I asked him to show me his face. But who knew that after he lifted the veil..."

Suzuki Sonoko held her breath when she heard this: "Is there the same face as Tatsuma Seimaru inside?"

Mrs. Xun shook her head: "It was a face that was full of scars and could not be recognized at all. He said that he had experienced a serious fire and unfortunately his face was burned."

Yamamura Cao did not expect such a development: "It seems to be a fake, so why did you give him money? Did you take him for a DNA test?"

Dr. Fuyuki shook his head: "I suggested that my wife give him the money. Although that man looks like a fake no matter how you look at it, his purpose is very clear - he just wants a sum of money.

"Now is the critical moment for Zhengmaru to inherit the Tatsumi family. Regardless of whether he is genuine or not, it is inconvenient for him to appear at this time.

"And the amount of money he asked for is a lot for ordinary people, but it is nothing for the Xun family, so we plan to give him money to stabilize him, and we will wait until the succession is over."

"I see."

Suddenly an arrogant voice came from the door.

Everyone was startled and turned to look over, finding that Ryunosuke Tatsumi had slipped to the door at some point and overheard the conversation.

"Akanuma and Seimaru are twins." Tatsumi Ryunosuke looked confident, "In this case, I already know who the murderer is."

Yamamura Cao: "..." This person solves the case faster than Jiang Xia?

In line with the principle of not listening in vain, he asked doubtfully: "Who is it?"

Tatsumi Ryuunosuke: "Of course it's Tatsuma Seimaru! That guy must have thought that if he had a brother, that person would be equal to him in the future and would share his property - he was the only one who managed to climb up to the position of head of the family. How could a person like this endure such a thing? So he killed the annoying Akaneuma, and he still used such a cruel method as the owl's head."

Mrs. Xun: "Don't say that, Zhengmaru..."

Tatsumi Ryunosuke: "Then let him come out for a confrontation! I haven't seen him since this morning. That guy is as timid as a mouse, but also has a bad temper. He must have regretted it after killing people, so he stayed overnight He ran away and hid in the mountains."

Mrs. Xun said anxiously: "Zhengmaru didn't run away! He just had something urgent. He went out with Senda early in the morning. He will definitely be back soon!"

"Senda?" Tatsumi Ryunosuke smiled even more proudly and pointed behind him, "Isn't Senda right there? Why can't I see that boy's shadow?"

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